
Tuesday 14 January 2014

The Contraceptive Implant....

*Warning - There will be mentions of periods and a couple of pictures not for the squeamish in this blog post!! lol* 

It's all about the Contraceptive implant....Whenever I seem to read about it...It's negative....People didn't get on with it or they just don't like the thought of it....Here's my experience with it....

About 6 years ago....Shortly after Ellie was born I started to look at contraceptive options....I first went on the pill and the one I tried gave me really bad headaches....I gave it a fortnight before I was back at the doctors asking for something else....They gave me another pill and that made me sick....Not just once or twice it was worse then morning sickness.....I was then giving the option of the injection (I don't like needles) or the Contraceptive Implant!!....I choose that!!

The contraceptive implant is a small flexible tube about 40mm long that's inserted under the skin of your upper arm.The implant stops the release of an egg from the ovary by slowly releasing progestogen into your body. Progestogen thickens the cervical mucus and thins the womb lining. This makes it harder for sperm to move through your cervix, and less likely for your womb to accept a fertilised egg. If implanted correctly, it's more than 99% effective. It's very useful for women who know they don't want to get pregnant for a while. Once the implant is in place, you don't have to think about contraception for three years. 

What are the advantages of using a contraceptive implant?
You do not have to remember to take a pill every day.
You only have to think about contraception every three years.
It does not interfere with sex.
It can be used when breast-feeding.
Period pain is usually less.
It can used by some women who cannot take pills that contain oestrogen.
It may help to protect against pelvic infection as the mucous plug in the cervix may help to prevent bacteria from travelling into the uterus. 

What are the disadvantages of using a contraceptive implant?
The release of progestogen will usually cause changes to the pattern of periods. During the first year, it is common to have irregular bleeding. Sometimes periods are heavier and longer than before. They usually settle back into a regular pattern after the first year, but may remain irregular. In some women the periods become infrequent and light, or even stop all together. One in five women with the implant have no bleeding. However, one in two have irregular bleeding which can be a nuisance.

Other side effects that some women report are:
Breast tenderness
Changes in mood
Loss of sex drive

These side effects usually stop after the first few months. If you have prolonged or severe headaches or other side effects, tell your doctor.

Some women put on weight while using the implant, but there is no evidence to show that the implant causes weight gain. 

For me I am so lucky!....Well I think I am! I am one of the lucky ladies who has barely any bleeding....I have gone the most 10 months without any bleeding then when I did have a period there were no period pains and it was so light and only lasted about 3 days!!

The only time my periods have been a bit iffy have been the last 6 months before I am due to get it replaced....3 weeks I was bleeding on and off recently....I felt bloated and really yucky!

The only real complaint I have had about the Contraceptive Implant was 3 years ago when I had it replaced something went wrong with the dressing....The bandage was put on too tight and I could hardly move my arm without being in agony....I took the bandage off and along with the expected bruising there was 4 huge blisters under the strips....The strips had been put on too tight along with the bandage.... I made a quick panicked call to the NHS direct who eased my worries and after the strips were taken off there were some horrible marks but thankfully now I have no scarring! 

These are the pictures from 3 years ago.... 

Friday I went to the hospital to have it changed....It's classed as minor surgery....Eek! They were great! It took longer to answer all the questions then to actually replace the implant....

I did panic a little bit when she injected my arm with the anesthetic....I have a major fear of needles and of not being numb properly and having to feel the pain! All stemming from when I had Ellie by c-section and halfway through the numbness started to wear off....Not nice at all!!

I was fine....Just a bit of pulling and pushing...The woman made a cut and pulled the old one out....Then put the new one in it's place!! Getting the old one out felt worse then the new one being put in....I couldn't feel any pain....Just pressure!!

I told them my worries about the dressing and they were very careful to get everything right and used some different type of strips to close the cut in my arm...The woman didn't put the bandage on too tight but when the anesthetic wore off it was sore....I'm a wimp when it comes to pain!! I didn't sleep properly all weekend as I usually lay on the same side as my sore arm...I can't sleep on the other side as my arm presses on my boob and it hurts....My arm not my So I have been sleeping on my back with a pillow under my arm....Yes I'm a drama queen!! lol

Monday morning I took the bandage off and Monday evening the big plaster!! Rather bruised but no blisters!! I'm so pleased! Tuesday evening I took the strips off and there was a little pin There's nothing to it!!

*Updated* It's Friday today and the bruising has gone and my arm is all back to normal!! Yippee!! 


  1. Ugh at the photos of your arm when it went wrong! I had a similar result from a blood test done by a student nurse, huge issue with blood tests now! making me cringe just thinking about it! I think after I've had this baby hubby can have the snip, I will have gone through the agony of childbirth twice, it's his turn to suffer!

    1. It was horrible!!
      That sounds fair enough! We do the childbirth the men can have the snip....hehehe x

  2. There's some great information here for anyone thinking of changing their contraception. It's great that you feel comfortable enough to share your experience. Those bruises looked awful! I use a copper coil for my contraception. For a long time I was on the pill but the mood swings and constant headaches made me want to change. Now, although my periods are more painful, last longer and are heavier, I'm feeling better. I don't have to think about contraception for 5 years, 10 if I choose a different coil, and Ibuprofen is great for the pain. :) #AllAboutYou

    1. Thank you!....I could find facts and statistics online but no personal experiences which were positive so thought I'd share mine!!
      I never even thought about using the coil....I don't think I could cope with heavy, painful periods now after having barely any for 6 years....hehehe x

  3. Forgive me, I am sooooo squeamish. But it sounds like a great way of dealing with contraception if your body doesn't totally go crazy about the extra hormones like mine does! Thanks so much for linking up to the #AllAboutYou Link&Pin Party, it's an educational post and a half!

    1. hahaha! I'm squeamish when it comes to other people too....hehehe
      Thank you x

  4. I love my implant i have had mine in nearly 3 years and its been perfect, i am feeling anxious about having it removed later this year .. xx

    1. Try not to worry....It's a strange feeling when they pull it out...Just pressure no pain...If you're getting it replaced they put the new one back in the same place...It's nothing to worry about....I'm a wimp and I survived! lol x

  5. I had no periods at all on mine and got caught pregnant within a month of it coming out

    1. Ohh I knew you could fall pregnant quickly but gosh that is quick!

  6. Oh no, your poor arm :( I am so afraid of things like this ,,, I don't like pain ...

    1. It's fine now....Just a little bit tender! :D

  7. Ugh, glad its ok now. I have always been scared of these things, luckily the pill works great for me so far

  8. Oh dear, looks quite sore. I don't think I will opt for that myself once baby is born. One of my friends has been on it for the past 6 months and has reported weight gain, have you experienced that yourself?

    1. I did put on a bit of weight but not that much....For me I would rather have a little weight gain then the painful periods I used to have x

  9. Thanks for sharing your experience! I was told I couldn't take any contraception with hormones because the pill gave me such bad migraines it was too much of a risk and my only option was the coil (of the people I know with it they haven't had good experiences) but after seeing a few doctors I now could try the implant because it's progestogen only but have been a bit of a wuss so thanks for sharing that it isn't so bad after all!

    1. I'm a complete If I can do it anyone can! x

  10. Thanks for the info. I had no idea it could leave such bad brusings. I'm so pleased i don't have to deal with contraception any more as my hubby has had the snip. Popping over from AllAboutYou Link & Pin Party so come say hi!
