
Wednesday 20 December 2017

What I really want for Christmas....

I have got to the age now where I have just about everything I need....There is a few things I want like a fancy camera and a new laptop....My own house and maybe a winning lottery ticket but there are some things which cost barely anything which I would really like...

For Christmas I would like:

A proper day off once a month.....A day where I didn't have to cook, do the dishes, tidy up or be responsible for all things in the home....

Homemade gifts....Homemade, heartfelt gifts are always the best ones. They are so special. They mean more to me than shop bought ones because someone has gone to the effort to make me it....

One More Hour of

A thank you every now and again would be nice....

The kids to empty their plates into the bin before putting them in the sink....That is not too much to ask! 

The perfect babysitter. Who's always available, shows up on time, doesn't mind if you're late and has the house clean and the kids asleep when we get home....

My fella and the kids to find something all by themselves without any input from me. Whatever they are looking for is always where I say it is...They just don't look properly!

To have a conversation without interruption....

To have long hot shower or bath alone! That means no one coming in to pee, no one asking questions and no one throwing toys into the shower! I had one a couple of weeks ago, it was amazing and I want more! 

A trip to the shops which does not involve chasing after kids and hearing the words "can I have this" a million and one times....

One entire day without bickering, crying, and drama… especially from the children. hehehe....

An extra couple of hours in the day....

Is there anything you fancy? hehehe


  1. I fancy all of that Kim, oh to have a nice relaxing bath in peace without anyone disturbing me xx

  2. Love your wish list! It will happen as your kids get older, though my teens still don't always empty their plates into the bin before putting them in the sink! Wishing you a very Happy Christmas. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am glad you like my cards.

  3. Oh yes, most of these would be on my Christmas wishlist too. An extra couple of hours in the day would be especially nice! Failing that though, I'll happily settle for some nice handmade Christmas gifts :-)

  4. fabulous wish list. When I was 13 I used to babysit for a woman with four kids under 8! I also used to babysit my own brother who was 5 at the time. In fact I think I looked after him more than my Mum did. It's strange isn't it, how times change. There is no way I'd trust a 13 year old with my fact I have a hard time trusting my older kids with them and they are older than I was when I became a parent to them both! I'm rambling again, lol. My Christmas Wish would be a week of not having to do the washing. Just filling the washing machine, transferring ot the tumble dryer then folding it up is such a big drag and one of my least favourite chores. xx

  5. A day with no bickering, crying or drama would be heaven. It's the first day of the holidays for my girls and Ella's crying, they're both bockering and they've just lost their screen time for the day because I'm sick of the way they're treating each other. The reason they're not being very nice is because they have to tidy their room and they can never do it without loads of drama and bickering!

  6. Nothing wrong with wanting family to help in getting things done and them acting upon it. #mmbc

  7. These are great. I definitely agree with the day off once a month and to have a bath in peace!
