
Monday 13 May 2019

And so it begins. The GCSE's.

Today is the start of my teen's proper GCSE's. She has already taken her English Literature, a Health & Social Care and an iMedia one over the past year. It was good for her to get some out of the way before the pressure of the near enough daily exams. It also gave her an idea of what to expect in a proper exam. Becky has 19 exams to take over the next month, she's been revising hard and is feeling ready for them.

Today she has an R.E exam and tomorrow a biology one and a Chemistry one on Thursday. Over the weekend she was focusing on those subjects working in 20 minute blocks. 20 minutes revising and then a 10 minute break. It seems to work for her this way.

As she is still in school and will be revising there we are making sure that each evening she will be taking some time off so she is relaxed and ready to go for the next exam. So far she doesn't seem stressed about the exams at all which is brilliant and I am so relieved. I will be keeping an eye on her over the next month making sure the pressure doesn't get to her.

We have agreed with Becky that she will be going to bed earlier during the time when she's doing her GCSE's. Instead of staying up watching TV or reading until 11pm she will be going to sleep at 10pm and then getting up on time and eating a proper breakfast even if she doesn't fancy it. A decent breakfast will help her concentrate!

We've agreed that she will be getting everything she needs for that days exam ready the night before so there is no last minute panicking. Ellie has been given strict instructions not to mess about on the way to school. We don't want Becky to be late, especially since half her exams are on a morning.

I keep telling Becky to stay calm and if need be stay away from nervous people in her year group who may be flapping and stressing. She doesn't need to start over thinking and stressing too and when the exams are finished to take what people are saying about them with a pinch of salt. Other people might say they were easy but they might have actually got everything wrong. (I do hope that doesn't happen).

I think as long as Becky concentrates and focuses on what she's doing, she'll do great!


  1. It sounds like she is well prepared and you're doing all that you can to support her. I am sure she'll be fine, good luck Becky! x

  2. It sounds like you have prepared Becky really well and have everything in place to help her unwind in the evening and be ready each morning.

    Good luck Becky!


  3. I've never had to deal with such a long drawn out exam time. I remember in High School taking the SAT and in college taking the GRE which were stressful enough. Sounds like you have it under control. Stressing yourself out is the worst thing possible - I've done that enough in my life to know. Good luck! #MMBC

  4. It sounds like Becky is doing well herself, what with a revision plan that works for her, as well being lucky to have such supportive parents around her at this time. 19 exams in a month definitely sounds stress inducing, but with all that you've mentioned here, I'm sure Becky is going to be doing amazingly! Good luck to her!

  5. Good luck in your exams Becky ! it sounds like you have out some great plans in place Kim to make sure she gets a good start in the mornings. I think as parents we worry more about these things than the kids do x #MMBC

  6. Good luck Becky! She sounds very well prepared. 19 exams sounds like a huge amount. I am sure I don't remember doing that many! #MMBC

  7. Send masses of good luck. She sounds like she's got her head on straight and you are all giving her support. Good advice to keep away from others before and after the exams. Nothing worse than someone wanting to dissect the exam question by question. Good luck Becky! #MMBC

  8. All the best to your daughter X #mmbc

  9. It sounds like you have a good plan in place to help her through the Exams, I am sure she will do well.

  10. My eldest started hers today, two french and biology. I wish she had already done some as she has 23 still to do and she seems a bit stressed already. Fingers crossed our girls do well xx

  11. Ooooh how exciting - I hope it goes well! #MMBC

  12. It sounds like Becky has lots of support and I'm sure she will smash them. Wishing her all the luck in the world. x

  13. I wish I could get mine to focus on his studying, like this! I hope she gets through them all okay x
