Monday 30 September 2013

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Hello Monday...

Last week I cooked everything on the meal plan....Everyone ate everything....It was me who let the team down and lived off cereal, ice cream and I'm not poorly very often but when I am I'm the grumpiest, moody person you can I came down with a cold Sunday evening by Monday morning I felt like death warmed up....Monday lunchtime I felt like nothing to eat so ate what I felt like....Profiteroles & chocolate ice cream.....

Glad to say I'm feeling much better now and I'm eating like a horse 

Yesterday I woke up with a whole heap of energy so the Toad in the hole, mash & veg was scrapped and I cooked a Sunday dinner.....Roast Pork & all the trimmings...Yum!!

This week on the menu we have...

Monday - Sweet & sour pork with rice....
Tuesday - Hospital appointment late in the afternoon so will call in Mcdonalds in Newcastle before we come home....
Wednesday - Corned beef hash with baked beans....
Thursday - Ham, egg & chips....
Friday - Toad in the hole with mash & veg....
Saturday - Chicken Fajitas....
Sunday - Mince and dumplings....

Saturday 28 September 2013

Man-Flu The Facts!!....By a man!

Ladies as it is coming up to the time when man-flu is at its most rife i thought i post some fun helpful facts for you to help your other half!

Every minute in this country one man is struck down by Man-Flu. Women, all we ask is that each of you offers them a cup of tea, some kind words and your undivided attention and care. Then maybe, just maybe, we'll beat this monstrous disease together.

Here are the facts of Man Flu, Just in-case your boyfriend or partner are unfortunate to contract this horrid illness...

1. Man-Flu is more painful than childbirth. This is an irrefutable scientific fact*.
    *(Based on a survey of over 100,000 men.)

2. Man-Flu is not 'just a cold'. It is a condition so severe that the germs from a single Man-Flu sneeze could wipe out entire tribes of people living in the rainforest. And probably loads of monkeys too.

3. Women do not contract Man-Flu. At worst they suffer from what is medically recognised as a 'Mild Girly Sniffle' ? which, if a man caught, he would still be able to run, throw a ball, tear the phone book in half and compete in all other kinds of manly activities.

4. Men do not 'moan' when they have Man-Flu. They emit involuntary groans of agony that are entirely in proportion to the unbearable pain they are in.

5. Full recovery from Man-Flu will take place much quicker if their simple requests for care, sympathy and regular cups of tea are met. Is that really so much to ask? Florence Nightingale would have done it

6. Men suffering from Man-Flu want nothing more than to get out of bed and come to work, but they are too selfless to risk spreading this awful condition amongst their friends and colleagues. In this sense, they are the greatest heroes this country has ever known.

7. In 1982 scientists managed to simulate the agonising symptoms of full blown Man-Flu in a female chimp. She became so ill that her head literally fell off.

8. Man-Flu germs are more powerful than He-Man, The Thundercats and The A-Team combined. They are too strong for weak, nasty tasting 'lady medicines' like Lemsip, so don't bother trying to force them on a victim of Man-Flu.

9. While it may seem like a Man-Flu sufferer is just lying around enjoying 'Diagnosis Murder' it is a commonly recognised medical fact that the exact pitch and frequency of Dick Van Dyke's voice has remarkable soothing powers.

And finally but more importantly.....

10. More men die each year from MFN (Man-Flu Neglect) than lots and lots of other things. (Like rabbit attacks or choking on toast). Please at all costs avoid Neglect.

Friday 27 September 2013

10 Day You Challenge! - Ten Secrets

I saw this over on Diary of an ACCA student and thought I would give it a go....Maybe you will get to know me a bit better.....Only thing is I'm not going to do it over 10 days....Too much would get in the way....Silent Sunday, Meal Planning Monday, etc.....I'm doing it over 10 weeks....

So first up Ten Secrets 

I don't think I have but I will try!

1. I like One Directions songs.....That does not mean I like those silly little boys

2. I hate shopping in supermarkets alone...I can't remember the last time I went to a supermarket alone....I would rather wait till the kids have finished school then take them....

