
Friday 13 October 2017

Movie Memories. Day 13 of #Blogtober17

I am taking part in Blogtober17 and will be writing posts with various themes/prompts throughout October...Today's prompt is: Movies

I am really rubbish at watching Movies....I tend to watch more TV shows than actual films....When I do watch films they seem to be one's that I have seen over and over or one's with the kids where I only half watch them.....

The last film I watched all the way through last week was Con Air. I have seen it at least 50 times and love it. It is on my top 10 list of favourite films....

The first film I remember watching was Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs...My dad took my brother and I to see it a the cinema. It was also the first time I visited the cinema...

My dad used to love watching films....He was the one who let my brother and I watch Jaws when were were little. My mother came in to fine my brother hid behind the settee scared....Oops! He obviously wasn't a fan of killer sharks. 

Another movie film which sticks in my head is E.T. Years ago on Christmas day there was always a big deal about a new film being shown and one year it was E.T. It still gets to me now...So sad but such a lovely film at the same time!

The first time I saw any of Terminator 2 was at People would bring videos in to watch at the end of term....As a lesson was only an hour long I only got to watch about 50 minutes of it....In the next class the teacher wouldn't let us watch it as it was classed as something like a 15 film and at the time my friends and I were about 12 years old...Oops.

When I was a teenager my brother had some friends who would get copied VHS videos of new films which were out at the cinema. We saw the Lion King when it was brand new and Independence Day. I think we wore the video out. We thought we were so cool and our parents couldn't really complain because we were not asking for money to go to the cinema....

The last film I saw at the cinema was the new version on Cinderella and the one before that was Titanic. I saw Titanic by accident. My friend and I went to see something else, I can't remember what but we were late and the next showing was in a couple of hours. Titanic was just starting so we went to see that not expecting to enjoy it but we did. So much so that I bought it on VHS the day it was released....

I think the last brilliant film I watched was A Street Cat Named Bob. 

Based on the international best selling book. The true feel good story of how James Bowen, a busker and recovering drug addict had his life transformed when he met a stray ginger cat.

My teen and I watched this and didn't expect much from it but it made me cry and smile then cry happy tears. It is such a lovely film. I think it being a true story makes it such a touching story.


  1. Was the film any good? I read the book "A Street Cat Named Bob" but I didn't see the film.

    1. I thought it was but I've never read the book. lol

  2. Con Air is one of my favourites too! Such a great film :)

  3. Con Air is a great film :) I’ve never heard of A Street Cat named Bob though, I’ll have to check it out :) #blogtober

  4. We watched A Street Cat Named Bob the other week and really enjoyed it. It was a little different to what we normally watch and made a nice change x

    1. It's was Becky's choice here...I didn't think it would be any good but I loved it! x

  5. I haven't watched Con Air in years! Loved that film. We love films here x

    1. It's been on TV loads over the past few weeks. hehehe
      Thank you!
