
Friday 30 October 2015

Such a great Half-Term - #WotW

This week my word of the week is....

What a week it has been! We have had a great half term....

Ellie said to me I have been a great mam this week! Hooray! She wishes I could be the fun mam all the time.....I wish I could be too but when the girls are at school it's hard to fit lots of fun things in....By the time both the girls are home from school they have 4 hours until they go to bed....That has to be taken up with homework, reading, baths/showers, eating tea, sorting out school bags and that leaves little time for fun.....

So when it comes to the school holidays we make the most of them....We haven't stopped all week....It has flown over....It has been so busy but busy in a fun, relaxing way if that makes sense....

On Saturday we had a day of housework and X-Factor was back on the TV which meant we spent an evening as a family in front of the TV....

On Sunday Becky and I went to see One Direction.....We had the best time....

On Monday we carved pumpkins....I am still finding pumpkin seeds around the living

On Tuesday we baked....Scones, chocolate cupcakes, mars bar crispy cakes & carrot cake....

On Wednesday we played board games, with Lego, on Minecraft and the Sims and had a lot of laughs and giggles....

On Thursday we did some crafts and I had promised the kids a McDonalds for tea....It was such a grey, wet day Stu took pity on us and went and got it after work....I really wish McDonalds delivered! hehehe

And today....It's going to be a day of catching up on all the housework I haven't done all week....Stu has a day off work so we should whiz through it....

It has been the best half term.....

The Reading Residence


  1. Ah, it sounds brilliant! So pleased you've all had a lovely week and the girls have enjoyed having you play, bake and craft with them x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. Sounds like loads of fun!
    Have a great weekend :) x

  3. Sounds like a great week! Glad the girls have enjoyed having fun with you x

  4. Sounds like you've all had a great week. Ours has been a quiet relaxed half term with hardly anything done, but we have all benefited from the rest x

  5. That does sound like it was a lovely half-term and you certainly have filled it with a lot of fun activities. Hope you have a lovely weekend :-)

  6. I'm so glad you've had a fun time, you've managed to fit loads in. It's lovely when you can devote all your time to the kids.

  7. Hi Kim, it sounds as if you had a great week and what a compliment to be paid by Ellie! Four hours isn't long enough to get things done after school and to have fun, but then half term wouldn't be the same if you had fun all the time.

    Glad to see you managed to have your McDonalds and in the comfort of your own home too!

    Have a good weekend.


  8. That sounds a great week, and great to have so much planned especially at this time of year when the days are shorter. Good luck with the transition next week #wotw

  9. Sounds like a great week and lots of fun. Oh so crave a maccys, yummy! X #WOTW

  10. Sounds a great week. We've been busy too, pumpkin carving, halloween word searches, dressing up & halloween crafting. Love this time of year & we've been so lucky with the weather this weekend.

  11. Oh I love busy weeks like this. Sounds like you had a blast. #WotW
