
Tuesday 23 July 2019

Year Seven and Eleven are done!

This past year for my girls at school has been a big one and probably the most stressful school year ever for me. I should have written this a few weeks ago as both my girls finished their school year at the end of June. My teen after her GCSE's and my youngest just before we moved house.

Last September seems such a long time ago. Ellie started year 7 and secondary school and Becky year 11. It was so strange the girls being at the same school again

My two girls in their school uniform

At primary school Ellie wasn't a fan of getting up and getting out of the house on time but in year 7 she was only late for school once and that was because her and her friend were looking at a rainbow. I shouldn't laugh but it is funny now.

Ellie wasn't great at primary school. She would daydream, not do her work and she struggled. We feared the same would happen at secondary school but it didn't, in fact she smashed all of her end of year targets and by the end of the year was higher than she should be in a few subjects. We couldn't have been prouder.

It wasn't a perfect year for Ellie, she did have her moments of messing around with friends in lessons, not doing her homework or handing it in late, losing her belongings and being given a few detentions. I can't complain though, I think she was just pushing the boundaries and her luck a little.

We were lucky to meet with the SENDCO woman every half term who kept us updated about Ellie at school and we could go to her with any issues we had. She was amazing! Over the year she saw Ellie grow in confidence and mature. When we told her we were moving she joked that she wouldn't allow it and said she wanted her to stay to help with the new year 7's in lunch club.

There were still issues with bullying but Ellie made a good group of friends. They were all lovely girls and there was a boyfriend. She was sad to say goodbye to them when we moved.

It's was a huge year for Becky! GCSE year! I am so proud of all the revision she did and how hard she worked. There isn't much to write about her school life as it was all work, work, work!

A geography revision book and an exam paper

When we went to her parents evening just before she left school we were told her predicted grades for her GCSE's after doing her mock exams we were gobsmacked. She had really improved and with all the revision and hard work she had bumped them up by at least a grade for most of her subjects.

I think when she was doing her exams I stressed more than Becky did. She took them all in her stride. She is glad to have left school, she hated it but did have a few good memories.

I'm glad this school year is over to be honest and in September a new chapter starts. Becky at college and Ellie at her new secondary school in year 8.


  1. Hope they both enjoy next year. These are all milestones as they grow

  2. This has also been our toughest year for both girls and I'm so glad it's over!
    Well done to Becky and Ellie :o) xx

  3. Aww well done to your girls! Time to relax and enjoy their well-deserved summer break! #MMBC

  4. What a year and well done to both of your girls, sounds like they both worked hard. Wishing them luck in their new school/college x
