
Friday 6 November 2015

Feeling Festive - WotW

This week my Word of the Week is...

I'm feeling it....I am getting excited for Christmas...It's allowed now that Bonfire night is over with surely....

What a horrible week weather wise.....We have had fog every day....I'm looking out of the window now and it is so gloomy and grey! As soon as we've got in from the school run we've been getting our PJ's on, shutting the curtains and whacking the heating on....Cosy! It feels like Christmas....

For the last couple of days we've been listening to Christmas songs....I noticed the other day that the music channels have started playing them....Yay!! Bliss has turned into Blissmas and Heart has turned into Heart Xmas....Becky has been making a playlist on YouTube of Christmas song and Ellie is in her element. Her favourite ever song is Band Aid - Do They Know It's Christmas.....She sings it all year but now it's on TV all the time. Happy, happy, happy!

Every day this week I have had parcels delivered....I am running out of hiding places....hehehe For the first year Becky has decided to buy some Christmas presents with her own money....She went onto the Wilko website and added a few things to the basket and then came to me and gave me the money for what she wanted.....I paid the delivery....I thought it was so thoughtful of her.....She can't wait for the things to arrive so she can wrap them up and hide them away....

I have started writing Christmas blog posts....I like to step away from blogging a little throughout December so I am trying to prepare myself a bit....I usually spend my December entering all the advent competitions....The last couple of years I have done so well and won a lot of extra presents for the girls....Fingers crossed this year the same happens!

The Reading Residence


  1. It is feeling festive already, isn't it? We've been getting parcels, too, and like you, hiding places are getting limited now! Lovely of Becky to buy gifts, too x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. Ah Christmas I fear I've bought everything for my daughter throughout the year I've nothing left to get her! As regards everyone else I have got to get my act together. You are very organised and feeling the Christmas spirit I'm not. Do fill is in on any tips on comping, they would be lovely to hear from you. #wotw

    1. Good luck! I am planning a post about comping in December which will be live later this month ;) Thank you!

  3. Where I live the Christmas Fair is coming and everything's so festive, I think I might have to compile a Christmas playlist as well x #wotw

    1. hehehe! Oh yes. A Christmas playlist is a must x

  4. Your post is so festive and it is so cold. Your daughter is so thoughtful. I hope you win some prices X #wotw

  5. Hi Kim, we lit the fire for the first time this week and that gave me a festive feeling and I've lined up some Christmas books to read when I've finished the book I'm reading at the moment.

    It is sweet that your daughter has taken it upon herself to buy some presents of her own to give.


    1. Ahh! A real fire sounds so lovely at this time of year...Enjoy your books!
      Thank you x
