
Sunday 2 January 2022

My favourite meal of the year. #MySundaySnapshot

When I was a kid I hated Christmas dinner, I remember the arguments I had with my parents when I was a child because I wouldn't sit at the table and eat it. I was such a brat. I regret it as Christmas dinner is my favourite meal of the year now. It's so much more than a roast dinner. I love planning it, shopping for it, even cooking it with a glass of bucks fizz and of course eating it.

I always make far too much so there is leftovers for a few days. I've had 4 Christmas dinners over the last week or so and a plate of just parsnips and stuffing. lol

My Christmas dinner

Thankfully my girls love Christmas dinner and all of the leftovers, even Ellie who sometimes isn't keen on vegetables. They had their Christmas dinners and went back for leftovers too.

Kids Christmas dinner

My Sunday Snapshot


  1. Lucky we do not get much left over as we don't have turkey (none of us are keen on it) so it's chicken this year and only enough left for something the next day. Happy new Year

  2. Your Christmas dinner looks delicious! We had way too much chicken and ham this year. This week's menu is all vegetarian :o)

    Happy New Year to you all!


  3. Well, I don't eat meat and I don't do Christmas dinner but yours does look good and I could rather fancy some parsnips!!!

  4. I always tried to make sure we had at least a few items with each holiday meal on the table that each person likes and would eat even if they didn't want to eat everything. My boys knew all bets were off when we were eating special meals and would have years where they only ate the meat and rolls. Now they almost all eat everything I make and we change up our meal slightly each year depending on what we're craving.

  5. I enjoyed Christmas dinner as a kid but didn't like helping clean up afterwards. #MMBC

  6. I've always enjoyed Christmas dinner, but the rest of my family are not so keen. Everyone eats it though.

  7. That looks amazing, I could eat that right now lol😂 happy new year x #mysundaysnapshot

  8. As a vegetarian, I didn't used to much like Christmas dinner. But now we cook our vegetables differently and I really enjoy it. My husband and son had leftover turkey for three days, which they were happy with!

  9. Oh that looks delicious ! Thanks for linking up and for sharing with #MySundaySnapshot.
