
Monday 7 April 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Yay! The first proper day of the Easter Holidays....Hooray!!
Our meal plans never seem to go to plan during the school holidays but I've came up with the idea of letting the kids choose what we're having so it's everything they want to eat and it's all simple enough to make....
This week on the menu we have...
Monday - Hot dogs in buns with fries....
Tuesday - Lasagne and garlic bread....
Wednesday - Bacon sandwiches....
Thursday -
Homemade Pizzas....
Friday - Fish & chips....
Saturday - Chicken fajitas....
Sunday - Bangers and Mash....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky...


  1. Now that looks like a meal plan both our boys would love!!

  2. Love your meal plan idea!

  3. Yum! I always love your meal.plans......wished you lived closer lol x

  4. That sounds like the perfect kid's menu (though I'd really like all of it too!).

  5. Starving now!! Could just eat a hot dog with loads of onions :D The ONLY week our meal plan goes to plan is when the boys choose. I'm letting them think they're getting the upper hand and taking over - but I am in control. Oh, actually, I've just been informed they actually are and I should stop tip tapping on the laptop while they are taking over the TV! haha!!

    Have a fab holiday week!

    C x
