
Friday 20 July 2018

The last week of school has been emotional. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

It could have quite easily been proud, ending, crying, school or grateful....It has been the last week of school and Ellie's last week of primary school.....

Last Friday Ellie brought home her school report and her SATs results and I couldn't have been happier with what I read! She did so well in her SATs. This time last year her teacher was worrying about how she would handle them and in the nicest way thought she would really struggle. Well she showed them! Ellie is at the expected standard for English, Reading & Science. She is behind with maths but I don't really care....She has done better than anyone expected and made me very proud. 

After reading her school report I cried.....Ellie hasn't always had the best reports from school but this one was ALL positive! I am so grateful that she has had an amazing teacher for the last two years of primary school. Thank you Mrs G! 

On Tuesday there was the sad news that Kate who blogged at WitWitWoo had passed away.. I didn't know her personally....I read her blog and we exchanged a few words on Twitter over the years. She was such an amazing woman, she was always so positive and always made me chuckle.....Her son set up a Go Fund Me page to raise money to cover the funeral costs and the target has well and truly been smashed! It is times like this when it is amazing to see the blogging community to come together! She will be missed!

Stu and I went to the school on Wednesday for the leavers assembly.....I knew what to expect after watching Becky's a few years ago. They really know how to tug at the heart strings!  All the kids did so well and put on a play which lasted about an hour...I held it together until they showed all the photos of the kids and played Never Forget by Take that.....There were video messages from all the old teachers who have left the school and that was it. I full on cried....I am so glad the lights were off as it wasn't It left me feeling emotional all day and I found myself crying over the stupidest of things like Hollyoaks. lol

We got Becky's school report yesterday and she is doing well....She is on target to get good GCSE grades....Phew! 

Yesterday was the service of thanks at the church where all the kids sung their favourite songs from the year. The year 3's sung A million dreams from the Greatest Showman which nearly had me crying and then of course the year sixes sung a song from their leavers assembly which did make me cry...It was such a lovely service though.

No doubt later today I will be crying again when I say goodbye to Ellie's teacher and the primary school. I have a plan though. I am going to wear sunglasses to hide my tears. I really hope it's sunny or my plan will be


  1. Well done Ellie ! she's done brilliant. It's been an emotional week all round by the sounds of it. I hope you have a great summer holidays x

  2. I never met Kate or read her blog but it has been amazing to see how the blogging community has come together this week to support Kate's sons as well as each other. It is times like this when you realise what a wonderful place the blogosphere can be. I can imagine what an emotional week it must have been for you with Ellie's last week of primary school. It really is the end of an era and that leavers assembly certainly does sound like one that tugged at the heartstrings - I would have been sobbing too! Sunglasses sound like a very good idea for today! Well done to both Becky and Ellie on their school reports x #WotW

  3. Oh my, what a week! So many emotional moments. Well done to Ellie, you must be so proud. I know I will be a complete mess when mine leave year 6, and later today those kids will have their leavers assembly at my kids' school so I'm expecting to see lots of parents there with sunglasses on! Hope you make it through OK x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  4. Good luck with the sunglasses :) I'm not going to pick up Boo, her teacher is leaving the school and I would be very emotional. He started there as a student teacher and I've watched him grow into a 'real' man and a fantastic teacher. Boo has had him as her teacher for two years and I was hoping that the Little Man might get into his class one day, but he's off to another school. Way too emotional for me, I did say goodbye to him yesterday at the leavers assembly though.
    It was so very sad to hear about Kate, sudden death is so very hard to deal with and I really feel for her two son's. Like you, I never met her, but I was so excited to meeting her for the first time at The Retreat this year, but then she went and broke her arm and didn't come. It's lovely how bloggers all come together at times like this.
    Well done Becky and Ellie on their school reports, it's so lovely when you know they are doing well at school xx

  5. This made me chuckle. Maybe it will rain this afternoon and you can blame your tears on that instead! You must be exhausted after such an emotional week, but I'm glad it's been filled with some lovely things :) #WotW

  6. It's been an emotional week here for us with Ella as well. We sent in a letter to the head teacher, thanking her for everything she, her staff and the school has done for our 3 children.
    We gave it to Ella to take in with some Cadbury Heroes cupcakes because I would have been too emotional to go in!
    Ella said the head teacher showed it to all the teachers and Ella's favourite teacher was crying when she read it!
    So that's it now, our baby girls are going to big school!
    A huge well done to Ellie and I hope you all have a wonderful summer :) xx

  7. Well done to other girls, they have done so well and you must be so proud. X #WOTW
