
Friday 11 November 2016

What a week. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

The American election is something which has dominated my thoughts and time this week....

I don't pretend to know anything about politics and tend not to talk about it on my blog....There is always so much anger and disagreements when people do but sometimes I need to break my own rule, especially when we have had a week like we have.....

When Trump announced he was running for President, I thought yeah, right. It was all a bit funny and ridiculous to start with. He was a bit of a clown....As time went on he was shown to be racist, sexist and not a nice man at all....Last year I didn't expect him to win....As time went on it all became a bit serious and slightly worrying...I still didn't think he would win though....Stu said well we didn't think leaving Europe would happen but it did.....

On Tuesday night I stayed up until about half past twelve watching CNN....The votes had started to come in and Trump was winning by about 50 odd percent of the votes but it was still early....I went to sleep expecting to wake up to see that Hilary had won.....

Well that didn't happen did it.....Ugh!

I don't like Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton but she was the lesser of the two evils. She isn't trustworthy but at least she isn't sexist, racist, sexually abusive and as horrible as him....

Listening to his acceptance speech I felt a little differently about him. I still don't like him but his speech was unlike any he gave during the campaign....

"Now it's time for America to bind the wounds of division ... to all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people. It's time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans, and this is so important to me. For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people ... I'm reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country."

There is a little hope there.....I just hope he is being honest and he carries on like how he has started....

It was a depressing day on Wednesday but there were a few moments of laughter. The Last Leg election special was hilarious and The Simpsons predicting that Donald Trump would be president 16 years ago...Eek! So if the TV show can predict the future that means there will be a lady president after Trump. Please let it be Michelle Obama!


  1. It was a shock, wasn't it? I was so convinced that we couldn't have another morning like the one after the Referendum vote but it felt so similar. I stayed off Twitter as I couldn't stand another spiteful, hate filled day. But now we have to hope he's not as bad as we fear and some sensible voices are also heard.

    1. It really was a shock....
      Yes. It did feel like the morning after the referendum...I didn't see much hate on Twitter...It was more shock and sadness this time around. Phew! x

  2. It does make you worry about the future doesn't it. All we can do now is see what happens next. x

  3. It was such a shock - I woke at 2.30am and checked the results and couldn't go back to sleep. The acceptance speech was so unlike the rest of his campaign though - hopefully he won't be as bad as we fear and that some kind of sense will prevail. I quite like the sound of Michelle Obama in 2020 though! #WotW

    1. I really hope he carries on like he did from his acceptance speech...
      Eek! I hope you have caught up on your sleep.

  4. Yes, I think this has been experienced by a lot, it is scary times ahead. But saying that I am no Trump fan but it is democracy and a vote was made. X #wotw

  5. Yes, I was saying the same thing about Clinton, the lesser of two evils. It's another huge political decision I've not agreed with this year, and it feels worrying to be in the minority in these cases as I fear for what the majority represents. That is a more positive speech, we can only but hope x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. It is so worrying but we can hope things turn out OK...
      Thank you!

  6. I was the same, and I did have to laugh at The Simpsons predicting too ha!! Popping over from #WotW

    1. The Simpsons are awesome...It's good that something made us smile :D x

  7. I think we are just going to have to wait and see. Interesting times, that I hope will not be as bad as we imagine. Let's hope his speeches were to provoke people to vote and not how he will act. #wotw

  8. I can't fathom what on earth is going on with society at the moment I just hope we are not taking a huge leap backwards, the whole thing seems like a massive farce. #WotW

  9. I think almost everyone would rather have Hilary Clinton than Trump, and I can understand people's concerns. I actually think that a bit like Boris Johnson after the Brextit vote, Trump didn't think he'd win.. will be interesting to say the least. I also hope that some of the American people realise that peaceful protest might be better than violence..
