
Friday 9 February 2018

We're better and have had a better week. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Last week we were all ill....Really ill with the flu but we're all just about better now.....We are left with snotty noses and a bit of a cough but we're over the worst.....

Ellie was a trooper and didn't feel her worst until Sunday night....She ended up having Monday off school. She was exhausted. It was like deja vu. Becky was off the Monday before with exactly the same. Tiredness brought on by coughing all night. She spent most of the day snoozing on the sofa and of course we watched Moana again.

It has felt a really strange week.....I expected it to drag with it being the week before the school holidays but it has flown over....

For five years Friday has always been Stu's day off work but it has changed to a Wednesday now.....I wasn't too sure of it at first. We never do anything on a Wednesday and it's not very useful to us but it has really broken the week up....I think I can get used to it....

Last year Ellie's school choir joined with the secondary school and other local primary schools to put on a performance of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. This year they are doing Beauty and the Beast....She was tempted to audition for the part of Chip but pulled out and decided against it at the last moment....She decided to just stick with the choir but it turns out she has more to do than just sing. She is going to be playing a villager too....She was given the script earlier in the week and although she has nothing to say she does have a lot of actions to do.....She already knows all of the songs but that hasn't stopped her practicing every evening. Even when she had a sore throat she was whispering the words.

Becky has really knuckled down with her revision.....We gave her last week off with us having the flu but each evening this week she has done Geography and Science....She seems to remember the more complicated, random things but forgets the obvious facts like when we were talking about rainforests could tell me about the plants, animals and how much rain fell each day but couldn't tell me the basic characteristics of a rainforest. That it was hot and wet....We have a lot of work to do....

Next week is half term and it seems to have came around so quickly. It doesn't seem that long since the Christmas holidays. We are ready for it though. I have lots of things planned to keep the girls busy. Baking, crafts and a couple of days out....They still have money left over from Christmas which I am amazed at. I have said we will go to Newcastle shopping. Ellie wants to go to Smiggle & the Disney Store and Becky wants to go to Paperchase & Primark. Eek!


  1. Glad you are all feeling better. Doing Beauty and the Beast sounds like fun and well done to Becky for staying focused with her revision. Hope you have a good weekend x #WotW

  2. Good to hear you are all better. It can drag on. Ellie sounds enthusiatic about her choir. Must be wonderful to see her getting so involved in it. It feels like half term is early and I really haven't put much thought into it. Revision will be dominating it I'm sure, for us too. Enjoy your shopping trip. #wotw

  3. That sounds like a fun shopping trip! We've another week at school to go, and lie you, I'm ready for the break and looking forward to it. Glad you're all better now and sounds like the girls have had good weeks at school x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  4. Awww bless her, hope the rest helps. I hope you can adopt soon with change X #wotw

  5. Glad the flu bug is all done with now and you are all feeling better. My kids don't break up until next Friday so we have another week to go, although Star hasn't been in much this week due to illness. x

  6. We have another week until half term but are looking forward to having a rest. We've had the flu too and it takes a lot out of you. The school puts on some great plays, I wish ours did Beauty and the Beast!#wotw

  7. Awww sounds like your girls have been busy with school! This half term is really needed then. And you are so prepared, me on the other hand is not ready. I need to think of things that my son can do this week!! *panic mode on*


  8. Lovely to read that you are all recovering well from the flu. #WotW
