
Sunday 10 May 2020

A baking success! #MySundaySnapshot

We did a bit of baking on Friday, just using baking kits and they were a huge success, mostly. It reminded me how much I hate Parma Violets. Just the smell had me gagging, I did try tasting the icing and it had my running for the sink to spit it out and rinse my mouth out. lol The kids loved them though. I was more of a fan of the Drumstick Squashies. Yum, yum! 


  1. Oh wow I really want to try the Parma violet ones! #sundaysnapshot

  2. Oh my goodness, these look amazing, I must have a look for them. Oh and I LOVE parma violets, I've always got a packet in my handbag, my daughter is averse to mint and parma violets make your breath smell nice :) x

  3. Oooh they look lovely. I'm with you though - not a fan of Parma Violets !

  4. I think you either love or hate parma violets. They look yummy, I would prefer them to the drumstick lollies but my 2 always choose smarties and chocolate buttons - to my surprise they had added lovehearts to their latest cake decorations!

  5. They're cute little cakes, but I think you should never try that again. Oh my. #MMBC

  6. Well, they look pretty, even if you didn't like the taste! (I don't know what parma violets are). #MMBC

  7. What interesting names! I can't imagine what they taste like. Like nothing we have in the US.

  8. Omg I love Parma Violets - I bet those cupcakes are amazing! :) #MMBC

  9. Parma Violets are really gross! Glad the kids liked them though, and baking them sounds like fun.

  10. These looks lovely and so bright x

  11. Glad the Squashies ones were nice. We have these in the cupboard but haven't tried baking them yet. I quite like Parma Violets so am tempted to try these ones at some point too.

  12. Oh those look so good. I would love to have the Parma violets one. They are me favourite xx #mysundaysnapshot

  13. Oooo they look delish! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
