
Wednesday 23 May 2018

Guilty pleasure foods...

A survey by online butcher, Great British Meat Company anonymously asked people what they would choose to eat everyday if there was no consequences and no guilt attached to eating and what came out on top was a bacon sandwich!

I can quite believe this! I would eat one every day given the chance. I have at least one a week. It has to be fried bacon in white bread with tomato sauce on. Sometimes Stu will make me a grilled bacon and egg sandwich with toast. He cooks the eggs in the microwave which are so good but I have never been able to cook them as well as he does.....

Pizza and Pasta also made up the top three foods that people feel guilty about eating...

I am not fussed about pasta....I eat it but I don't feel guilty about it. When we have pasta it is always with vegetables so what's to feel guilty about....

My favourite guilty pleasure foods are:

Pot Noodles.
It has to be the Beef & Tomato one's and I fish the peas out. hehehe I can easily eat two in one sitting.

Tinned Bacon grill and tinned tomatoes.
I won't even look at the ingredients in the bacon grill. I am guessing not much pork.

A fry up.
With everything fried. Bacon, sausages, eggs, tomatoes, black pudding, mushrooms and even beans. If I'm feeling very naughty I will have fried bread instead of toast which will be covered in tomato sauce.

Ham and Crisp sandwiches.
2 packets of crisps have to be mixed. I usually go for beef & onion & chicken.

I buy a packet every week with the grocery shop. We either go for the sugary ring ones or jam filled one's....There is nothing nicer than a fresh one that has been cooked that day.

Skips Prawn Cocktail Crisps

Fray Bentos Beef And Onion Pie with Aunt Bessies Mashed Potato.
This is my hangover meal. It is easy to make and just so bad that it's good....It all has to be covered with gravy and with no veg on the plate.

Sour Cream And Onion Pringles dipped in Thousand Island sauce or dip.
I eat this most Saturday evenings. hehehe

Banana and sugar sandwiches.

Food from McDonalds.
My order is usually a McChicken Sandwich meal with a chocolate milkshake and a hamburger.

What food do you love that you know you shouldn't?

1 comment :

  1. Theresa Thomas26 May 2018 at 21:44

    Guilty pleasure foods are Pot Noodle. Mr Freeze Ice Pops, fried mushrooms and Ice cream
