
Friday 17 August 2018

A week of the Unexpected. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is......

I struggled picking a word for this past week....It has been a bit of an odd one....I could have picked excitement with it being Stu's birthday but that didn't sit right with what went on mid week near me....I could have picked busy but then there has been a couple of days where we have done nothing at all apart from watch TV and be lazy. I have decided to go with unexpected.....

The weekend seems such a long time ago. I have had to look back on my Instagram photos to see what we got up As soon as I looked I thought Oh, yeah! The highlight of my weekend was watching Casualty! lol I love that TV show and have since I was young. The person who I thought was going to die/be majorly injured didn't, it was someone else. I won't say in case someone hasn't seen it yet. It was very unexpected.

On Wednesday we had a lie in and when we got up we heard the police helicopter which is nothing new considering where I live.....It was only when I went to open the back gate (I was expecting a parcel) that I thought something was going on. As I went to open the gate a couple of men ran past then I heard shouting.....I hesitated in opening the gate. Running men and the police helicopter overhead set my "spidey sense" off.....After a couple of minutes I was brave enough to open the gate and peek out.....At the end of our street there was police cars, vans and police people with guns.

Whatever was going on was serious! I locked the gate, came in and locked the doors and got straight on Facebook. The rumors were that the post office a couple of streets away had been robbed....Our friendly postman knocked and dropped a parcel off & I asked what was going on and he confirmed that there was an armed robbery, 2 men with guns had robbed the post office and were loose somewhere nearby. All the streets nearby were blocked off and even he said to stay indoors.....Thankfully no one in the post office was hurt....They were just shaken. The police arrested people later in the day and it was all over.....

It was Stu's birthday on Thursday and he had already had his present earlier in the week. He plays the online game World of Warcraft and there was a new expansion released and I bought him that for his birthday....What he wasn't expecting was the other few presents I got him. I got him a big cup, a couple of t-shirts and a screwdriver set which he was very happy with....


  1. Ooh scary stuff, it's a sign of the times that we (well, I anyway) instantly think terrorism and then feel relieved when it's "just" a straight robbery. Definitely too close to home though

  2. Unexpected definitely fits for your week, what awful drama you had there mid-week. Glad no-one was hurt, but it's scary when things like that happen near to you, isn't it? Sounds like Stu had lovely unexpected treats, glad he had a good day x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  3. Eow that is scary, I have seen armed police etc and it can be scary to watch. I am glad no one got hurt. Happy birthday to your other half X #wotw

  4. Oh my goodness how scary ! I bet that shook you up a little I know it would me. Hope you are feeling a bit more settled now x #wotw

  5. OMG thats awful I bet you were so scared, I would have been. Dont you just love facebook for being the place to find out about gossip ! xx

  6. I live in the type of area that always has police helicopters too, and always had for fb when I hear them lol. Glad you were all safe xx

  7. Oh my goodness having an armed robbery nearby sounds very scary. Glad you all stayed safe. Sounds like Stu had a good birthday and that you had a good week other than the drama with the armed robbery! #WotW
