
Friday 13 May 2016

Feeling hot, hot, hot! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

The weather has been lovely hasn't it.....Well it has up here in Northumberland....hehehe We have had sunshine and blue skies every day. The kids have made the most of it. They played out in the back yard all weekend and after school...The paddling pool has been out and they even did some gardening with their Fairy Flowerpots.

Over the weekend and earlier in the week I was suffering with pain in my knee....It was fine when I was sitting but hurt when I walked....I bought some deep heat spray and it seemed to really help....I did nearly gas myself when using it though....Our bathroom is tiny and I thought I would spray it when I was on the loo.....With the door shut there was no ventilation cue the coughing and spluttering for me....My eyes watered and my nose felt like it was burning....Oops. My knee feels a lot better now. Phew!

I think the heat has got to Ellie a bit.....On Wednesday her teacher had said she had been complaining of a sore head at school. She came home and drank so much water she made herself feel sick then started to shiver.....Even though it was so warm she was feeling cold.....She wrapped herself up in her dressing gown and fell asleep watching YouTube videos on the laptop....

She slept most of the evening and was up a lot during the night wanting drinks and a cuddle....So yesterday she had a day off school....She slept on and off all day and then started coughing and snotting....She's now coming down with a cold. Oh joy. So today she will have another day off school. I wouldn't normally keep her off school for a cold but she's just not herself.....

The Reading Residence


  1. I think you've had more of the good weather than we had. Although the rain was well timed for me! Hope Ellie feels better soon. In time for the weekend. #wotw

    1. I heard it hasn't been so nice further down the country.
      Thank you x

  2. Oh poor Ellie, it does sound like she's really poorly, I hope she's feeling better much soon. I think we've all forgotten that we are in a small place at some time and choked ourselves, lol, I'm glad your knee is feeling a bit better though x

    1. She hasn't been well at all. It's like she's had 2 illnesses at once. She's been better today and now she has the rest of the weekend to recover properly.
      Thank you x

  3. I do love the heat, though not so much choking on deep heat spray! That did make me laugh! I do hope Ellie is on the up soon, you know when they're just not well enough for school and it sounds like she needs to rest x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. hehehe! Glad you had a giggle...
      Hopefully she will feel better over the weekend and be back at school on Monday! I don't think I can take another day of kids TV. lol Thank you x

  4. Sometimes cold can be really really nasty! In my son's school its pink eye thats in trend and I am wishing that he wont get it because he always get all the virus in there.

    I hope she get well soon.


    1. Oh no! Pink eye is nasty...I hope he doesn't get it.
      Thank you x

  5. Hope Ellie is better - and you did make me smile about the Deep Heat, it stinks doesn't it? Glad your knee is on the mend. Sounds like you've had better weather than us - we've had rain and fog (!!) but some sun too. Let's hope there's some more of that. Have a fab weekend x #wotw

    1. I actually like the smell of it...I'm not so keen on it in enclosed spaces thought. lol
      It has been lovely up here.
      Thank you x

  6. Sounds like you've had some lovely weather this week. Hope your knee is feeling better and that Ellie is better soon as well.

    1. We have. Today hasn't been so nice but there's hope of summer now.
      Thank you x

  7. Been a mixed week weather wise here. There are a lot of different colds and things going round at the moment, hope she feels better soon x

  8. Haha deep heat isstrong stuff! Sounds ace weekend spend in the garden and I love the flower pots they are uber cute. I hope your daughter feels better soon with plenty of rest X #wotw

    1. It really is...I am careful where I use it now.
      Thank you!

  9. Awww poor thing hope she gets better soon. Those flower pots look adorable and I hear gardening can be so therapeutic. #WotW

    1. She is better now. Thank you!
      The flowerpots are so cute and the seeds are growing :D
