Wednesday, 5 September 2018

My two girls at one school...

This is going to be a big school year for both of my girls....Becky is starting year 11 and Ellie started year 7 yesterday. It is going to be so strange having both of my girls in the same school again....I know they will come home telling tales on each other but they will be able to talk about things going on at school and have something else in common again....

Becky will be going into her last year at secondary school....It is a huge year for her. GCSE year!! Last term she sat her English literature GCSE exam and we got the results over the summer holidays....She got a 3 which in old scores is an D/E. I was proud of her. I knew she tried her best but she was shocked.....She thought she had smashed it. It has made her realise that exams are not as easy as she thought they were. She is more determined to work harder and revise harder....

Becky already has some ideas about what she wants to do when she finishes her GCSE's and I know she will go far and achieve her dreams....

Ellie started school yesterday and had a great day....The school just has the year 7's and 10's in for the first day....It's a great way to start the school year....Ellie had a fab day. The changed the tutor groups around and now she has Becky's Statistics teacher as her tutor and I am so pleased. She is lovely....She has made a couple of new friends and has already signed up to the trampolining club. She's off to a good start...

This is the first time in a long time that Ellie is excited about school....She isn't keen on the writing or homework but is looking forward to cookery, drama, music and the after school clubs....I am worried about how she will cope but at the moment I am trying to stay positive.

After years of struggling to get Ellie out of bed, fed and dressed on time (she just drags her heels) we think we have finally found a way to get her moving. Her friend walks to school and passes our house and he is going to call for her. Ellie doesn't like to let people down so I am hoping that she will be up every morning bright and early....Fingers crossed. Eek! We have warned Ellie that if she is slow to get ready on a morning she will be walking to school by herself. Becky has never been late for secondary school and there is no way that she's going to start being late now because her sister faffs around. 

This school year is going to be a stressful one, full of changes but I'm sure we will get through it....

1 comment :

  1. Such a real and honest post. My son did his GCSEs last year and is still reeling from disappointing results and not at all sure what he wants to do moving forwards. I find it hard as I was always good at exams and very focused on future plans. But just like you I am a mum, I will be good enough and I will work miracles. Your girls have you in their corner and are therefore very blessed #MMBC
