
Saturday 15 December 2012

The Ultimate Christmas Tag....

I saw another fab tag on and I thought I would give it a go....
I love Christmas....My favorite time of the year!

1. The Christmas songs I can even listen to in June is… Fairytale of New York.....It is so wrong for a Christmas song but that makes it so right! What other song could get away with lyrics of....

You´re a bum you´re a punk
You´re an old slut on junk
Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed
You scumbag you maggot
You cheap lousy faggot
Happy christmas your arse I pray god it´s our last.

2. Hot chocolate, egg nog or mulled wine? 
Hot chocolate for me....Mulled wine - Yuck and I don't think I've ever tried egg nog...
3. When do you put your decorations up? 
 This year the tree went up on the 1st of December....Some streamers and wall decorations on the 2nd and we're adding to the chaos every few days....When the kids get more christmas cards they will be hung on the wall too...

4. What are you having for Christmas dinner? 
Turkey and Pork for the meat......Then mashed potatoes, roast potatoes, swede, roast parsnips, carrots, peas, pigs in blankets, broccoli, sprouts, cauliflower all covered in gravy....With apple sauce, mint sauce & probably cranberry sauce....All washed down with a few glasses of bucks fizz!

5. What’s your favourite Christmas tradition? 
I have a few favourite traditions....On christmas eve we all have a bath and get new pj's so we're all clean for Santa coming....We spread reindeer dust outside so Santa's reindeer's know where to come....I always have a glass of Bucks Fizz while doing the dinner and we always play board games on Christmas day afternoon....

6. Have you even gone carole singing? No never...I'm not the best singer.....I was in the school choir though and we did the Christmas concert one year...

7. When did you discover the truth about Santa?
I can't really remember.....I was probably about 10 years old....I think I just figured it out....My mam knew I didn't believe but swore me to secrecy and not to let my younger brother know...

8. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? 
We have gold and red baubles and gold and red tinsel with sparkly lights...Each year we buy the kids a new decoration each to put on the tree....This year Ellie got a penguin and Becky a Father Christmas....
9. What’s the best thing about Christmas?
There's not one thing for me....It's lots of things which make christmas great! The shopping & preparing....Seeing the kids opening the presents, the food, the music, getting presents, the Christmas tv is great and ohh all of it!!

10. All I want for Christmas is…Yooouuu!! Oops my inner Mariah Carey came I want the kids to have a great time, like their presents and us all to be happy!!

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