
Monday 14 June 2021

Our weekly meal plan! 14th - 20th June. #MealPlanningMonday

Our Weekly Meal Plan

Last weeks meal plan went well. We ate everything apart from the burgers in buns on Saturday because it was just Ellie, Stu and me at home and Stu suggested getting a takeaway. I think it was just to cheer me up. After the news on Friday morning of my great aunt passing away, I'm OK, it was expected, being woken up by someone doing DIY, not getting my lie in and getting my 2nd vaccine I wasn't in the best of moods on Saturday. The takeaway did cheer me up and it was a bonus that I didn't have to cook. We had leftover pizza on Sunday and then just a sandwich for tea. It was just too hot to cook anyway.

Becky was at her girlfriends over the weekend and had a couple of takeaways including a McDonalds. Eesh. lol Her and her girlfriend have decided they are doing a weekend here and then a weekend at the A's house. It makes sense and gives me a break from having them both here every weekend. It also gives A chance to see her mum a bit more.

I have decided for the next few weeks while the football, Euro 2020 is on I will be making meals which are quick to make or can be easily reheated because there isn't much time between matches and I want to watch as many as I can. I am not a football fan until it comes the the big tournaments.

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Burgers in buns with fries.
Wednesday - Jacket potatoes with baked beans or whatever toppings the kids want.
Thursday - Sweetcorn Fritters with salad.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Chicken stir fry with noodles.
Sunday - A roast dinner of some sort.

What are you eating this week?

Meal planning linky


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that your aunt passed away; I know it was expected after all the troubles she's been having but it's never easy to say good bye to a loved one. Glad that take away cheered you up.

  2. I'm totally with you on easy dinners Kim - one of my favourites is jacket potatoes with cheese and beans :o) I'm also not a football fan but I do love the big tournaments and those are the days when it's great to get a takeaway!


  3. sounds like a tasty week - would love the ham cheese omelet wrap right now for breakfast #MMBC

  4. We are big fans of sweetcorn fritters, the ham wraps look interesting too, but I don't eat ham so I'd have to substitute it.

  5. I'm sorry to hear of your Great Aunt's passing! Even expected news is still very sad isn't it.

    I hope the football watching goes well for you and I love that you're making quick meals instead of just resorting to takeaways etc. Although I could go for a nice McDonalds now!

    Take care x

  6. Aww sorry to hear about your great aunt :( Are funerals back open to everyone now or are they still capped ? Hope your second covid jab went well and you're not feeling grotty. Loving the sound of this week's menu plan - can't beat quick and simple dinners, especially when it's too hot to cook big meals !

  7. So sorry to hear about your aunt, hope you are doing ok?
