
Monday 10 August 2015

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

These Mondays are coming around too quickly....There's only 3 more before the kids go back to school....Eek!

We ate most of what I planned last week.....I really fancied a Sunday dinner yesterday....I got as far as cooking the chicken.....I was feeling too lazy to do the rest.....We had chicken & It was a meal and something we rarely have.....There's leftover chicken so it will be used today.

We are at the dentist on Wednesday.....Becky is having a tooth taken out to make room for her braces so we will have to have something which is easy to eat for her.....I'm thinking soup and it is Stu's birthday on Sunday. At the moment I have no idea what we are doing. We may go for a meal out but if we're feeling lazy it will be a takeaway....

This week on the menu we have:

Lasagne and garlic bread....
Fish cakes, new potatoes and peas....
A meal out or takeaway for Stu's birthday....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky....


  1. Love the sound of the beef tacos and would love the recipe for microwave quiche in a cup #MealPlanningMonday

  2. They really do come around quick! I've got loads to do this month, no procrastinating for me :) I feel sorry for the kids having to keep seeing the 'back to school' stuff in all the shops, reminding them of what's to come, as you can tell I wasn't a big fan of school ;)
    Microwave quiche in a cup! Now that is one I've never heard of! :D Have a great week and enjoy your takeaway or meal! ;)

  3. Quiche in a cup sounds intriguing. I am now thinking of having chicken and chips for tea!

  4. Oooh quiche in a cup? I must check that out! I hope Becky gets on ok today xx #mealplanningmonday

  5. Mm, chicken fried rice sounds good. I'm astonished at how quickly the weeks have been going by lately; I'm sure it's something to do with blogging, although it could be because it's summer too of course.
