
Saturday 2 November 2019

Week 44 of #Project365 - A photo every day for a year!

The kids went back to school this week after half term which seemed strange because so many other schools were having their half term this past week. We had a fab Halloween. The kids out trick or treating and Stu and I had fun answering the door to all the kids. 

Now for a photo every day!

297/365 - 26th October
We put the gas fire on for the first time. Up until Saturday we haven't used it. The only time it was on was last month for the gas safety check. It is amazing! It warms the living room within 10 minutes which means we don't have to wait for the radiators to heat up to get warm after getting in from the cold.

298/365 - 27th October
The kids carved their pumpkins. They had fantastic fun!

299/365 - 28th October
Stu put the Halloween decorations up. Some of them we've had for years. Some bought and some made by the kids.

300/365 - 29th October
I had a sort of the cupboard under the sink. It was such a chaotic mess beforehand.

301/365 - 30th October
Leftover pastry means jam tarts!

302/365 - 21st October
My zombie cheerleader and zombie prom queen.

303/365 - 1st November
I look like such a plonker when I wear a hat but I don't care!! It kept me warm when it was cold and wet!

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  1. Your commitment to Halloween is awesome. Just look at the girls!
    That's a big stash of cleaning goodies, you are like that cleaning celebrity, Mrs what's-her-name?! :)
    I want some jam tarts now.

  2. Lots of halloween fun your end. I look awful in a hat, but like wearing one. My head gets too hot though

  3. It looks like you all really enjoyed Halloween. I don't enjoy carving pumpkins at all! I'm very impressed by how tidy it looks under your sink. You don't look a plonker in a hat!

  4. Looks like your family had a great week and Halloween. I'd like to taste your tarts.

  5. The girls look fab dressed up for Halloween, and I love a good tidy of kitchen cupboards. When I've tidied them I keep opening the doors to admire the tidiness lol. Yours looks fab x

  6. amazing how as we get older and wiser we worry less about what others think.
    a gas fire is great, we miss ours.
    great Halloween costumes

  7. The girls look great dressed up. It does make you wiser the older you get. xx

  8. you look great in a hat, if you're cold just wear one. Halloween looked a lot of fun in your house. Do you bulk buy cleaning materials or just have way too many?

  9. Love the girls outfits. We don't really do halloween and were out on halloween at Bee's karate so missed any trick or treaters. I need to do my cupboard but am avoiding it!

  10. Glad Halloween went well and they enjoyed the carving. #365

  11. I carved a pumpkin for the first ever time this year and was quite pleased with myself! I didn't scoop out too much of the inside but will next time and try to cook with it! The girls looked great for Halloween #project365

  12. Love the dressing up outfits! We never managed to carve a pumpkin this year despite collecting one. I dont think you look like a plonker in your hat x
