
Wednesday 22 January 2014

Wet weather, Cold Weather, I don't like this weather!

I'm sick of it this weather!! Yes I am!! I don't like rain and I don't like cold weather and we've had to much of it lately!! I know it's winter and we should expect it but it doesn't mean I have to like it!

I can just to say cope with the cold as long as it's dry but it seems like it's rained just about everyday since New Years Day!!....It's been either lashing down, that fine mizzly mist like rain and when it's not raining it's still damp and too cold outside!....It's no good for me!!... 

The washing baskets are overflowing....I hate using the tumble drier...It's far too expensive and I really don't want another high electric bill!....At the moment I'm only washing what I have to and drying things on the radiators and clothes horse.....

Ohh and there is the school run! Not much fun in the rain at all...The walk always seems twice as far when you're cold and wet....If it's going to rain you can guarantee it will rain at about about 2.50pm just when I'm picking the girls up from school....I do sometimes wish I'd learned how to drive....The good thing is by the time we get home after school it's coming in dark so I don't feel guilty about putting the heating on and having hot chocolate in our pj's... 

This is the weather forecast for the next few days!! It doesn't look very good does it!! I'm hoping that the rain forecast comes on a morning and is cleared by the afternoon so I can at least get some washing done!!

On a weekend we have struggled to get outside because of the weather....I get my groceries delivered so there is no real reason to go out apart from giving the kids some fresh air and exercise!! It's just so tempting to stay in the warm....

The odds of this month being the wettest ever have been cut by Ladbrokes. As more rain descends upon the UK the bookies have been forced to cut the odds of January being the wettest ever on record to just 6/4. It's also odds-on at 4/5 that 2014 sets a new record as the year with the most rainfall.

Jessica Bridge a PR and Communications Executive for Ladbrokes recently said "The odds are falling as quick as the rain and it looks like January's downpours will enter the record books."

Ladbrokes latest betting

2014 to be the wettest year on record    4/5
January 2014 to be the wettest on record  6/4

All that's missing is the snow....We've had none over this winter...Well unless you count the 5 minutes we had up here in Northumberland in the middle of November....We had a bit of sleet just before Christmas but I think it's just been far too wet for the white stuff!!

It was actually a year ago today I wrote this blog post about how sick I was of the snow...Usually up here we've have had lots of snow by this time in the winter....It has been colder this week so there is still hope! 

The girls are really hoping it snows soon....There has been lots of talk about snowmen, sledging, snow angels and snowball fights....They love the snow....I do too when it's freshly laid not so much when it turns to slush and ice!! 

The February half term holidays will be with us before we know it....That would be an ideal time to snow when we don't have to do the school run or really have to go out anywhere....Yes! Snow in February would be perfect!


  1. Totally agree with you! I'm sick of this wet weather & wish I'd made the effort to learn to drive years ago!

    1. :) I think later in this year I'm going to start driving lessons....Would be so helpful when the weather is bad!

  2. I'm sick of winter too, can't wait for spring! We're enjoying being able to walk to & from school from the new house, but I can't stop Jake & Ellie jumping in all the puddles & getting their feet wet! At least the only do it on the way home, anyway :)

    1. When it's wet I argue with my youngest about jumping in puddles....Not so bad on the way home but I don't want her soaked on a morning and sitting in wet clothes all day x

  3. Can't wait for some sunshine here too. Keep trying to think of reasons to venture outside and it's so much harder when it's raining!

    1. I agree....I think in the winter I would gladly stay inside until the warmer weather comes....hehehe

  4. It has been so rainy since New Year, it makes you feel trapped in. Its certainly a record breaker this year, just hope the snow gives us a break this year!!

    1. As far as I'm concerned it can snow as much as it want's as long as the schools are closed....hehehe

  5. I wish the weather would change, I'm so cold and the weather is so depressing. Saying that the sun has come out here today. I keep my spirits up dreaming of holidays in the sun!

    The Diary Of A Jewellery Lover

  6. I'm wondering if it will snow on my birthday which is on valentines day, it snowed back in 2007 then. I just want the summer to come, I've had enough of the cold x

  7. Rain Rain Go Away, Come Back Another Day! I hate this weather too. My living room has been taken over with maidens and clothes horses to dry all my clothes! Cannot wait for the spring so I can open the patio doors and have a lovely breeze through the house and not having the heating on all the time. xx

    Kate's Product of the Week - Primark Owl Tweezers

  8. I don't like the weather either, it's miserable when it rains all the time

  9. I find it so depressing when its wet and cold, am really looking forward to spring/summertime already!

  10. we always complain about the weather never happy if its hot or cold its never the right temp for us lol, it should snow at xmas be summy in summer then the rest of the year just warm lol x

  11. The weather has been treacherous. I am also so sick of it. I am dying to get out and play with the kids at the park, or have a winter picnic. Not happening in all this with two small ones. Cabin fever is setting in.

  12. The never ending rain is soooooo tiresome isn't it. Lets hope February brings early Spring with it ;-) #PoCoLo

  13. Hot chocolate in your PJ is the best idea ever for rainy days. I know what you mean about the rain, it is just too much. I would take the snow every day over the rain I have to say. At least there is some magic about the snow. The rain is just wet.

  14. So with you on all of this!! They'd better not say there is a hosepipe ban this year - I think most of the country will go mad!! Thank you for linking to PoCoLo x