3. If I didn't dye my hair I'm guessing I would have 80% grey hair.....I had my first grey hair when I was about 20 years old...

4. I like watching the kids shows on the Disney Channel.....Austin & Ally, A.N.T Farm, Shake it up, Good Luck Charlie & Jessie....

5. I can happily keep the house tidy (well not happily...who likes but my half of the bedroom is a complete mess!! Clothes everywhere! I have drawers but hardly any clothes in them!

6. I cried when my laptop broke a few weeks ago!

7. I have never been abroad and don't really feel like I want to! I like my home too much...

8. I like make up but just can't be bothered to wear it every day.....Well most I generally only wear it when I go for a night out....

9. I love the smell of strange things.....Petrol, newly tarmacked roads, WD40 & Cigar Smoke....

10. I hide sweets from the kids and eat it when they go to bed...hehehe 

Thursday 26 September 2013

Top Toys - Christmas 2013

I know it's probably too early to mention the 'C' word but it's coming and we have to start thinking about it!

Earlier in the week Toys R Us announced it’s twenty terrific toys which are set to become 2013 biggest sellers!!

There are quite a few toys which my two already have on their lists....That doesn't mean they are getting everything they ask for though....It would take me a year to pay for it if they had their

 Angry Birds™ Star Wars® Telepods
Hasbro Chasin’ Cheeky
Cra-Z-Loom Bracelet Maker
Disney Infinity Starter Pack
Doc McStuffins Doctor’s Bag Set
Flutterbye Flying Fairy
Kidizoom Twist Plus Camera

Skylanders SWAP Force™
NERF N-Strike Elite Rapidstrike
LEGO® City Coast Guard Patrol
Squeeze Cup Slushy Maker
Monster High 13 Wishes Dolls
RoboFish & FishBowl
Monopoly® Empire

Kurio® 7S Tablet
LeapPad™ Ultra

And of course the new Playstation®4 (PS4™) & the Xbox™ One

What do you think? Will any be brought by Santa for your children?

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Walking home....

There has always been after school clubs at the girls school.....Cookery, dance, football and Art club which I can think of. 

When Ellie was a baby and in nursery in the mornings Becky could and would take part in these clubs but when Ellie started full time school two years ago Becky stopped taking part because I couldn't expect Ellie to walk home from school at 3pm then spend 20 minutes at home and walk back to pick Becky up at 4pm....It was just too tiring for her!!

Now the new school year is in full swing the after school clubs have started up again and the letters were sent out...

Cookery for Year 5 & 6 and Art for Year 2 and 3.....

Both Becky and Ellie wanted to take part so I made the decision to let them!! 

Ellie's Art Club started on Thursday and that's where she made the Minion in my Silent Sunday photo.....hehehe

A big moment for Becky and I! I cut the apron strings so to speak and I let her walk the 15 minutes home from school herself as I wasn't picking Ellie up from school until 4pm!! 

Becky does not have a problem understanding road safety.....She is very sensible and there is only one busy road to cross which has a pedestrian crossing on....It's me who has the problem....It's a case that I'm a tad over protective sometimes....

At 3pm I was sat here stressing.....I was thinking she'll leave school at a certain point by 5 past....crossing the main road now and should be at a certain point by now....She came waltzing in the door at quarter past three with not a care in the world....

I was so proud of her for doing the walk alone and quite proud of myself for letting her...I know some of children in her class have been walking to and from school for the last year but I didn't feel comfortable with it until now.....I'm still not 100% comfortable with it but I'm getting there...

So on Monday it was Becky's Cookery Club and she walked home herself again....I'm so proud of her!! She thought it was brilliant! She had 2 cupcakes to bring home....She ate them on the! That's my girl...hehehe

I am linking up with the wonderful Jane at Ethans Escapades and her Small Steps Amazing Achievements linky!!

Ethans Escapades

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Perfumery Kit - Review!!

When it was Becky's birthday she received the Perfumery kit made by Galt Toys....

Explore the science of perfume making. It's real chemistry! Many scientists work as perfume chemists, experimenting and mixing scents to create new fragrances. You can do the same with this exciting kit! Mix exotic scents and create a signature fragrance. Have a perfume making party or make gifts for friends!

