
Monday 16 May 2016

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

These Mondays seem to be coming around so quickly....Ellie was poorly last week but she's fighting fit again and eating properly again. Phew!

Last weeks meal plan went great! We at everything apart from the sausage and chips on Friday....We got a Chinese takeaway instead! It's been a while since we had one so we really enjoyed it! Stu even had leftovers for his lunch on Saturday! It was a man v food moment. He didn't finish it all.

When I ordered the shopping at the weekend Tesco had the ice cream and ice lollies on offer so I had to buy some.....I bought the Ben & Jerry's Ice cream sandwiches for the first time and they are absolutely amazing! I wished I had bought more....

It was a struggle to fit everything into the freezer so this has made me realise we are due a freezer clear out.....So this week we will be doing that....

This week on the meal plan we have:

Monday - Scampi, chips and peas....
Tuesday - Battered chicken of some sort and rice....
Wednesday - Sausage, mash, veg & yorkshire puddings....
Thursday - Leftover curry or bolognese....There is about 6 tubs in the freezer. lol
Friday - Cod steaks in butter sauce with new potatoes....
Saturday - Maybe a BBQ if the weather is nice....
Sunday - Roast chicken dinner....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky....


  1. Sounds like a great week, those B&J ice cream sandwiches look amazing btw!

    1. They were amazing. I wish I had bought more! Thank you!

  2. Sounds delish! And good on you for planning to use the freezer food. I have about six tubs of chilli in the freezer! #MMBC

    1. Thank you! It has got out of control. I've found things in the back that I didn't even know were there. lol

  3. Those ice cream sandwiches look so lush! Have a fab week xx
