
Friday 8 July 2016

The calm before the storm. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Ellie had the day off school on Tuesday due to the teachers strikes....I imagined a nice calm day just relaxing with no school run to do. No she had me mooching around charity shops in the morning and then baking on the afternoon....We had a lovely day. Poor Becky had to go to school as her teachers were not on strike....She was not very happy about this....

Becky has had a busy week this week....On Monday she had her braces tightened and they ended up putting the elastic bands back on. This time on both sides....She can hardly open her She also had a sex education class at school which cause much hilarity when she got home....She was eager to tell me all about it.....STI's, contraception, condoms and plastic penises. Thankfully there were questions but no awkward one's. I did worry when she started mentioning sexual positions! Eek!

Ellie's behaviour hasn't been the best this week....I have had to try to stay calm and on Wednesday evening she found herself being sent to bed early. She spent the next hour stamping and banging things in her bedroom....She calmed down eventually and went to sleep....The next morning she was calmer and apologetic. Phew.

This week has been a strange week.....I think it has flown over at some points and dragged at others.....It seems it is just the calm before the storm which is next week....

I am looking forward to but also dreading next week.....It's the last full week before the school holidays so there is a lot going on.

Ellie is singing in the choir and playing her trombone at a concert at another school. We have our tickets to go and watch and we are very excited.....

 Becky has her sports day which is the biggest waste of time for 80% of her school....They get to go to a stadium and sit all day and watch the sports....I am in two minds about even sending her. Last year the only time they moved from their seats was to go to the toilet.....

I am helping with the summer fair at school.....Getting everything ready for the big event during the week then actually helping on Friday after school.....

This weekend we have nothing planned....We're having a quiet one although Stu does have the Saturday off which is rare so we may venture out somewhere.


  1. Glad you could handle the questions! Tuesday sounds lovely, nice to have one to one time. Best of luck with next week, plenty to keep you busy! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  2. Had to giggle about the sex ed. questions :) What a rubbish sports day if they are not all taking part. We have lots going on next week too, it's going to be a tearful year six final assembly, I cried last year and my girl wasn't even in year six then, lol.

  3. Sympathise with the brace tightening and the elastic's like an old fashioned torture system isn't it? My daughter is on Zebra bands and she says they are agony as they are so much tighter and she is now desperate for the whole thing to be over. Enjoy the next few days of calm....#wordoftheweek

  4. Haha oh the joys about sex! I am glad your daughter has calmed down after the night before. Sounds like a very busy week. I hope you have a lovely weekend what ever you plan to do X #wotw

  5. I had to giggle at the sex education, I remember doing it in school it was so embarrassing ! Sounds like you've got a jam packed week ahead you must be glad you have a quiet weekend to get ready for all the madness of the final week of school. #WotW

  6. Charity shopping and baking sound lovely. I can understand the frustration of her fellow sibling. #WotW

  7. Wow everything seems to be happening at the last minute at your school - we've already had sports day and the summer fair was weeks ago. I'm quite relieved actually, I was organising the fair and it was very stressful so its taken me this long to recover! Im not sure there's much more than the summer holidays to look forward to now....enjoy! #WotW
