
Friday 16 December 2016

A fantastic week of food. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Mostly Christmas food of course.....heheheh

I love this time of year....I said on Twitter it is the only time of the year where it is acceptable to have mince pies and Christmas cake for breakfast. lol

We have got all the meat for over Christmas....Hooray for Iceland. We have Turkey, beef and gammon joints in the freezer. I also got some fancy stuffing. Pork & Bramley Apple Stuffing Parcels, Chestnut & Cranberry & Apricot & Pecan stuffing balls...

I have finally tried Marmite.....I was kindly sent a personalised jar and I was so tempted not to open it as it seemed so special but having not tried Marmite before I was curious.....

I tried it on toast and I love it....Nobody else in the house does so it means it's all for me....hehehe I think in the future it will be my spread of choice...

I have been tweaking my grocery order which I have coming on the 23rd....I can't wait for all the treats which will hopefully be delivered.....I will probably go through it again before it is due to be delivered to check on the deals and things are still in stock.....

I went out with my friends for Christmas lunch on Tuesday.....A turkey dinner, Christmas pudding and the most amazing brandy butter ice cream.....Oh my goodness it was so good! I could have quite easily had a nap afterwards.....hehehe On Tuesday evening I ended up having Coco Pops for tea because I was still full but knew I needed to eat something before bed....

Where we ate was a put that has only recently opened but I have said to Stu that we will have to go with the girls as it is so family friendly and it's not too far away.....

A couple of weeks ago I tried my first Festive Bake from Greggs. I have become obsessed with them.....I found frozen one's in Iceland and they are just as good as the freshly baked ones......I think once the meat is out of the freezer I am going to stock up on them before Iceland stop selling them. 

Becky has had two Christmas dinners this week! Her school served them for two days running and she was so excited....She loves a Christmas dinner as much as I do.


  1. Food is a good word of the week for this time of year! That Christmas dinner looks very yummy. Love your personalised jar of Marmite - I'm a big Marmite fan but hubby is not quite so keen! :-) #WotW

    1. The food at this time of year is so good....hehehe

  2. I had a lovely Christmas dinner for lunch at a restaurant last Friday and couldn't eat again all day, I can't wait for Christmas day now. I can't believe you haven't tried Marmite before. I'm the only person in my house that loves it, so I get a jar to myself too :)

    1. I could easily eat Christmas dinner every day. hehehe I just don't like cooking it.

  3. I do love Christmas food! I didn't know about those festive bakes, I must try one! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. Oh! The festive bakes are amazing! I tried the sausage, bacon and cranberry roll from Greggs too....I think that might be my new favourite thing x

  4. Sounds like an ace week and those pictures are making me feel hungry! Popping over from #WotW

  5. Food is always my favourite word ! I love this time of year although I'm supposed to be good I find it so hard. Greggs festive bakes are way too moorish. #WotW

    1. hehehe! I like my food but at Christmas it always seems so much better.
      Thank you!

  6. You food pics look amazing, both my boys love marmite and defiantly would love there name on a pot. X #wotw

  7. It is the session for good isn't it? I can't believe you haven't tried marmite!? It was actually the first solid food I ate x

    1. It is. hehehe
      I can't ever remember seeing it as a child. lol
      I think the phrase love it or hate it put me off but I am a lover of it now :) x

  8. Food... it is the season. Nothing like a warm Christmas dinner. I love Christmas dinner. You should have seen how excited I was when Tesco started selling Christmas Sandwiches lol.

    1. hahaha! Those Christmas sandwiches are amazing! I have had one delivered every week with my shopping. lol

  9. Oooh marmite! You should try marmite crisps! I love the food at the this time of year too! #wotw

    1. I have tried them...My fella got some. They are so good. hehehe

  10. Hi Kim, OooOOooo I'm sat here trying to catch up with a little blogging, I'm hungry and this post hasn't help in the least!... I can't believe you never tried Marmite until recently! Where have you been all your life? I love the stuff and when I left England I made sure I had a jar of Marmite and teabags in my backpack..... Try it it spooned into scrambled eggs as you're cooking them. Or coat some hot pasta with it ans serve with black pepper and melted cheese. It tastes good in toasties too!

    You do sound organised on the food front for Christmas. My Christmas cake is still in fruit form (the kitchen has taken longer to revamp than expected). On the plus side the fruit is going to be well soaked!

    Thank you for linking up to the #MMBC.


    1. hehehe! I know! I feel so stupid for not trying Marmite earlier! Ohh! I like the sound of the scrambled eggs with it. Yum!
      I'm feeling pretty organised when it comes to the Christmas food. I'm crossing my fingers and toes that everything gets delivered.
      hehehe I love the sound of the Christmas cake x

  11. When I saw the Marmite, I had to laugh. Being American, I can't even bring myself to try it. My husband, who's British, loves it. Meanwhile, my spread of choice is peanut butter (can't live without it) which he finds disgusting. #wotw

    Stephanie @ SV CAMBRIA

    1. hehehe! Ahh! I love peanut butter too.
      Thank you!

  12. Food glorious food ....loving the fact you have your own personalised pot of marmite. #WotW
