
Sunday 4 February 2018

Spring is coming! #MySundayPhoto

I love buying fresh flowers from Tesco which get delivered with my grocery shopping....I squealed with excitement when I saw they had got their Daffodil's back in stock....

They may not look like much at the moment but they will....I can't wait for them to open!


  1. Our farm daffodils are in flower now, I hope this lovely collection soon come out for you too

  2. Wahooo hopefully soon as I can't wait to see some blue skies and sun :) #MySundayPhoto

  3. I absolutely love daffodils! I've got one very nearly open in my garden. I'd never thought of getting flowers delivered with my Tesco order, that's a good idea!

  4. I never knew you could get flowers with a Tesco order! I’m totally getting some dafodils in my next order!

  5. Our bulbs are all coming up on our allotment - so pretty! #MySundayPhoto

  6. So lovely to see signs of Spring. I spotted my first snowdrops of the year earlier this week and the daffodils are starting to emerge in the garden. They're so bright and pretty once they're open :-)

  7. Ooh, I love a bunch of daffodils. I can't wait for them to spring up in the garden.

  8. I'm sure you'll be having a lovely blossoming bouquet of daffodils very soon, such pretty flowers and so bright and colourful. I hope you share another photo of them in blossom. x #mysundayphoto

  9. Hi Kim, a proper sign that spring is on it's way... This time next week they'll add a lovely splash of colour to your day.


  10. You have just reminded me to pick up a bunch or two this week - love watching them flower, such a happy flower you cannot help but smile when looking at them :) Sim #PocoLo xx

  11. Spotted daffodils in our local store earlier in the week, sure sign spring is on its way, love watching daffodils open.

  12. Lovely - it's about time too! Enjoy your flowers when they come out.

  13. How lovely have them when it is so grey outside. Spring is not far....X #mysundayphoto

  14. think the outdoor ones may be in for a bit of a shock with the snow that is possibly due this week, Love to see them in a vase indoors. over from #MySundayPhoto

  15. I love daffodils too. Ours are only small green shoots at the moment.

  16. I love daffodils, must try and see if i can find any here in Dubai, they're running promotions on tulips everywhere at the moment #mysundayphoto

  17. I get ridiculously excited when Spring arrives as I love having so many pretty flowers around. Daffodils and Tulips are my favourite for Spring x #MySundayPhoto

  18. Have they opened yet? I even have a daffodil in flower outside but I rather suspect it is regretting its decision to flower early as we have snow forecast for today! #MMBC

  19. Daffodils are one of my favourites - I've planted lots of bulbs in the garden in the autumn so hoping for a bright and colourful garden soon.

  20. They are my favourite flowers


  21. I used to not be bothered much about daffodils, but I love them now. They are so English! :) #sundayphoto
