
Saturday 14 October 2017

A photo everyday for a year - Week 41 #Project365

We have had a quiet week this week....Just plodding on with life hence the rubbish photos but I still managed one every day.

266/365 - 7th October
Saturday night sweets....The boxes of chocolates were on offer for £2 so the girls got a box each. 

267/365 - 8th October
I had the last Chicago Town Salted Caramel pizza. They are so good but very, very sweet.

268/365 - 9th October
I hate putting the washing away and always leave it to pile up. I need to put it away more!

269/365 - 10th October
We got the proofs for Becky's school photos. We went with option B. The one with her arms folded.

270/365 - 11th October
I came so close to not taking a photo today.....I was playing an online game Hearthstone before I went to bed, was changing my deck of cards and took a photo to remind me of what cards I had....This will have to do.

271/365 - 12th October
Soup for tea. Ellie had ham sandwiches to dip in.

272/365 - 13th October
I came home from having coffee with friends to see my fella had started painting the living room....It needed doing but we weren't planning to do it so soon. Oh well. It's done now. lol


  1. Lovely pic of Becky, she's your double. I bet the school photos are still pricey too.
    And I never knew Chicago Town did a caramel pizza. Oh my days I will never be thin lol! x

    1. Thank you! Don't get me started about the school photos. Becky's cost £12.50 for one large and 4 small & Ellie's cost £13.50 for just one large one. Ugh! They're 2 different companies.

  2. The box of chocolates looks yum but I seriously confused by sweet pizza?!! I don't think I'd like it at all. Hehe I live when the guys just suddenly start diying. Has he finished it though?#365

    1. The pizza was delicious.
      He did half. He still has the dining room to do later in the week. lol

  3. At least he put a sheet down and what a surprise. I hope it was a colour you like lol

    1. He was just painting white on white....Just to freshen it up. lol
      Thank you!

  4. how nice to get the room painted as a surprise, saves a lot of grief and stress before hand for you.
    That is a good size box of chocolate for £2.
    Pizza is suppose to be savoury not sweet, sounds a bit bizarre

    1. It really was a nice surprise...It looks nice & clean in here now.
      I know the chocolates were such a bargain. I should have bought more and put them away for Christmas while they were on offer. Thank you!

  5. I don't think I could eat the salted caramel pizza - it makes my teeth hurt looking at it! I can so relate to a man just randomly starting to paint. My husband said on Friday evening that he might paint the spare room. He started at 9.20pm that night!

    1. The pizza wasn't actually as sweet as it looked. I was quite surprised.
      hahaha! At least the painting is getting done. Thank you!

  6. Nice to get the room painted even if it was a bit of a surprise. I've never tried one of these sweet pizzas.

    1. It was. It looks so much cleaner and fresher in here now. Thank you!