My first impressions when opening the box.....I was  disappointed...I didn't know what to expect but expected more...But Becky and I got on with it and soon realised there was more to it then initially seemed....

In the instruction booklet there was plenty of activities to do and information....This kit is more of a science kit rather then just a 'make a nice smelling perfume kit' which I think is fantastic!! 

The first thing we did was open the bottles and Becky had a guess at identifying the fragrances....There was Apple, Heliotrope, Jasmine, Lily of the Valley & Peppermint....

I think I only got the Apple and Peppermint correct....They were hard to identify but Becky made her guesses.... According to her Apples smell like the doctors and
Heliotrope smelled like nothing....After Googling it I found out that it is actually a purple flower? You learn something new everyday!!

Then we got onto the best part.....Making the perfume!! There were simple instructions on how to make it which were clear and easy to understand....Add the specified amount of drops then give it a good shake!!

We made Napoleon's Scented Gloves first..... 

A useless fact for you!.....Napoleon the emperor of France loved perfume and would put on heavily scented gloves before mounting his horse and riding into battle!!

All in all I think this is a good kit and will keep a tweenager amused for an hour or so and they will then have the perfume to use afterwards.....There is certainly more to it then first meets the eye....

If nothing else after they have finished with it you will have a lovely smelling home

Prices do vary but I found it on Amazon for £10.49....

I was not sent this to review I just thought it was a good product and thought I would write about our experiences!

Monday 23 September 2013

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

What a fab week we had last week with our meals...We tried a few new ones....Carrot & Orange soup & Chicken & mango risotto....They went down really well and I will be making them both again!! Lots of people commented and tweeted me about the Chicken & mango risotto so next time I make it I will take photos and blog about it! I don't know why I never did last week...I take photos of everything

I think on Saturday I'm going to do some baking with the kids so they can make their own tea....Home made pizza with lots of yummy cakey treats for pudding!!

This week on the menu we have...

Monday - Roast Chicken with lots of mash, veg & gravy....
Tuesday - Chicken Pasta Bake....

Wednesday - Corned beef pie, chips and beans....
Thursday - Scrambled eggs & ham on toast....
Friday -
Baked bean stew....
Saturday - Homemade pizza....
Sunday -
Toad in the hole, mash & veg....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M & her #mealplanningmonday linky... 

Sunday 22 September 2013

Handmade By Hayley!!

The wonderful Hayley from Sparkles & Stretchmarks is a fab crafter and makes some gorgeous little things....

She had decided to start selling these wonderful handmade creations at craft fairs and on Facebook....Go over and have a look for yourself and while you're there give her page a like!! 

Silent Sunday!!

Friday 20 September 2013

I hate mornings!

I'm not a morning person......I've come to the conclusion never will be!!

When I was a kid I used to get up at 5am in the summer to go and ride my horses before school....I don't know when it happened but I started sleeping later and later....I remember being a teenager and on a Sunday not getting up until 2/3pm...

People said 'Ohh when you have kid's you'll get used to getting up on a morning....hahaha! I tried to believe them....but getting used to mornings never happened!!

I have been getting up most mornings for the last 6 years since Becky started full time school at about 7am/7.30am and I'm still not used to it!! On the weekends I class 8am a lie in because the kids won't sleep It's not that I go to bed late....Most nights I'm in bed by about 11pm....Sometime on a weekend it may be midnight...

Each morning my alarm goes off at 7am....I hit the snooze button....I try to convince myself 10 minutes of additional sleep will somehow make me less tired....Then I'll have 10 more minutes....Each time I hit the snooze button I cross off one thing I was supposed to do to get ready but no longer have time for....Breakfast for myself, putting make up on, straightening my hair, etc....One good thing is as bad as I am on a morning the girls are never late for school!!

I'm fine once I'm up though.....Well by the time I get the kids to school and have a couple of cups of coffee & watched Jeremy Kyle I am!!

Post Comment Love

Thursday 19 September 2013

Mums & Teenage Girls!

WOW I have this to

Teenage girls struggling with their hormones row with their mothers 183 times a year, a new study has revealed. 

