
Sunday 12 January 2020

Making me feel my age. #MySundaySnapshot

I snapped this last night just before Ellie started to make me feel my age by playing a ton of songs which I had never heard before. They're in the charts, everyone knows them, how do you not know it mam!". Why do they have to grow up so fast. I knew all the songs when the girls were little. hehehe


  1. my kids know a load of the new songs, but these days, there are so many radio stations it's hard to keep up. Graham likes music from the 90s which seems ancient now, but he also listens to a lot of really old stuff so my kids can switch from Stormzy to the Beatles in an instant! I hope Ellie taught you well :) xx

    1. Ahh! I love 90's music but you're right it does seem ancient now.
      My girls do like all sorts of music though, they were listening to Queen this afternoon x

  2. Hehe! There's loads I don't know too! I did it the other night, Jayden had got some rapping song on and I said THE words.......What's that racket? I'm officially old haha! x

    1. hehehe! The thought of Jayden rapping did make me chuckle. x

  3. We have Radio 1 on in our house all the time, so we all know the new songs. My kids make me feel old by talking about YouTubers and memes and using words I've never heard before!

    1. Ohh! You trendy thing. Radio 1 is way too modern for me. lol
      I can't keep up with the Youtubers and all the memes x

  4. I feel you, I don't know halft the modern music lol X #mysundaysnapshot

  5. I caught my teenage son listening to Duran Duran the other day! There is hope ;-) #MMBC

  6. I'm older than you and it's a miracle if I know the latest song. A few years ago I was helping with a teen bus trip and the pastor asked for favorite songs to make up a play list for the trip. One young man listed the Beatles first. I was amazed. #MMBC

    1. I am so out of touch with music now. I'd rather listen to the Beatles than any of it though x

  7. lol I listen to the radio when the kids are in the car, so probably know most, but I get where you are coming from xx

  8. Without Top of the Pops how on earth are we meant to know the latest tracks?! Thanks for linking up and for sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot.

  9. My kids do that to me often, playing music I don't know and then they laugh at my music choices, which are old. Cheeky monkeys aren't they?
