
Tuesday 25 July 2017

Year 9 and 5 are done...

The girls broke up from school on Friday....This past school year seems to have really flown over.

Ellie and Becky both went off to school in September full of excitement in new uniforms. Ellie going into Year 5 has to wear a shirt and tie and Becky going into Year 9 has to wear a blazer....Over the year we have lost a couple of ties and Becky's blazer is still too big for her with the sleeves rolled under but we survived....

My girls seem to have really matured over the last year....They both enjoy school and are mostly happy there.

The girls have spent the past year getting to and from school on their scooters....The only thing is Ellie has a tendency to scoot off too far ahead and I have to practically run to keep up....The year 5 children are allowed to walk to and from school without an adult and she desperately wants to every day. On a Monday after choir practice she walks home with her friend. The roads are a lot quieter after the school rush and so far she has been brilliant....Next term I think I might take her on a morning them just meet her halfway on the way home....I have to give her some freedom.

Ellie joined the school choir in September and they put on a school production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat along with a few other local schools....She really got into it and spent hours and hours learning all of the songs. She even gave up two Saturdays to go and do dress rehearsals. Seeing her and the rest of the children was such a special moment. They did so well.

Ellie was bullied off and on over the past year but I am glad to say everything seems to be resolved....There is still one girl who is quite nasty but now all the other girls tell her to put a sock in it. hehehe

The best thing about Ellie's year at school was doing a topic about World War 2.....They had a project to do at home and she ended up making World War 2 Biscuits. Since Christmas instead of doing P.E they have had drama lessons all themed around WW2. We went to see a performance a little while ago and they all did so well. Ellie has grown in confidence so much.....

We did have a bit of a downer at the end of the year....Ellie's teacher suspects she has ADHD....We are waiting for an appointment but her teacher gave me her email address on the last day of term so I can get in touch with her if needed. I could have hugged her. I was worried about what would happen if we get an appointment and they ask what the issues are at school and need to speak to someone....

Becky will be going into year 10 in September which is an important year for her....She will start her GCSE's. Eek! Earlier in the year she made her choices about what subjects she will take but a couple of her subjects have been changed....She is now taking Computer science, Geography, Health and Social Care and Statistics. Not exactly what we wanted but at least Computer science and Statistics go together....

Since Christmas Becky has been getting a lot more homework and I have enjoyed helping her with it. She did all about the book An Inspector Calls. One of the assignments was to write tweets as a character from the book and had real fun with it....It earned her a homework pass which meant she got to skip writing a huge essay....

I have very little to do with Becky's school life which is a shame....She obviously tells me about the social aspect of school but very little about what she learns....She brought home a couple of her books last week and it was interesting to read about what she has been doing in her lessons....We have had reports and parents evening and she is where she should be and in some subjects better. 

This year Spanish was a new subject to her and she enjoyed it but found it harder than French....Becky is really gutted she won't be taking French for her GCSE's but I'm sure she'll get over it...

The only subject she fails at is P.E....She hates it with a passion. When we went to parents evening we spoke to the P.E teacher who started chuckling when she saw us coming...She told us about one lesson where they were playing rugby and instead of tackling people she was just waving them past....Every year has been the same. Becky is just not a sporty person.

I am very proud of both of my girls....Ellie might not always do as well as she could but I am hoping in September with a little help she will and I am sure Becky will do great in the next school year. It is an important year for her as she starts her GCSE's....


  1. Sounds like they are really thriving. I hope you get the help with Ellie :) X #mmbc

  2. What lovely memories of their year. It sounds like they've both had great school years and you must be so proud of them (and also happy that summer is here at last!). How lovely of Ellie's teacher to give you her contact details for the holidays.

    1. They had a great school year and have both came on leaps and bounds. Thank you x

  3. Great to hear that Ellie and Becky have both had a good year. It sounds like Ellie had an especially supportive teacher, how kind of her to give you her contact details :o)


    1. She is the best teacher. I think there will be tears from me and her this time next year. Thank you x

  4. It sounds like a good year overall. I remember reading An Inspector Calls at school, I love the idea of the tweet homework, much more fun than the work we used to get!

    1. It really was a good year. I read it at school too. Ahh! the Tweet homework was so much fun to help her with. Twitter wasn't even around when I was at school. lol

  5. A lovely round up of the school year and I hope Ellie gets the support she needs when they go back in September. Your girls are exactly a year behind my 2 as we have just finished year 6 and 10 x

  6. Ah I feel for Becky - I hated PE too. It was the bain of my life at school/ You must be very proud of your lovely daughters. I hope you all have a wonderful Summer. #bestandworst

  7. I am picturing Ellie waving the girls on by in rugby and I am having a good giggle. Not exactly a sport I fancy playing and I've tried most of them. It's good that the school have also approached you about Ellie and are keeping an eye on it. Seems like you have a good chance of getting the support you need. #bestandworst

  8. Hope you get the the answers for Ellie and she has a good Year 6! I can't believe the time has flown. Both sound like they are doing really well and you must be very proud. Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x

  9. Wow GCSE's - important stuff! Good luck! #bestandworst
