
Thursday 6 April 2017

We're growing Sunflowers....

It seems winter is well behind us now....Spring is really here so I thought it was about time that we made use of the Sunflower growing kit that I was sent to review from Gifts Central.  

Ellie was busy doing her own thing so Becky took charge. 

Sunflowers are said to be the the easiest flowers that you can grow and can grow between five and twelve feet tall. We will see. hehehe

Sunflowers are mainly sown from mid-March to the end of May, after the last frost has been. We decided to plant them in pots before we start digging holes in the front garden....

Sunflowers are called sunflowers for a reason. They need sun. At the moment they are at the sunniest spot in the back yard and when they are moved to the front they will get plenty of sun too! 

Sunflowers need lots of water plants 6 feet tall can consume 8 gallons per week but over-watering them can cause deformed seed heads. 

We have watered them and are keeping a close eye on them and we will let you know how we get on.....

Did you know the tallest sunflower grown on record was 25 ft (750cm) tall and was grown in the Netherlands and the largest sunflower head on record measured 32-½ in. (80cm) across its widest point and was grown in Canada.

Have you planted sunflowers before? How did you get on?


  1. We had some success with sunflowers in our old house but here the ground just doesn't want anything to grow in it. The ones we planted last year failed miserably. I hope you have better success and will look forward to seeing your 25ft high sunflowers ;)

  2. I grew them once when I was younger! Hope all goes well with them :)

    Corinne x

  3. We've grown them. Big success last year. Saved enough heads to put out for the birds. One for each of the cold months. Good luck with your sunflowers. I hope they grow big and tall. #PoCoLo

  4. I had some reddy ones over at the allotment last year, they only grew to around 5 foot but had so many flowers on them it was great to cut them and bring them home. I hope you're racing your sunflowers and winner takes all! Good luck - it's amazing how thick the stems grow too. Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo and don't forget to share how you get on x

  5. I have always wanted to grow sunflowers! hope goes well with them

  6. I've never tried to grow sunflowers before but it would be so magical. Good luck with yours! X #PoCoLo

  7. If they're meant to be easy to grow I ought to give them a go, I've not been able to grow anything so far! It'll be interesting to see how they grow. :)
    Thanks for linking to #pocolo
