
Friday 25 January 2019

This week my Word of the Week is: Treats #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

The kids got their half yearly reports from school on Friday. If you have been reading here a while you know how much my fella and I have worried about Ellie at school. She has always been behind her peers. Sometimes a lot behind but after having 4 months at secondary school and doing all the tests it turns out she's pretty clever and is knuckling down doing her work. Her target for the end of the school year is +1 and she is already nearly there on most of her subjects and there for Maths already! I am so proud of her! Becky's report is fantastic too. She is expected to do so well in all of her GCSE's which she has in the summer. There is only Geography which she's not doing too well in but she's doing extra lessons at school and is revising hard at home. That's all I can ask for.

They both deserved a treat so I got them some things they had been asking for. A 5 Seconds of Summer hoodie for Becky (It's a pop group she likes) and Ellie got some new stationary which she had been wanting.

I thought we would treat ourselves to a takeaway on Saturday night. I wished I hadn't bothered. We got an Indian's Stu's meal was perfect, mine not so much. Watered down curry, under cooked naan bread and overcooked chips. At least the poppadoms and dips were perfect.

Before Christmas we saw that Argos was selling the Google Home Mini for £29.99 but we never got around to buying it. We had bills to pay and I forgot all about it until my friend mentioned that it was back on sale so Stu and I treated ourselves to one! 

We have had great fun with it and it is getting a lot of use. It's one of those things that when you get it you wonder how you have lived without one.

I also treated myself to a print for Rosarts. I have followed Ar on Twitter and Instagram for a while. She is so real and makes me laugh so much when I watch her insta-stories. She is also a very good artist! I love all of her art work but was drawn to the "Shy Bairns Get Nowt Art Print". It's what my friends keep telling me. It is gorgeous, I just need to get a frame for it!

I think I am done with spending money and we are going back to saving! The kids only have about three weeks left at school before half term and Stu has the week off work too so I think we're going to plan a couple of days out. I am hoping to go and see my great Aunt. With us going away at Christmas we never got to see her so we are due a visit. It's a bit of a trek on public transport but it will be worth it.


  1. One of my favourite words - who doesn't love a treat

  2. I love treats,so can see why it's you're word of the week x

  3. The girls definitely deserved treats, Ellie seems to be thriving at high school which is brilliant to hear. I'm sure Becky will smash her GCSE's this summer. I love that print, going to pop over and take a look at Rosarts and have a look. Have a fab weekend x #wotw

  4. Well done to your girls for their reports!

  5. oooh lots of treats, how lovely. Well done to the girl's on their reports x
    Thanks for linking up to #Wotw

  6. Well done Ellie and Becky. They have been working hard. Wish our school gave such clear targets. The reports they sent out before Christmas were as much use as a chocolate teapot. I do like your new print. Made me smile. Hope you enjoy your weekend. #wotw

  7. Sounds like they have both earned their treats, well done girls.
    Is the home mini a google version of the amazon echo? #wotw

  8. Everyone needs to treat themselves every now and again :)Karen Early Rising Mum

  9. Well done to Ellie and Becky on doing well at school and those treats were certainly well-deserved. What a shame your takeaway was disappointing though. The Google Home Mini sounds like it was a bargain. We have one and Sophie is forever asking it questions! Hope you manage to go to see your great-aunt at half-term x #WotW
