
Thursday 16 June 2016

Celebrating 10 years together....

This month Stu and I have been together for 10 years....We don't have an exact date....We met on a Friday which was somewhere in the middle of June so it was either the 9th, 16th or 23rd....We have really tried to work out what date it was but can't. Oopsie. It was definitely in 2006 though.

We are proof that internet dating works....I met Stu on one of those free dating websites....We can't remember who messaged who first....I think I gave him a little tick or whatever it was on his profile and he messaged me.....We got chatting online and then it progressed to texting and then actually speaking on the phone.....I remember saying to him he was so "geordie". He didn't live in Newcastle just closer than I did....hehehe

We chatted online and on the phone for a few weeks then he travelled to meet me. At the time I lived in Thornaby near Middlesbrough. He was planning to stay in a B&B but the day we met we went to my friends house who was having a party and he never actually made it to the B&B. Oopsie.

We actually nearly never made it through the 2nd weekend together....We went out around the town for a few drinks went to a takeaway on the way home. I ordered a chicken burger and chips and he got something too....When we got home I ate the chips and left the chicken burger. Stu said are you not going to eat that and was planning to himself....I was like no, that's mine. Have you seen the episode of Friends where Joey doesn't share food....That was me. I like to save my chicken burgers for the

He eventually met Becky and they got on great.....He would come and stay with me whenever he could and I went to stay at his when I could....Becky spent most weekends with her biological father so we had that time to get to know each other properly....

I think it was in October when I finally decided to move closer to Stu....Another date I can't actually remember. It turns out his brother had a few properties and was good enough to rent me of them....That is when I became a Northumberland Mam....hehehe

I know a lot of people were against me moving closer to Stu and us being together. It was "too soon"....It didn't feel too soon to us though. It felt like we were meant to be together....It turns out we actually were as we're still together now....

I fell pregnant with Ellie late December in the year we met....Again it was too soon for some people but who cares because Stu and I don't and as they say the rest is history!

We're still as strong as ever and I can see us being together when we're old and grayer....hehehe. We have been through so much....Ex partners being difficult, the girls having heart surgery, Stu losing both his parents, house moves, redundancies and much more....

We're together forever.... 


  1. Hi Kim, congratulations on ten years together! You sound just like me and dates, the bummer being my other half is good at remembering!

    It never matters what other people think, but why do people feel the need to put time scales on things? You can be together for years, get pregnant and split up, so what difference does it make?.... I just don't 'get' people sometimes! I met my husband when we were both spending the summer working on a Greek island and moved into together pretty quickly, we've not been apart since (neither of us saw that coming as we were only having a 'good time'!)..... OoOOoo I think I just had a mini rant!

    So glad you're happy, that's the most important thing.


    1. Thank you!
      hahaha! Fantastic rant and you are so right.

  2. The only people that matter live inside your 4 walls. I hope you are together forever, because you sound blessed xx

  3. Congratulations!! I love this! I really shows that you need to do what's right for you as a family. When I moved to Denmark to live with my now husband we had only actually spent 3 weeks in each other's company. We had know each other online for a lot longer but people thought it was too soon - but it was right for us!

    1. Aww! Thank you!
      You just know when it's right don't you! x

  4. Aw I love this and congratulations on 10 years together. It just shows that when you know you just know, and it really does not matter what anyone else thinks. You have been through alot like you said, and it's nice to have somebody who is your rock by your side. Love the story of the chicken burger. I was the opposite when I met my husband. We used to go to McDonald's (classy) and I just used to have a happy meal lol. He still takes the mickey out of me now x

    1. Thank you! We have been through so much.
      hahaha! I always get a happy meal.

  5. Happy anniversary whenever it is haha. I keep forgetting when I met my other half too ,
    We have to look at calendars to work it out. Xx