They also have...

164 door slams
183 arguments with mother
257 arguments with siblings
153 fall-outs with father
127 fall-outs with friends
123 tears over boys
125 conversations with friends about periods
306 discussions with friends about boys
274 hours on the phone
The most common causes of rows with their mums are over untidy bedrooms, answering back and dating boys.

And the 'terrible teens' last until the age of 23, the survey by Li-Lets claims.

It is only at age 23 that girls realise what their mums did for them and appreciate them....

Top rows between mothers and teenage daughters..

1. Tidiness of bedroom....I had many of these....Have them now with my girls and they are not even teenagers yet!!

2. Answering back.....Yep I was terrible for that!

3. Relationship with siblings.....Had them! My brother and I used to fight like cat & dog! We still do!

4. Relationships with boys....Yep! Always an issue when I tried to go out with older boys!

5. Staying out too late....Yep! I hated being told when to be in caused many an argument about it! Especially when I went out and stayed out till later then I

6. The way I dressed.....hahaha I remember a huge argument I had with my mum because she said I couldn't go out wearing denim shorts which were really short...Found out since then it was my dad telling my mum to stop me wearing them....I still wore them

7. Attitude to school work....No I was always good at school and did my work!

8. Money.....Yep! I was always on the want for money!

9. Manners.....Yep!

10. Use of bad language.....Nope! I don't think I ever got caught swearing in front of my mum.....Not that I didn't use bad language....She just didn't catch me....hehehe

Wednesday 18 September 2013

My Firsts!

I saw this tag over on Not Your Average and thought it looked a fun post so here are my firsts... 

First Concert!

I went to my first concert only a few years ago in the summer of I was a late starter concert wise!! I went to see the great Bon Jovi in Edinburgh...It was amazing!! Even the three hour drive there and back was fun! lol

 First Kiss!

Ahhh I was about 12 years old and his name was Andy....He was a couple of years older than me.....Our relationship didn't last long my dad saw to that.....hehehe

First Best Friend!

Ohh hard choice....I had two!! Claire & Tracy! We would go to each others houses for tea....Played together in school and had a big thing for collecting 'Neighbours' (the TV show) trading

First Music I bought!

It was just after my 12th birthday I think....The Now That's What I Call Music! 23 on a double cassette...Remember those!! I bought it with my birthday money and it was the first of the many Now Albums I own....

First Car!

My first car was an old Vauxhall Astra....My dad bought me it for my 17th birthday to learn to drive in....My dad was teaching to to drive....Ohh the arguments we We would argue, I would pull up and get out of the car and walk home! I was such a spoilt brat....I never did learn how to drive properly and pass my test....Oh well!

First Tweet!

3rd November 2010... @kimmer2111 Thought I'd give this Twitter a go...Hmmm Interesting :) 

First Celebrity Crush

Easy! It was most of Take I absolutely adored Mark Owen & Robbie Williams and had a soft spot for Gary Barlow.....Howard Donald was ok! Jason Orange was the only one I didn't Posters covered my walls and I bought every magazine with them in....Looking at the old pictures of them now makes me cringe! I do still love Robbie Williams though....

First holiday without parents!

It was a weekend to Blackpool.....It was a wild weekend just after my 18th birthday....I stayed in a grotty B&B but the food was nice...not that I made it up for breakfast! Lots of drinking, dancing and late nights made sure of that...

First blog post!

Ohhh this seems so long ago but it was only the 16th of November last year!! They shouldn't have bring and buy sales so close to Christmas! All about how Becky bought her sister the thing she had wanted for months....The exact same thing we'd bought her for

So there you go!

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Pom-Bears Get Spooky - Review

Back by popular demand the makers of Pom Bear have restocked the shelves with their exciting Pom Bear Halloween snacks!! To be honest I must of missed the Halloween ones this time last year so these are a treat for us!! We have tried the original and loved them so when we I saw the chance to review these I got straight to it!!

