
Friday 14 August 2015

I nearly forgot....

My Word of the week is....

I almost forgot to write this post....With the kids being off school I have totally lost track of the days.....Every day seems like a Saturday or Sunday....I was convinced it was Wednesday yesterday.....All the routine has gone out of the window.....We have got into a habit of going to bed late and sleeping until about 9 or 10 am.....

So here I am trying to write this post watching the last ever episode of Glee.....I forgot how sad it was....I need more
I messed up with the dentist appointments this week.....I thought Becky was getting her tooth out on Wednesday.....Nope I forgot it was the girls sixth monthly check up.....She gets her tooth out on Tuesday but at least the dentist had a good chat about what was going to be done to her.....He was describing what he was going to do and mentioned he would use forceps to get her tooth out....Becky said "NO! Forceps get babies out, I watch One Born Every Minute" The dentist got some out of his drawer and showed her some.....Not the same forceps at
Last Wednesday we had a bit of trouble from some girls who decided it was acceptable to climb on my back yard wall and tell Becky they will get someone to rape her and then keep trying to kick my back gate in over the next few days.....I warned the girls I would ring the police but they kicked at the gate again......They could see me through the window on the phone and it must have scared them because within a few minutes they were around at the front door trying to apologise.....I felt bad but the police had already been called.....The girls needed to learn a lesson. Especially the ringleader.....
The police came and they dealt with the situation brilliantly.....I was worried about backlash from the family but it all ended well....I won't be forgetting it though. I will be ringing up the school before Becky goes back to let them know what has gone on.....I don't want Becky getting any trouble when walking to and from school.....

The girls are not letting me forget it is Stu's Birthday on Sunday....They are more excited than he is....The cake has been chosen from Tesco and I must not forget to get some wrapping paper today to wrap his pressies....He better be happy with his presents....He has got everything he has asked for.....He better not forget it when my birthday comes along.....hehehe


  1. Good on you for ringing the police, what a nasty bunch of girls :(

  2. I am very much like this at the moment, since being on maternity leave I never know what month I'm at times let alone the day ha!


  3. You didn't really have much choice, did you? Hope Becky doesn't have any more trouble from them. I am losing track of the days, too, and today I was convinced it was Saturday when I woke up, totally convinced! Took me a while for my mind to adjust! Hope the birthday celebrations go well x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. I hope it's all over now....Time will tell.
      Today seems like a Tuesday to Wishing the days away.
      Thank you!

  4. It's very easy to lose track of time and days in the holidays. Hope Stu has a lovely birthday x

  5. That's terrible about the girls and the gate, I would have done the same - let's hope it teaches them a lesson. Glad it worked out well. Have a great weekend x #wotw

    1. I hope they have learned their lesson....Thank you!

  6. I have no idea what day it is anymore. It's going to be a struggle when they go back to school. You dealt with the girls brilliantly. It can be hard to stand up to kids like that but often they are all mouth and no trousers x

    1. Thank you! I am dreading the kids going back to school....The early mornings! Ugh!

  7. Oh no what an awful thing to happen. Hopefully the school will not tolerate any backlash. I keep forgetting things too because we are not in our normal routine, I seem to let everything slide. I even forgot today was Friday because as you say, every day feels like a Saturday or Sunday. I hope Stu has a lovely birthday xx

    1. I think the school will deal with it well....They are all about community so don't tolerate any bad behavior out of school too.....Stu had a great day! Thank you!

  8. Goodness me that sounds a bit scary midweek! Good on you though - you need to protect the girls. Sounds so lovely going to bed late and sleeping in! I hope all the dental work goes ok for Becky!! xx #wotw

    1. Thank you! It was scary....Which sounds stupid to say that I was scared of a few 11/12 year old girls....
      Thank you!

  9. Oh this is so awful but I think you did the right thing, I hope there is no more trouble from them!
    I hope you have a great birthday celebration!

    1. Thank you! I hope so too...
      He had a great birthday!

  10. Gosh that sounds a bit scary but I really do think you did the right thing, and calling the school and explaining what has happened before Becky goes to back is a really smart move, too
    Hope you all enjoy Stu's birthday celebrations and have a lovely week - dentist permitting!

    1. Thank you! I thought ringing the school was a bit over the top at first but I want my girl to be safe....
      Stu had a great weekend, thanks x

  11. Oh my gosh, I can't believe what some children are like today. Calling the police was definitely the right thing to do. Hopefully their parents deal with them individually as well. I know they were probably only messing about, but that kind of language and those actions could be the start of behaviour far worse. xx

    1. Some kids are shocking....It is worrying where they have picked that behaviour up from....I know my girls would never think of saying or doing things like that! Thank you!

  12. Awww that incident is scary! What is wrong with those kids?! I agree with the acion that you did. This will also record it if they will bug you guys again.


    1. Yep! We have a reference number in case anything else happens....
      Thank you!

  13. What horrible behaviour. You did the right thing!

  14. my memory is terrible since i gave birth, i thought baby brain doesnt exist after birth :-)

  15. What a horrible thing for those girls to say. I'm glad you called the police and that everything was sorted without anymore issues x
