
Saturday 17 October 2015

Project 365 - Week 42

This last week has flown over....This whole year is flying over....10 weeks and it will be the end of the year! 

283/365. 9th October 2015
Bubble baths on a Saturday are always so relaxing.....Well they would be if the kids left me
284/365. 10th October 2015
I am addicted to the game Paradise Bay on my phone....

285/365. 11th October 2015
Um Bongo, Um Bongo, They drink it in the Congo....hehehe We also drink it here....Well I do and probably too much of it!

286/365. 12th October 2015
On the way to the hospital for my girls heart check up.....We had the top of the bus all to ourselves for most of the way!

 287/365. 13th October 2015
Becky's new PE top was finally delivered to her at school....It does look rather fancy!

288/365. 14th October 2015
This Peach Melba cream cake looks a squashed mess but it is the best I have ever tasted.....From a new bakery in town! I will be going back again.

289/365. 15th October 2015
I'm hoping for dry, sunny weather this weekend! I have a small mountain of washing to do! 


  1. Whoo I remember when unbongo came out, eek showing my age now!!, I loved it :)

    Lovely pictures from your week

  2. How on earth are there only 10 weeks left of the year?! I hope the check-up went well and that cake looks delicious!

    1. Thank you! Everything at the check up went great.

  3. Ooh that peach Melba cake sounds very nice. And my laundry basket looks a bit like that too. I really need to do some desperately tomorrow!

    1. It was amazing....
      The washing basket still looks like that...Oops.

  4. This year has fled by!.
    Haha I used to love um bongo, don't see it about much now.
    Glad everything was ok with the girls check ups :)

    1. The only place I have seen it again is in Tesco....
      Thank you!

  5. dont think that washing dries fully outside this late in the year, but it does smell nicer.
    who are you kidding - a nice bath in peace is impossible.
    Never been an um bongo lover.

    1. You are right...I have had one load dry this week outside....The rest have had to be brought in and put on the clothes airers but at least I haven't had to use the tumble dryer!
      Thank you!

  6. Hi Kim, it's always the messiest cakes that taste the best! I gave up on bubble baths along time ago and now only ever have them if we are staying in a hotel somewhere (which believe you, me, isn't very often!).

    Hope you manage to get on top of your washing mountain, there is always a sense of satisfaction when you reach the summit, but sadly it's short lasting!


    1. Thank you!
      You are so right....The messier the cake the tastier it is!
      Nope I haven't conquered the mountain of