The snacks are a 'spooky' pickled onion flavour with the same light and airy texture that has become synonymous with Pom-Bear. Each pack is less then 100 calories, suitable for vegetarians, gluten free and has no added colours or preservatives....Which really does give me the peace of mind that my children are safe to eat these snacks and they are not going to send them loopy with the various different E numbers that some products contain...

So on to trying them.....My girls loved them!! Ate a packet each within

They are adorably cute and are so light and with them being so light you get a lot in the packet which I think is fab!!

The pickled onion taste is very tasty. It's not as strong tasting as some other brands but in no way are these bland tasting. They they still have plenty of the lovely pickled onion flavour but it's just a bit milder then other brands....Becky is not a great lover of pickled onion crisps but she loved these!!

They are just £1.59 per six pack and are available in Asda, Tesco, Waitrose and NISA......Perfect for Trick or treaters, packed lunches or just a snack!!

I was sent a Pom-Bear Pickled Onion Halloween multi-pack free of charge....This is my honest review....All thoughts and opinions are my own!! 

Monday 16 September 2013

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Monday again......Things should be back to normal for us now.....Over the last few weeks we've had going back to school & birthdays which have messed with the meal planning.....So now they're over with and we're back into a routine I can start cooking properly again....Phew!

Hasn't the weather changed!! It's like someone just turned off the summer and said right it's September now time for it to get cold....Winter clothes are being brought out slowly....Gone are shorts, t-shirts and sandals....I'm liking woolly jumpers, socks and warm clothes again!! I like the Autumn/winter when it comes to food....All the hearty, warm, filling meals which I love to cook.....

This week on the menu we have...

Monday - Fish fingers, chips and beans....
Tuesday - Carrot & Orange soup with crusty bread for dipping....
Wednesday -
Chicken & mango risotto...
Thursday -
Corned beef hash with baked beans....
Friday - Pizza night....
Saturday - Burgers in buns with, fries & corn on the cob....
Sunday - Sausage Casserole with mash & veg....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful At Home With Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky...

Saturday 14 September 2013

Birthday Fun....

I'm feeling rather sad....

The last few weeks have been full of Birthday excitement....

Ellie's at the end of August and Becky's earlier in the week...Now they are over for another year but have been filled with a lot of magic moments!!

Lots of presents....

Lots of yummy food....

 Which we had lots of fun eating....

We had cake!!

 And a whole heap more fun!!

Roll on November....Then it's my birthday....hehehe

Friday 13 September 2013

Cold Callers.......

Ohh I'm having a All about cold callers, doorstep annoyances whatever you want to call them!!

At 5.30pm yesterday evening someone knocked at my door.....Not just a knock like normal people do....They knocked until I had came from the kitchen all the way to the front door!! Which is a good 30 or 40 seconds!!

It was a man and a woman offering me cavity wall insulation and the loft insulation.....I told them I already had it put in a few months ago.....She said am I sure? Yes I was sure it was their company who did it and they left a right mess in the back yard which I told them.....I shut the door!

Then at about 7.30pm last night there was another loud knock!! Loud enough to wake Ellie my youngest up!! I suppose the good thing was the guy didn't continuously knock like the earlier caller!!

I opened the door and he said 'ohhh I've already been here'....I just shut the door!! Grrrr!!

And while I'm on with the rant!! Every day....I get a phone call asking if I want a new boiler.....A recorded message!! I've tried to stop it!! I press whatever number to speak to someone....Ask them to take me off the list and they do for a couple of days and then it starts again!! I'm on the TPS Telephone Preference Service so there's not much more I can do is there?

Fresh Start Finance!! There's another one.....They keep ringing me....They start with "it's just a quick call from Fresh Start Finance there is nothing to worry about today" I bloody know there is nothing to worry about as there is nothing wrong with my finances!! I have told them repeatedly to stop calling and take me of whatever list they have and they are like Yes madam no problem for a week or two then they start again!!

At least now I have stopped the texts from Payday loans and phone companies trying to sell me contract When I get the text I find the website address and the contact email for them and tell them I need them to phone me....I expected them to do that and offer me something but no the texts have just stopped.....Gone from about 20 a day down to about 1 or 2 a

Rant Over!

I am linking this up with Mummy Barrow's Ranty Friday blog hop!!


