
Friday 28 November 2014

A little bit of company....

This week has been so long.....It has really dragged....I think it's been because the kids and I are waiting for December to start......Advent calendars, Elf on the shelf, things going on at school and the build up to Christmas!

On the upside Stu has had the whole week off work! It's been lovely having the....

I don't mind the time alone when he is at work but it's nice to have him here.....We've shared the housework and cooking which has been lovely for me....He's done a few DIY jobs that needed doing and came along on the school run....It's been nice to have someone to chat to on the way there.....

Stu and the kids took over the kitchen the other night baking cakes.....Two hours they faffed about in the They did have a great time though and the cakes were delicious!! They sure made the most of having him off work.....

We've taken stock of the Christmas presents......Every year I try to get my girls the same amount of presents.....This year I thought I was struggling to buy for Becky.....She's at that age...Too old for toys and to young for adult things but not I have over bought for her and her pile is twice the size of Ellie's....Today that is being sorted thanks to Smyths toys and their two toys for £15 offer....hehehe

It's been a lovely week! Tonight though the TV, Twitter, Facebook and blogs will be my company....Stu is off out for a few drinks with some friends.....He doesn't go out very often.....Last time he staggered in at about 3am and spent the night in the bathroom....He was in my bad books....I would never come in that late....hehehe

The Reading Residence


  1. Sounds like a great week and two hours to bake cakes is quite something :)

    1. hahaha! There was a lot of faffing about. lol x

  2. Sounds like a lovely week and very productive too x

  3. Ah how lovely to have Stu home for the week with you and sounds like you've had an enjoyable week and the girls have enjoyed it too. Those cakes look yummy! Good luck with topping up Ellie's present pile and hope you have a good weekend #WotW

    1. It's been lovely.....Thank you! I'm done with the shopping! Ellie's pile has been topped up! Phew! x

  4. I love offers! We managed to get some really good ones at Toys r us too! :)

  5. Aww must have been lovely having around for the whole week, gives you a break as much as he gets a break from work. Sounds like a lovely week :) xx

  6. It sounds like you've really enjoyed each others company this week. I hope he doesn't come in too drunk after his night out!! x

  7. Ah, sounds lovely having Stu at home for the week like that. Funnily enough my husband's out tonight, which is very rare too, so here I am commenting and tweeting! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. I think it's the 3rd time this year he's been I'm making the most of it catching up on my blog reading and commenting :D

  8. Sounds like a lovely week! Makes such a difference to have an extra pair of hands around doesn't it! x

    1. It does....It has been so relaxed. It's a shame he's back at work Monday! Thank you! x

  9. Sounds like a great week, and I agree these last few days in November are definitely dragging!

    1. They are! I think my girls may just explode with excitement before we get to x

  10. Oh deeear I feel a hangover maybe on the cards...! #Wotw

    1. hehehe! He'll get no sympathy from x

  11. Wow sounds like a nice week. Any week with cakes involve is nice =P

    I have yet to start with Christmas. Decors is still missing in our storage room and well I cant afford gifts so we are probably just doing lots of crafts =)


  12. Oh I love when my other half is at home, it's great having someone else here to help out...and drive me around, lol! x

  13. Hi Kim, having your husband home for the week must have been nice company (especially as he helped out with the cooking!) My Hubby Dearest thinks turning meat on a barbecue is cooking (I have to prepare everything else which he never considers!).

    How great that Stuart took the time to do some baking with your daughters. Did they clear up properly?....And I hope Stuart had a good night out and didn't get too hammered!

    1. hahaha! I have trained him well! lol Stu is a good one!
      Yes they did eventually clean up after a bit of nagging! x

  14. Aw it's lovely when they get time off isn't it...then even nicer when you get the TV back to yourself ;)

    1. It is and yes......Love him to bits but it is nice to get control of the tv :D

  15. It's great having them around now and again isn't it? x

  16. I love it when my OH has a few days off, it's a lot of fun, and I feel like I've had a break too :) #WotW

  17. Sounds like a lot of fun
