
Saturday 12 May 2018

Selfies, seeds and no homework. Week 18. #Project365

I had high hopes for this week....The weather has been great but by the time we got to Tuesday it started to go downhill. The kids were behaving badly and then I got a cold. I am feeling better now but I have been left with a cough. I haven't been in a photo taking mood. Ugh. 

Now for a photo every day....

124/365 - 5th May
On their tablets. Pretty standard for a Saturday....

125/365 - 6th May
Ellie was sent some a Glam Goo accessory pack to try out and she loved it. She is crazy about slime.

126/365 - 7th May
We went to the beach and Ellie and Stu were messing about taking selfies.

127/365 - 8th May
I bought some of these plants/seeds in a can to try out from Wilkos. I really should plant them before it's too late in the year.

128/365 - 9th May
I failed taking a photo today but Stu did. He spotted a ladybird in the garden.

129/365 - 10th May
The first letter from school which made me smile this week....The kids are celebrating the royal wedding at school. Ellie can't wait to go to school in a nice dress and have a buffet lunch. hehehe

130/365 - 11th May
The 2nd letter from school which made me smile. Ellie has her SATs next week and this is just what we needed to read. Yes, she is more than just a test score. Her homework for the weekend was to have fun! 


  1. I like the idea of tomatoes in a tin, I must check that out when I visit Wilko soon X

  2. Oh how dun the wedding celebration sounds. I'm not a fan of the monarchy but I do love the community spirit these things bring about.

    1. It sounds brilliant...My girl is really looking forward to it. x

  3. Some lovely photos, have a great weekend having fun... What great homework #365

  4. Great letters from the school, the wedding day sounds fun.
    Quite right about not stressing about the SAT's. Fifi has been doing exams the last few weeks as well.
    Looks like monkey enjoyed the beach.

    1. Thank you. They were fab letters. My girl can't wait for the wedding day.
      I hope FiFi's exams are going OK x

  5. Great week - i keep saying I'll plant my seeds! TOMORROW i will......

    1. hahaha! I will plant them tomorrow too. lol x

  6. love the idea of the kids celebrating the royal wedding in school. great photo of the two of them messing around at the beach

    1. It sounds like it's going to be a fun day.
      Thank you x

  7. I had good intentions of planting seeds this year, but in the end just bought small tomato plants. I did grow tomatoes from seeds in the past, it's more of an achievement when you do everything from seeds. Fun selfie at the beach! Great day ahead at school, don't think my boys' schools do anything special.

    1. We try to grow tomatoes every year and fail! This year will be different. lol Thank you x

  8. Good luck to Ellie for the SATs! Nice to have the royal wedding celebration to look forward to too. I've never seen seeds in a can like that before, but they sound like a great idea.

  9. I love those tins seed growing things although I've never managed to grow from them.
    Hope the SATs go well for Ellie

  10. I hope Ellie is going on OK with her SATs, Boo has got hers too this week although they weren't lucky enough not to have homework. x

    1. Ahh! It's a bit stressful here at the moment. She's been OK up until this morning where we had tears. :( Good luck to Boo. I hope she's doing OK x

  11. Love the seeds in a can. Hope SATS have gone ok and they are enjoying the wedding celebrations #365

  12. I hope the SATs have gone well and all Year 6s are having a well deserved rest (and their families!) #project365