Thursday 12 September 2013

Do you suffer from Nomophobia?

More then half the population now suffers from Nomophobia - the fear of being without a mobile phone, a new study suggests.

Women are more likely to feel the fear rather than men.

We are so attached to our phones that a fifth of us take them to bed to check emails and texts and nearly half take them on holiday - even to the beach....

A couple of months ago I lost my mobile phone and I actually felt lost without it which was a shock to me.....I only used my mobile to phone my dad and Stu, send the odd text...maybe about 10 a week and for an alarm clock....I don't use it for the internet, check emails or to play games but I did feel lost without it.....

I think I went 5 days without a mobile phone and it was horrible....I felt like I was missing out on something even though I really wasn't.....It was such a relief to get a new phone!

So yes I suffer from Nomophobia....

Do you? 

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Ribena Plus - Review...

I have always been a Ribena fan.....It was something I used to drink as a child and now my girls drink it.....We are big fans of the Blackcurrant Juice so when we were offered the Ribena Plus drinks to try from Bzzagent we couldn't refuse!

Ribena Plus is new from the makers of Ribena - all the delicious fruity taste you love with only natural fruit sugars (no added sugar) plus extra goodness to give you a helping hand. Contains real fruit juice - No added sugar - No artificial colours - Features vitamins A (for healthy eyes and immunity support), C (for immunity support), and E (a great antioxidant).

We were sent Raspberry & Apple, Red Apple & Summer Fruits to try!
First impressions of the packaging were good. The colours are appealing and the design is eye-catching, yet still maintaining the Ribena brand feel....

They tried all of them and the Raspberry & Apple one came out on top....They found it tasty and sweet enough to appeal to their palates...I was told that they would definitely drink all of the flavours again....

The small sized cartons means they fit nicely in there lunchboxes and are ideal for picnics although my two said they wished the cartons were bigger!

I was sent 6 cartons of Ribena Plus free of charge to try....This is my honest review....All thoughts and opinions are my own!!

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Happy Birthday to my big girl!!

WOW! Time does fly when you're having fun!!!

My Becky is 11 today!! 

Eleven!! Now that makes me feel
I can still remember bringing her home from hospital....Her first steps.....Her first words....He first day at nursery (which she hated) then school (which she loves)....Loosing her first tooth....Going on her first sleepover...Her first crush....So many firsts I am so glad to have seen and been part of!!

It's like I've blinked and she's all grown up....I'm so proud of the young woman she is becoming....

Becky is so independent!!
She knows what she wants and what she doesn't want!! Even her name!!...I sometimes call her Rebecca (usually when she is in trouble...hehehe) and she hates it.....It's Becky NOT Rebecca she says!! The only people who actually call her Rebecca are people who don't know

Now it's all about One Direction, clothes, music, magazines and Make-up......Long gone are the days of princesses, dolls, painting and playing nice games with me....She'd rather play on the laptop, watch her tv, play on the Wii or just read a book....She's turning into a teenager already and it's far too soon!!

Hard to think this time next year she will of just started high school....Now that scares the life out of me but she is looking forward to it so much!

Happy Birthday Becky!

Monday 9 September 2013

Eleven years ago.... #MagicMoments

This time eleven years ago I was about to embark on one of the biggest challenges of my life.....

This time eleven years ago I was terrified!!.....

I'd only ever been in hospital to have my appendix out and it was so rushed as it was about to burst I never had chance to really think about it so there was no fear!!

This time eleven years ago I was preparing myself to go into hospital and have a cesarean section....

To become a mother for the first time!!!!

I knew nothing about babies....I did childcare at college but that was just dealing with little one's when they could walk, talk and do things for themselves....Babies were a whole different thing!!

This time eleven years ago I was out shopping buying the last of things I needed for a baby!! Even though I'd bought everything weeks before but was convinced I'd forgotten something!! I was panic

I had packed my bag to go to hospital weeks before and spent the afternoon eleven years ago unpacking and packing it convinced I'd packed to much then worrying whether I had enough....

I was terrified!!

But every second of fear was worth it!

Becky was born 10th of September 2002!