My word of the week is....
I know, I know....It's bad watching too much TV but is seems like this week has revolved around it....I usually have the tv on just for some background noise but don't really watch it...I glance up every now and again but that's it this week I seemed to have watched loads....
It all started Sunday!!.....Stu and Becky had a major games marathon....They took over the tv by playing on the Wii all afternoon....They are both so competitive! They played all sorts of games..... Skateboarding, golf, Mario, Just Dance, Sonic the hedgehog and finished with Who wants to be a millionaire.....They were playing and getting stuck on some of the questions....They thought I was so clever answering they correctly straight away.....Little did they know I was Googling the answers....hehehe It was a lovely afternoon...
Monday came along and it was Ellie's turn to take over the TV....There was a new series of Topsy & Tim on Cbeebies but at the same time a new series called Sheriff Callie's Wild West on Disney Junior which she's been dying to see.....She came up with a plan though....She watched Sheriff Callie on the +1 Channel....Too clever for her own good....hehehe
Monday night has turned into the best night for TV....Well it is for me anyway.....There was the soaps to watch then at 9pm I had a tough choice to make....The Walking Dead or One Born every minute....The Walking Dead won and OBEM was recorded....I hate having to wait a week for the next episode but that's life!!
Thursday was the only night there wasn't much on so I started watching things I recorded....I still have a weeks worth of Emmerdale to watch as well as about 4 episodes of Resturaunt Stakeout on the Sky Planner and everything else I fancy....I think I have about 14% space left...I'm blaming the kids....hehehe Far too many episodes of Sofia, Doc Mcstuffins and Good Luck Charlie on there....
This time of year the TV is great! Even Saturday night TV is picking up now Ant & Dec are back!!