
Monday 2 May 2016

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Hooray for Bank Holidays.....One more lazy day and then a short week! We should be making use of the extra day with the kids off school but Ellie is full of cold and Stu doesn't get bank holidays off...Boo!

Last weeks meal plan went great....Apart from Thursday and yesterday. We got caught in the rain and hail on the way home from school....We wanted something warming so dived in the freezer. The kids ended up with sausages, chips and beans and I had sausage casserole & mash. So much more warming than a salad and yesterday was a lazy day...It got to half five and no one felt like cooking so we ordered an Indians.

Every week I do the meal planning when I'm doing the online grocery shop....I felt a bit blah about it this week....I'm blaming the rubbish weather. I think it's because I want to be eating salads and lighter food not winter food...

Becky is getting her braces tightened tomorrow after school so she will be sore for a couple of days so I've gone with soft food for her which also works for everyone else...Hopefully by Thursday her teeth will be less tender as she was the one who asked for burgers in buns....

This week on the meal plan we have:

Monday - Roast chicken dinner....
Tuesday - Chicken curry & rice....
Wednesday - Beans on toast....
Thursday - Burgers in buns with fries....
Friday - Pizza....
Saturday - A bit of a picky tea - Pork And Pepper Kebabs, BBQ chicken wings, garlic mushrooms, onion rings & wedges....
Sunday - Pie, mash & veg....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky....


  1. I am also feeling a bit blah, the weather is shocking and I haven't been feeling amazing so I just can't be bothered really. Having said that, your plan sounds pretty good to me lovely! #mealplanningmonday

  2. I totally get the blah feeling, I want to be eating salads and summer foods but its like I have forgotten how to make anything other than bangers and mash and lasagne, need to broaden my horizons!

  3. Got to love an unexpected take away night! Everything sounds good this week, I love a good old burger night. Hope you have a lovely week x #mealplanningmonday

  4. Firstly grrrr, I've been fancying an Indian for weeks! I love your meal plans as they are so similar to mine, so I get some good ideas x
