
Friday 23 January 2015

A Nice Week....

This last week has been a good one....Stu has been off work (he had holidays to use up) and helped a lot around the house and cooked meals....It's been lovely. It's nice to have him home....The company has been great.....I even had a soak in the bath while he did the school run earlier in the week.....

I have found most of the week very.....

 Thursday wasn't nice though.....Ellie usually she loves school....She will complain for a few minutes after waking up that she wants to stay in bed...Who doesn't? She has never once cried at the thought of going to school.....Yesterday she did....In P.E they were told last week they were doing dancing and she didn't want to do that....She was sobbing and quite distressed about the whole thing and my heart broke for her but she has to go to school....She wouldn't eat breakfast and by the time she got to school her eyes were all red and she looked in such a sorry state....She had really chewed herself up over it and it's so not like her at all....

We went straight in and saw her teacher and happened to catch the PE teacher too.....They said she can put her PE kit on and just sit at the side if she really doesn't want to take part....They said it was not like her to be like this....I felt awful leaving her in such a sad mood but the teachers were really nice about it....When she came out of school she was back to her normal self....The PE teacher told us that she had joined in a little bit but he wasn't going to push her....They're doing a performance with a few other schools in a couple of weeks and we actually think this is what's worrying her.....The teachers were so nice and said she can just go and watch if she doesn't want to take part.....

Becky is going to her boyfriends house tomorrow which she of course can't wait for....We have been reassured they will be supervised at all times.....They're just planning on playing MineCraft It will be unusual Becky not being here on a Saturday but Ellie and I have plans.....We have been sent another Weekend Box to review so we can busy ourselves with that....

In fact I have had quite a few nice parcels this week.....Even one off my dad....He runs an auction business and they sell household things and I mentioned to him our Sky remote was not working properly and he sent me one....Bless him, it was nice of him to think of me and send it...Usually I mention something and he forgets....hehehe

I hope you all have a nice weekend!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful week indeed! Except of course for the part where Ellie was upset about P.E. I can relate. Little T had a few emotional mornings too, ever since going back to school after the Christmas break. But she's totally fine now! :) #wotw.

    1. This is the first time I've had to deal with her not wanting to go to school....It was so hard! So glad Little T is ok now.
      Thank you x

  2. Aw sorry to hear your girl isn't happy about the dance I bet the teachers are right maybe you can have a little chat during an activity bet it comes spilling out! Bless her. Sounds a lovely week overall xx

    1. She seems a little better about it now but we'll see next week when she does it again...
      Thank you x

  3. Well, that is a nice word :) Glad it's been a good one in your household and that Ellie's OK with PE now. Sounds like the teachers were lovely. Hope the trip to the boyfriend's goes well and you two have fun.Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. The teachers were brilliant....Ugh! I'm dreading the trip to the boyfriends....She's my baby. lol
      Thank you x

  4. Glad you had a nice week. I'm sorry to hear Ellie had a rough time over school on Thursday but it sounds like the school handled it really well. You never know she may still join in with the dancing x

    1. They really did handle it well....I was so relived! x

  5. That sounds mostly a good week and nice to see that the teachers were sensible about your daughter's worries, sadly in my day we'd've been barked at to get on with it!! #wotw

    1. There are several teachers in the school that would have been less understanding.....I'm so glad she has the teacher she does x

  6. Aaah Kim! You've had some lovely things happening this week! Although, bless poor Ellie — it's so sad that she'd worked herself up into a state about the dancing. Did you get to the bottom of it? Why is it bothering her so much? Poor little love.
    Wishing you and your family a lovely weekend! X #wotw

    1. She is shy and it's only been the last few months that she'll put her hand up in class and answer questions....I think the thought of dancing in front of people just scared and worried her....There are a lot of girls in her lass who brag about going to dance classes so I think that put her off too.
      Thank you x

  7. Awww sounds like a nice week indeed! Its nice too that Ellie's teacher are understanding! Hopefully your next week will be as nice if not better =) #wotw

  8. So pleased to hear that school handled your daughter well, it's heartbreaking when they don't want to do something but have to. Glad you got a soak in the bath too - lucky you! :-)

    1. Thank you! They handled it brilliantly and I am so happy with them....Phew x

  9. So pleased her teachers were understanding - mine weren't when I was little damn it!!
    The Weekend Box sounds like fun and I'm jealous overall of your lovely week, especially being able to have a bath in peace!! x

    1. Ahh the baths in peace don't happen very often....hehehe
      Thank you x

  10. Hope Ellie is ok about the dance now. Did she talk about it after school? Son1 just started street dance this term. And we've got the weekend box too. But I've just been reading the recipe and can't see where we use the honey. #weekendbloghop

    1. She said she feels a little better about it but we'll see next week! There are a lot of girls in her lass who brag about going to dance classes so I think that put her off dancing in front of them.....
      You're right.....I've just looked at the recipe and the honey is in the ingredients but there is no mention of it in the rest of it....Strange!

    2. Oh the joys of peer pressure. Fingers crossed she is happier next week about it

    3. She seems it but we'll see on Thursday x

  11. Glad that most of the week has been nice. Hope Ellie is okay now. I remember being the same about certain parts of PE too x

  12. Glad your week has been nice in the main, the sound of a bath whilst hubby does the school run is bliss! Mich x

    1. It was...Especially on a freezing cold day :)

  13. Aww bless your little girl :) hope she feels better now.

  14. Sounds like a lovely week indeed. If we are ever lucky to have hubby home for the week its usually throws us into turmoil and we end up looking forward to him returning to work haha!

    1. hahaha! I get like that when he's off when the kids are....It's utter chaos....Him by himself, not a problem x

  15. I think "nice" weeks are the best kind! It's always wonderful when my husband is home extra, too. Feels like a mini-vacation for all of us!

    1. Oh yes....It was a bit of a holiday for me too :) x

  16. What a lovely week. I know you were upset on Thursday, but I'm glad it all worked out OK in the end. Going to her boyfriends? How sweet! x

    1. The boyfriend visit never happened.....He was off school poorly on Friday! She was devastated! Thank you x

  17. Hi Kim, it is heart breaking when a child isn't happy to go to school, but at least your daughter seems to have nice teachers. I hope she gets over whatever is bothering her about taking part in PE.

    I hope that next week is as nice as this week has been for you ( without having an upset daugter!).

