
Friday 28 April 2017

It has been a hard week. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

After having over two weeks off for the Easter holidays my girls returned to school on Tuesday. Oh gosh. During the holidays we got up at the earliest at about half eight and we were rarely dressed before 11am....Tuesday saw us up at 7am and leaving the house by 8.20am. It was hard!

Ellie has found it particularly hard to get back into the school routine....She went to bed fine on Tuesday night and then when I went up she was awake and refused to go to go back to sleep until gone eleven.....Obviously she woke up on Wednesday feeling pretty rubbish. She had a sore head and refused to eat breakfast. I gave her some Calpol and she perked up a little....I said to her she was well enough for school and not eating breakfast would just make her late....She dug her heels in and at her breakfast at a snails pace.....For the first time ever we were late for school. Only by 15 minutes but late all the same....Ugh! I explained to the lady in the office and she was fine about it phew! 

I had a bit of a parenting fail....At the start of the holidays Ellie was given homework and I forgot all about it. It needed to be in by Wednesday. We managed to get most of it done on Monday. Hooray for teachers training days but there was a little left to do Ellie agreed to do it on Tuesday....Of course she wouldn't do it. Point blank refused. I said "if you don't do it you'll get a detention"....She said "OK, FINE"....Grr! So she had her detention last night after school....I think sometimes I have to be hard on her so she can learn from her mistakes and that her stubbornness get's her nowhere. I think she has learned her lesson....For the time being anyway.

I have really found it hard to keep track of what day it is this week.....Monday felt like a Sunday. Tuesday felt like a Monday with the kids going back to school....Then just to add to the confusion Stu had his day off from work yesterday instead of his usual Friday. I'm hoping getting the shopping delivered later and having a glass of wine like I do every Friday will get me back on I was thinking it will get back to normal next week but it won't because we have another bank holiday.....Eesh! 

It hasn't been a bad week though....Becky has settled back into the school routine brilliantly....She brought home a ton of paperwork for me to fill in about what she is doing in R.E. They are doing a topic about helping the community and are having various trips out of school to do just that. Help the community....I have visions of her litter picking but she says they are going to be doing fun things. We'll see.


  1. It is hard getting back into the school routine. Mine never lie in, but I do like when I don't have to do much when I get up, school days are very different. I hope Ellie has learnt her lesson, Star is rubbish at doing homework and she's in secondary school. Thankfully they allow her to do it at school. I don't know how but she does it. Boo is the opposite and had her homework done the first weekend of the holiday. As for getting the days mixed up, I'm sure the bank holiday weekend isn't going to help!! Enjoy your 3 days off I hope they are not so Hard. x

    1. I still don't think we are back into a routine yet. Ugh. Next week when we have a full week at school will feel more normal.
      I think Ellie has learned her lesson. We had less of an argument over the homework this week...Thank you x

  2. It does sound like a hard week, it can be tricky to get back into the swing of things sometimes. I've had one of those weeks losing track of the days, too! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  3. It is so hard to get back in the routine of the early mornings again after a break and now we have a bank holiday again *yawn* X #wotw

    1. I am actually sick of the bank
      Thank you x

  4. One thing after another :) I would have done the same thing with the homework

    1. Glad to hear I am not the only one who would do that with the homework. I felt so mean but she had a lesson to learn x

  5. I hate trying to get back into the school routine after holidays. Olivia is the same with her homework we forgot about it too. I think we've both had a similar week lol! Enjoy your wine

  6. Oh that does sound like a hard week Kim! We've been loving these recent bank hols because like you, we've had some lazy mornings and days! Getting back to it is hard but I do find I like the routine too! #wotw

    1. It wasn't bad it was just hard...
      Thank you x

  7. It is hard getting back into the school routine. I miss the lazy mornings that come with the holidays. I'm not looking forward to homework battles - sounds like you had the right approach with Ellie though. Hope this week has felt more settled x #WotW

  8. I always loved getting the homework over and done as soon as it came in. I'm not sure what I'll be like when my girls get it. It seems like it is tricky to know when to step in as a parent and when to let them learn lessons from experiences.
