
Saturday 30 May 2015

Project 365 - Week 22

This has been a great week for taking photos....It is so much easier when the kids are off school....They've kept me busy and it doesn't seem like they have been off school a week at all....

143/365. 23rd May 2015

They had a water fight.... 

144/365. 24th May 2015

Fun at the park.....

145/365. 25th May 2015

She is so lovely when she's asleep...hehehe

146/365. 26th May 2015

When she's awake not so much.....All I asked for was a photo of her Frozen top she chose to hide behind Stu while he was trying to wash

147/365. 27th May 2015

I make such a mess while 

148/365. 28th May 2015

Hot dog rolls for breakfast....Why not! 

149/365. 29th May 2015

Treats for the girls...Which they were so excited about....They are part of a review for the Wicked Uncle website which will be live next week....


  1. Looks like a great half term! I get so FED UP with Mummy 'just' wanting a photo of me! Ickle Pickle x #365

  2. Great Photos and it looks like a busy week. My son would love that Minions Tee Shirt. I'm really looking forward to the movie this summer xx Mummy2Monkeys xx

    1. It is a cool t-shirt isn't it!
      Thank you x

  3. I'm the same when it comes to cooking, i try to be neat and tidy but fail every time

  4. Love the water fight pic - they clearly had a lot of fun.

  5. hot dog rolls for breakfast sounds fab!! they are always so much cuter when sleeping aren't they ;)

  6. Looks like you had a fun week. Love the water fight, a familiar sight in our house!

  7. Brrr, water fight. Love that carefree park photo. Brilliant.

  8. water fights are lots of fun, hope it was warmer down there than up here.
    They can be a bit contrary when they want to be, after all are they not used to getting their pictures taken "just because" mummy ( or daddy) is a blogger.
    I am the same takes me an hour to make a few cakes and the tea and about 2 hrs to clear up afterwards.

    1. We had a lovely couple of days weather wise....
      Thank you x
