
Friday 9 December 2016

Feeling Festive. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

This is the week where Christmas has really hit and I am feeling so festive.....The decorations and the tree went up last weekend which was such a palava. The kids wanted to help and they did to an extent but there was a lot of bickering about who got to do what! I was glad when everything was up.....

I went out Saturday to buy bread, milk and a few bits....I was supposed to get Christmas cards and forgot. I didn't want to go out again & knew I wouldn't be going shopping again over the week so I cheated and ordered them off the Card Factory's website....So lazy but I don't care. lol The girls have written their cards out and given them out to their friends. I still have mine to write out....Earlier in the week the girls made gingerbread houses. They had a great time and the house smelt amazing for a couple of days...hehehe I have a whole blog post coming about it.....

I started on the wrapping....Next week I must get it finished before the kids break up for school....Ellie had her school performance yesterday and it was an African version of Cinderella....I don't even know. It was good but not at all Christmassy which left me a little sad. Ellie played a bird and got her 5 minutes of fame dancing on the stage with a four other kids....

Stu has been working at the company he works at for 5 years and it means he gets a bonus! He got £75 of Love to Shop vouchers....Hooray. It's is fantastic timing. It will really help out over Christmas....We're off today to Iceland to buy the meat for Christmas with it and we're going to pop into Wilko's to get some more stocking fillers and sweets....If there's any left I have been promised a new pair of Mine are practically falling to bits!

Ellie is having her Christmas jumper day at school tomorrow which she is very excited about.....What she is not excited about is the Christmas dinner....Tomorrow would have been burgers on the menu. Her favourite meal at school and it's cancelled. Sprouts are not a good replacement for burgers. lol

Next week it's the girls last week at school until next year! That sounds so good to say.....We are ready for a break! We're finding it so hard to get up on a morning. Yesterday it was still dark when Becky left for school at 8am. Eek! 


  1. Ooo that looks like a lot of festive fun you have had, not long now eek X #wotw

  2. Ohh what a great week! We're trying to get into the festive spirit too, which reminds me I do need to write my cards and wrap some pressies hehe. #WotW

  3. Snap! I've been feeling it, too! My girl had her Christmas dinner at school yesterday and fortunately they only put 1 sprout on her plate - which she still didn't eat! I am so ready for them to break up, too - just one more week! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. hehehe! I don't know why they bother with sprouts for kids.
      I can't wait until the holidays x

  4. You're properly in the festive mood aren't you?! Sounds like you've had a great week and what fantastic timing to get a bonus - fingers crossed you do get your slippers, if not you could always ask Santa! haha!
    I agree with Ellie, sprouts are no substitute for burgers although if you ask my daughter she wouldn't agree. They're one of her favourite vegetables...I know, strange huh?!
    Have a lovely week

    1. I really am! I can't wait until the kids break up....
      We spent the bonus. lol Nearly all in one shop.
      Oh wow! I have never heard of any kids liking sprouts. hehehe

  5. Ah I can imagine the carnage putting the decs up - we had the same fun hehe. Really festive post hun. I have just been wrapping up as the gremlin is at nursery. Almost done! I agree burgers are better than sprouts xx #wotw

    1. hehehe! My girls are old enough to know better when it comes to messing about when we're putting the decorations up.
      Thank you!

  6. And what a lovely word to choose! We're doing gingerbread houses this weekend... hope you got your slippers Kim! #wotw

    1. Ohh! Have fun with the gingerbread houses!
      Thank you!

  7. Love those Gingerbread houses ! I must get round to writing some cards. I love Christmas but don't like wrapping presents or writing the cards out. I got the most comfy pair of slippers from Primark for £4 they have memory foam inside. #WotW

    1. I finally got my cards written...Phew!
      I hate wrapping. Ugh! I love seeing the kids opening them though. hehehe
      Ohh! Memory foam slippers sound amazing!!

  8. You are in the festive mood. I think our tree dressing probably resembled yours. They look forward to it, but someone always gets upset if I'm not careful.I'm looking forward to doing our gingerbread houses. They do make the house smell divine. #wotw

    1. I am tempted to buy more gingerbread things just to make the house smell lovely again. hehehe Thank you!

  9. Love seeing all the festive fun that's been going on. I agree the lack of light just makes one want to hibernate. #WotW

  10. What a lovely week you had. Well done to Ellie with her Christmas performance and I love the gingerbread houses. I'm not liking the dark mornings either - looking forward to breaking up for the holidays although Jessica doesn't break up until the middle of next week x #WotW

  11. Oh definitely a festive week! You can't beat the smell of gingerbread can you, it's so christmassy! Hope your girls enjoyed their last week at school x
