
Friday 4 January 2019

This week my Word of the Week is: Limbo #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

This past week has felt like we are in limbo. I lost track of what day it was ages ago and actually started writing this blog post on Wednesday because Becky convinced me that it was Thursday. lol

We missed out on the feeling of being in limbo between Christmas and New year because we were away on holiday and didn't get back until the 27th. Since then I felt busy catching up with the washing, tidying the house, trying to keep it de-cluttered with the kids Christmas presents which they got when we came back and of course catching up with blogging.

All the decorations are down and the house feels so bare. Christmas seems like it was weeks ago. With the kids breaking up so late from school before Christmas it means they don't go back to school until Monday which they are very happy about.

Stu managed to make up his hours at work after having Christmas off to go away. Two 10 hour shifts on his feet left him broken. He had to work New years eve and day to make up for having Christmas Eve off but it was totally worth it!

On New Years eve we had our normal party tea and played board games. We were all tucked up in bed just after the fireworks on BBC1. I am too old to be staying up till all hours. That was the biggest excitement of our week. We haven't really done anything else.

Next week it's back to reality. We must stop eating chocolate and party food. I'm not doing the whole new years resolution thing saying we will eat healthily but we need to eat some proper meals which aren't as big and end with Christmas pudding, cake or creamy dessert.

I have been through the fridge, freezer and cupboards and I have realised I won't need to get the usual weekly shop. It is a great start to the new year. It means the money I would have spent on the shopping will go straight into the savings!


  1. My daughters return to school on Monday too it's going to be strange not having them around.

  2. I'm the same, I'm not shopping this week as we have enough in the fridge and freezer to see us through ! Happy New Year to you all :)

  3. I love how you are so real in your blogging. For the first year ever, I am not tying myself to weight loss or healthy eating resolutions. As on so many fronts, I will accept that I will do my best and that's OK. It's a very odd time of year and I think we are all ready for Spring to turn up. And here's to savings - we find them so hard to make but going to make a real effort this year to squirrel some away #MMBC

  4. Wow, lucky you having enough left over food, I bought so much for the Christmas period but it's all gone and my cupboards are bare and I can't even shop until next Tuesday. Baked beans on toast it is then hehe. Thanks for joining in with #Wotw this week x

  5. It's a funny week between Christmas and new year isn't it, I totally lost track of days the whole week felt like one long weekend. Great news about the shopping, it will give your savings a nice boost. Have a great weekend #WotW

  6. That does sound like a tough couple of shifts for Stu. Hope the break away helped to ease him back to work. My children go back on Monday too. I don't do new year resolutions either. I have done a food shop, but the last one was a fortnight earlier. Love your idea of putting the money away as savings. Hope you have a good week.
