
Wednesday 16 November 2016

Northumberland Mam is 4 years old!

Four years ago today just after 8pm I posted my first blog post here on Northumberland Mam.

Some people say those who use a free blogspot address are not serious about blogging....Well in your face doubters! hehehe I have posted every day, sometimes twice a day for four years....I have reviewed some amazing things and had so many fantastic opportunities! I know I am never going to make a huge impact in the blogging world and be one of those bloggers that people look up to but I am so happy with my little space on the internet.....

Over the last year I have cut down in which Linkies I take part in....I am still of course joining in with Word of the Week, Project 366 (I've not missed a day yet!), My Sunday Photo and Tried and Tested....

There has been a few new linkies this year which I love.....Jayne and Deb run Monday Morning Blog Club & the lovely Victoria runs InstaLinkLove which is all about Instagram....

Over the last year there are some posts which stand out to me...Some which I have really enjoyed writing and some that I will look back on with fond memories....

We had a day out seeing the Animal Inside Out exhibition at the Life Science Centre! Which was absolutely amazing! We probably wouldn't have been able to afford it ourselves....I stressed about not being able to sleep with 101 Reasons why I can't sleep...

I wrote about My Problem Child (She isn't really a problem) and how Things have changed so much since my girls were little...We made Ice Cream in a bag which is a fun recipe....

I wrote about how I love my girls to bits but....It was Seven years since my girls had open heart surgery. We saw the Tall Ships at Blyth I could have written about 4 posts about this day but kept things short not to bore people....hehehe

I took part in Blogtober16 (Blogging every day with a theme/prompt) and wrote quite a few posts that I normally wouldn't write like Sharing some little secrets & My letter to Someone and we had such an amazing time seeing Disney on Ice which I won from another blog which I probably wouldn't have known about if I wasn't blogging myself....

So that's another year of blogging done.....When I started my blog I did not imagine that I would be here years later....I'm proud of myself, my blog and can't see myself quitting anytime soon....Even though my girls are getting older they still love appearing on my blog....I am careful about what I say about my teen, Becky but her friends know about my blog and love it....I'm a cool mam. I'm glad they think so! lol

I want to say thank you to everyone who comes here and takes time out of their day to read my posts and comment on them....The support you give me is amazing! It means so much to me...Thank you!


  1. Happy blog birthday, 4 years is amazing achievement. It sounds like you have had a great year xx

  2. Happy Blog Birthday! I am extremely impressed that you have posted every day for the last 4 years! Well done :o)

    1. Thank you! Sometimes it's been hard but now I've done it for all these years I can't stop. lol x

  3. Happy blog birthday :) I'd like to thank you for all the support you've given me over the years. I appreciate every comment you've made on my blog :) I have your posts delivered to my inbox and whilst I don't always come and comment, I do read them and comment whenever I have time :) xx

    1. Aww! You are so kind. You are most welcome....I have been rubbish at commenting lately but I do read yours too. Thank you!

  4. Happy blog birthday - just had to pop over and read your first post and it made me smile - what a lovely thing for Becky to do and how little does Ellie look! I love reading your blog - it's always clear that you blog mostly because you love doing so and that always makes your posts a pleasure to read because that enjoyment of writing and sharing your family moments really shines through :-)

    1. I know. Ellie has grown so much. I don't notice it as much until I go back to the early posts. Aww! Thank you! You are so kind.

  5. Happy Blog Birthday! Yes, I remember seeing you around early on. I don't celebrate blog birthdays, I got curious and looked at my first blog entry for Little Steps and it was May 2012! Good Lord. I've also had blogs before that you see, but shhh. Let's not talk about years anymore shall we? ;) Here's to many more blogging years! xxx

  6. Well done! I'm so impressed your awesome!

    1. Aww! Thank you Angela! You are awesome too :D x

  7. Happy Blog Birthday. 4 years is a great achievement.

    1. Thank you! I can't believe it's 4 years. Time flies when you're having fun x

  8. Hi Kim, congratulations on four years of blogging and you have every right to be proud of your little bit of the internet! Blogging daily isn't an easy thing to do, I know I would never be able to manage that.

    Thank you for the mention, that was really sweet. Sometimes I can't believe I co-host a linky as it was something I was sure I would never do, but I love it.

    Raising a cup of tea to many more enjoyable years of blogging and thank you for liking up to the #MMBC.


    1. Thank you! I started daily blogging so I know no different....

  9. Happy Blogiversary 4 years is a great achievement. I love reading your ramblings. #MMBC

  10. Happy blog birthday!! I love reading your posts although I don't always comment I still read! You have some great posts on here and some lovely photos! I'll carry on blogging too I suspect one day they kids will just grow and phase out of it or be featured less if that's what they want but I'll probably still write! X

    1. Aww! Thank you! I really appreciate the support...

  11. Happy blog birthday- you have a fabulous blog. Totally understand about linkies, I have done too. It is just can get so overwhelming and really you want to enjoy it rather then dread it. I like the fact you have linked up your first ever post X #mmbc

  12. Yay happy blogversary Kim :) And here's to many more posts!

  13. Happy Blogging Birthday - love your blog x

  14. What an achievement! And thanks so much for mentioning #mmbc, that's so kind of you.
    I love love love your blog, well i'm going to aren't I, as it's awesome :)
    Happy 4th blogging anniversary lovely! Here's to many more xxx

  15. Happy blogoversary to you! I blog nearly every day, but I'm in awe that you blog every day and sometimes twice a day! Your blog is such a happy place and I'm so glad you've had the lovely opportunities from it. It's great that your girls like it and Becky's friends know about it and like it too! I've never bee quite so open about mine!

  16. Happy, Happy Blogoversary! It's been a pleasure getting to know you better this year and I've thoroughly enjoyed your posts. It's always full of info that's informative - I get lots of inspiration from you Monday morning meal planners, hehe!! - and happy. My children are a few years behind yours so it's also good to see what my life will be like in a few years time (haha!). Here's to another four years. Well done xx xx
