
Friday 24 June 2016

They've been in trouble... #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

This week has seen both my girls in trouble....I have found myself counting to ten and taking deep breaths a lot!

It's that time of the year again....Last year I realised that at this time every year Ellie misbehaves. Usually her bad behavior is saved for school. Not this time. At school she is perfect but at home it's a different story....I know it's the end of term and lack of routine which causes it even though we have tried to keep the same routine at home.....

This week she ruined my make up, tipped a tub of gel in the bath, mixed it with cotton wool balls and water, hidden her sisters belongings, been moody, refused to stay in bed, lied about stupid little things, stolen sweets and eaten them in bed, threw all her clothes around her bedroom, ruined toys, refused to tidy her mess up and lots more I can't even think of....

Her reason for everything she has done is because she wanted to.....She just doesn't care! Last year we were referred to a clinic at the hospital because of her behaviour at school....By the time we had the appointment she'd got over the end of term blues and was fine again. So I guess we will just have to ride it out....

Becky who is usually a little angel has had her moments this week too.....I had decided to let her got to the park with her friends on Friday after school but it was raining so the outing was cancelled....Her and her friends were chatting on Facebook and rearranged for Saturday she said....Then she started asking for money. Not just a couple of pound. She wanted £20! Hmmm! So I looked at her Facebook and saw they were arranging to go to The Hoppings Funfair in Newcastle....No! No way! It's not the sort of place I want her going to without an adult....She had no intention of telling me she was planning to go to the fair. So now she has ruined the chance of going out with her friends for the time being...

It all hasn't been bad though.....

Ellie had her sports day....She didn't win any races but did have a great time. 

Becky had her HPV vaccine. The one to protect against cervical cancer.....She did make me laugh saying it's so hard to be female....I did tell her one injection is just the tip of the iceberg. hehehe

I am still enjoying the football....What a match between Portugal and Hungary on Wednesday! Wow! So much action and England is playing Iceland next! Eek! So much for Iceland being the underdogs. 


  1. Oh I'm sorry Ellie has been so naughty, I hope she calms down soon. I'm looking forward to the England vs Iceland Match. I don't normally like football, but it's amazing what interest you can drum up when you place a few little bets. (I really need England to win!)

    1. I'm hoping she calms down soon too...
      Good luck with your bets :D x

  2. Oh dear, Ellie has been pushing her luck, hasn't she?! You must be tearing your hair out, here's hoping she calms down again soon. And it's lucky you spotted the Facebook chat in time, too. Glad you still managed to find some positives! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. She wasn't too bad over the weekend. Phew!
      I know. The Facebook thing really worried me.
      Thank you!

  3. Hi Kim, fingers crossed that Ellie's behaviour does run it's course like last year and lucky for you that you cottoned on to what Becky had planned. Hopefully she's learned her lesson, that trust is a big thing and can go along way.... Love Becky's acknowledgement at being female!... At least we don't have to shave our faces everyday (can't be dong with beards - shudder).


    1. I am hoping she goes back to normal soon.
      I think she has learned her lesson but she really scared/annoyed me.
      Thank you!

  4. Awww I hope things will be better with Elli. My son is having a lot of tantrums too lately but for me I think its because he is really tired of school so we are counting the days to sumemr vacation.

    Aww I hope Becky will next time tell you about the details of her outings. There are so many bad people out there. If only we can tell our kids and them to understand that this is for their safety.

    Sending your hugs.

    1. I really can't wait for the summer holidays. Not long now.
      I know. With Becky I was more bothered about other people than her being sensible. The world is a worrying place.
      Thank you!

  5. Oh no, could it just be a phase? Hopefully it is. Kids can be naughty at times, but hopefully she'll grow out of it soon. #wotw. x

  6. Oh my sounds like an underlying issue with Ellie. Still. I hope it gets resolved soon mustbbenhqrd to deal with such extremities.haha it is all fun and games being female 😉 X #wotw

    1. I think it's just down to tiredness and it coming to the end of term.
      Thank you!

  7. Ah so that was the match I could hear being played on the tv while in hospital. Little ones do test your buttons regards boundaries and I am quickly coming to the noton that it begins at one! #WotW

    1. That would have been it...hehehe It was a good one!
      Thank you!

  8. Sorry to hear you've had such a frustrating week, they say the baby years are the hardest but I don't agree. It's great that you thought to check your daughters Facebook to find out the real plans kids just don't understand the dangers of us not knowing where they are. Hope next week is a lot better for you all. #WotW

    1. Ahh! The baby years were so easy and the toddler years. hehehe
      Thank you!

  9. My word 9f the week is injuries! My boys (hubby included) are falling apart! I hope you have enough wine to get you to the end of term lol xx

    1. Oh no! I hope you are all feeling better now.
      I think I will have to buy wine by the barrel load the way my two are at the moment. lol

  10. Oh you must be at your wits end with Ellie just trying to figure out why her behaviour seems to be crashing. I do find this is a strange term; children are in school but what's actually being done is more relaxed.And what a good job you found out about Becky's planned trip - I don't think children have any concept of the world around them. Good job you checked.
    I do hope this week is slightly more manageable for you,

    1. I really think it's just tiredness and the end of term with Ellie.
      Thank you!

  11. Oh dear, it sounds like a difficult week, I hope this week is a bit of a better one for you! I am glad that you found out about the trip - it must have been a bit of a shock for you!

    1. It has been better so far...
      Yes it was a shock...I am a worrier and this does not help me trust Becky at all. x

  12. My goodness, sounds like you're having a tough time. Children are so unpredictable. I hope things settle down again soon for you. x #WoTW

  13. Oh no what a tough week, kids really try your patience some times don't they? They really should come with an instruction manual ha ha x
