
Monday 5 October 2020

Manic Monday - The day to get stuff done! #Blogtober20

I am taking part in Blogtober20 throughout October and today's prompt is "Manic Monday".

I used to hate Mondays. They were always such a drag but now I feel like it's my day to get stuff done, I am always full of motivation on a Monday. For me Monday's are manic but in the best way!

I always get as much done to prepare for Monday on a Sunday evening. We all have a bath, I always feel better when we're all clean going into a new week. I make sure the kids have everything they need for school. Uniforms, packed lunches, any paperwork they need done and we all always have an early night.

When September came I was looking forward to having some time to myself but it turns out that Becky is only in college one day a week and that day is a Monday one week and Tuesday the next. Once a fortnight I am home alone which is great because Becky is a big distraction and always has me doing things that don't really need to be done. I can just get on with stuff without anyone asking what I'm doing or asking for help with things.

I always have a good tidy through the house on a Monday and love to get a few loads of washing done. Most weeks I change all the beds on a Monday, I get to clean in peace and always like to cook a big meal as I feel on a Monday evening we are always hungrier than any other day of the week.

Monday is always a fun day for me when it comes to blogging. I always link up with Jayne's linky, Monday Morning Blog Club. It's a simple linky where you just link your blog up (not a single post) and people choose which blog post to comment on. I have found a lot of blogs to follow through it, some that I may not have ever come across.

It is meal planning post day too! I love to meal plan and our new meal plan always starts on a Monday. It keeps us organised and the kids always like to know what they're having for tea that night plus I think it saves us money and saves on the food waste too. I usually link up with Katy Kickers meal planning linky. Through that I have also found new blogs to follow too and it always gives me ideas and new recipes to try.

Monday is also the day my dad usually comes to my house with his laptop so I can help him with any emails he needs to send. It started during lockdown when he had issues with his broadband and was using our internet and it has carried on. It's nice to spend some time together and help him out a bit too.

If I have got my dates right, it also means that tonight The Walking Dead is back on the TV. It's just the one episode, the final episode of the 10th series which got postponed because of Coronavirus but it makes it really feel like a Monday and I can't wait!!

What are your Monday's like?


  1. I think I need to follow your lead and make my Monday's more productive, I generally take them a bit slower, sort of ease myself into the week! x

  2. It sounds like you are busy on a Monday but very organised as well. I just play my days by ear at the moment x

  3. Monday is manic blog linkys isn't it! I stopped watching The Walking Dead after (about) the fourth series. I just got fed up with how depressing it all was. Enjoy the last episode tonight though. x

  4. You just reminded me I didn't do bathtime yesterday! Ours looks very similar to yours.

  5. Monday is certainly a busy day for you - hope it's a productive and happy day - take care! #MMBC

  6. Thanks for the suggestions on the blog links. I do actually quite like Mondays even though they are super busy for us.

  7. It sounds like you take Mondays full on!

  8. OMG I've got Monday envy right now! The blog linky you so sounds fab! xx

  9. WOW! You put me to shame!! #blogtober

  10. wow , you are busy on a Monday!I think mine are a little lazier but I do like the start of a fresh week!!

  11. Wow, you are busy on a Monday! I might have to check out that Linky.
