
Sunday 10 January 2021

The first week of home learning is done! #MySundayPhoto

We made it through the first week of home learning unscathed. There were a few arguments and tantrums but my girls have done well. Ellie is following her school timetable and at the moment it gets to about 3pm and she is just about ready to give up, patience is wearing thin so I save any videos she has to watch for then. Ellie was practically laid down on Thursday finishing off her at home school day.

My Sunday Photo Linky


  1. Well done Kim with the home schooling, I struggled to get mine to do homework, make sure you get a break from it also #mysundayphoto

    1. The advantage of home schooling is there is no extra work to do than in the online lessons so we do seem to have a bit more free time in the evening. I am exhausted though, being a teacher is hard work x

  2. Hooray! Well done on making it through the first week. My kids have both got live online lessons, so they really do have to follow their timetables. Luckily they just get on and leave me to work.

    1. We are following the timetable too. It's hard work but it is working well x

  3. She looks full of concentration!

    1. She was, concentrating on how long of the video was left. hehehe x

  4. I have a similar photo of my son doing his school work....but he's worked hard all week! I guess it's great they have this opportunity to do this work online, and I'm glad I don't have to do all the teaching this time. Well done girls x

    1. I think a treat now and again will keep them motivated.
      I couldn't be a teacher, it is hard work. x

  5. Hang in there Mom - I know it's a struggle. #MySundayPhoto

  6. My son hasn't been back to school since March! I have sympathy though. I watched a Zoom presentation last night and after 1.5hrs said to my husband that there is no way I could back to school! My patience had run out. #MMBC

    1. Oh gosh! That is a long run without going to school. My girl managed a few months from September to Christmas and that was it. I hope you are getting on OK with the home learning x

  7. Haha that's pretty much how I feel after finishing week 1 of home learning! #MMBC

  8. I'm so glad not to be teaching with this pandemic going on. As another commenter said I find zoom exhausting. I like it because it means not having to travel and honestly for some things I am hoping I can continue to use it post pandemic but I can't imagine what it must be like hours at a time.

    One of the big differences between school at home and traditional home schooling is the scheduling. Home schooling lets parents decide on the curriculum and the timing. Many don't do the hours of zoom required by school at home. There are more and more parents starting to research the home school laws here in the states as the virtual school at home continues. There kids just can't do the screen time.

    1. I know Zoom is tiring my girl out and I dread to think what the teachers are feeling like. They're just getting the hang of using it, there must be so much to think about. They're amazing!
      Our home learning is scheduled, my girl is following her school timetable, today she had 4 zoom lessons and an hour working on an art project just to relax a little and get off the computer.
      It's going to take some getting used to but I'd much rather my girls stay home than run the risk of catching something at school x

  9. Well done. It's not an easy task, specially with teenagers. I feel for families all thrown into this again! #mysundayphoto

  10. It's certainly not an easy task, how this week has also gone well.

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  11. Well done Ellie, tough going mentally not just academically X

  12. Well done Kim - we know just how hard homeschool can be so HIGH FIVE! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
