Friday, 28 February 2014

Word Of The Week!

My word of the week is....

I know, I know....It's bad watching too much TV but is seems like this week has revolved around it....I usually have the tv on just for some background noise but don't really watch it...I glance up every now and again but that's it this week I seemed to have watched loads....

It all started Sunday!!.....Stu and Becky had a major games marathon....They took over the tv by playing on the Wii all afternoon....They are both so competitive! They played all sorts of games..... Skateboarding, golf, Mario, Just Dance, Sonic the hedgehog and finished with Who wants to be a millionaire.....They were playing and getting stuck on some of the questions....They thought I was so clever answering they correctly straight away.....Little did they know I was Googling the answers....hehehe It was a lovely afternoon...

Monday came along and it was Ellie's turn to take over the TV....There was a new series of Topsy & Tim on Cbeebies but at the same time a new series called Sheriff Callie's Wild West on Disney Junior which she's been dying to see.....She came up with a plan though....She watched Sheriff Callie on the +1 Channel....Too clever for her own good....hehehe

Monday night has turned into the best night for TV....Well it is for me anyway.....There was the soaps to watch then at 9pm I had a tough choice to make....The Walking Dead or One Born every minute....The Walking Dead won and OBEM was recorded....I hate having to wait a week for the next episode but that's life!!

I have recently got back into watching the WWE wrestling and have watched lots this week.....It's coming up to Wrestlemania....The biggest event of the wrestling year and on the show filmed on Monday two of the biggest stars returned....The Undertaker and Hulk Hogan!!! So exciting!! Roll on April the 6th for Wrestlemania!!

Thursday was the only night there wasn't much on so I started watching things I recorded....I still have a weeks worth of Emmerdale to watch as well as about 4 episodes of Resturaunt Stakeout on the Sky Planner and everything else I fancy....I think I have about 14% space left...I'm blaming the kids....hehehe Far too many episodes of Sofia, Doc Mcstuffins and Good Luck Charlie on there....

This time of year the TV is great! Even Saturday night TV is picking up now Ant & Dec are back!!

The Reading Residence

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Freezepops got me through....

With both of my girls I was pregnant during the summer time....Becky born in Sepetember and Ellie the end of August....Those years we had glorious sunshine and a lot of hot days.....

As soon as I became pregnant people were asking what my cravings were.....Roast parsnips covered in gravy with Becky and Garlic sauce with Ellie...The one thing which was similar with both of my pregnancies was the Ice Pop craving....

With Becky it was so hot I needed something which would cool me down and was refreshing at the same time...I was so hot all of the time...I used to go to the corner shop every day and buy those Mr Freeze ice pops....The shopkeeper used to joke with me that he only kept them in stock for me....Towards the end of my pregnancy my dad used to buy me boxes of them from the Cash & Carry.....What a hero!

I didn't know they were called Freezepops until yesterday....It makes They were always Ice Pops to me but I'm certain of one thing Mr. Freeze was my freezepop of choice....

When I was pregnant with Ellie I ate them for a different reason.....I had terrible morning sickness which lasted all day and with it being so hot the midwife actually recommended them as they could help keep dehydration at bay as well as cooling me down.....They also seemed to settle my stomach so I could manage to eat a little.....The freezer was always stocked with them.....

Even now as soon as the weather starts to get warmer I stock the freezer with them.....The girls love them!!

Mr. Freeze freezepops are now available in retail packs from the leading supermarkets making them perfect to purchase and store at home ahead of those cravings hitting you....

If you are a fan of Mr Freeze why don't you go and say hi to them.....Give them a tweet or say hello on Facebook.

What were your cravings? Did you crave Freezepops?

I am being sent a selection of Mr Freeze freezepops in exchange for sharing
my own experiences of cravings in pregnancy

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Room 101!

I saw this a while ago over on Verily Victoria Vocalises....I wanted to take part....I have a loathing for many things and this would be an excellent opportunity to have a rant!!

In case you didn’t know what Room 101 is, it is a room that was introduced in the George Orwell novel ’1984′ and was a torture chamber where the prisoner was subjected to his or her nightmare. It has now become a place where people consign the things they dislike the most....

I could probably think of 100 things to put in there never mind 10!!... 

1. Girls who wear way too much make up and look like Oompa Loompa's.... 
Foundation and fake tan are meant to look believable as your own skin...Not fecking carrot sh*t smeared across your face....I mean it doesn't say instant Oompa Loompa on the bottle...Do they not own a mirror or do they believe they look good?

2. Telephones.... 
I hate speaking on the phone to people and it annoys me when people phone me especially telemarketers! I hate trying to get assistance over the telephone only to be directed to “press this number” umpteen times and don't get me started on the music that plays when you’re on hold.... 

3. Dog Poo.....
Or the owners which don't pick it up after there pooch has pooped! It's a part of the responsibility of having a dog....Get a bag and find a bin.....If I see a dog having a poo I will slow down and see if the owner picks up the poo if not I will say something to them....

4. Lorraine Kelly...
She has to be one of the most annoying people on tv!! She has that inane irritating giggle and a really stupid fake grin....Her voice goes straight through me.... Everything about her grates on me!  

5. Wasps..... 
They sting repeatedly and indiscriminately just because they can and bees cant! unlike bees they make nothing!! They just make horrible papery nests like those lampshades you get in IKEA!

6. Cous Cous!
Awful stuff!! The texture is awful! No amount of added garlic or herbs or stock can make it taste of anything other than sawdust...

7. Self-service checkouts!
Every time I've used one it's taken twice as long.... Something always goes wrong!! Whether it's one of the barcodes not scanning or some problem with an item not having been put in the baggage area....Which means like some naughty schoolgirl I have to put my hand up and call over someone to come and help me!!

8. Boris Johnson!
I was tempted to put all politicians into Room 101 they're all as bad as each other but instead I will pick on just one....The Mayor of London – Boris Johnson. This man is a bumbling oaf and it amazes me that he can get dressed in the morning, let alone run the capital of England. He struggles to speak because he constantly has his foot in his mouth and has the ability to embarrass himself because of his appearance and his irritating voice.

9. Little Bouncy Balls!
I hate them....My girls seem to have collected hundreds of them over the years....Every now and then a couple will appear and be bounced around the house...Hitting everything and the noise they make really annoys me...Then they get left on the floor and I stand on them and they hurt....

10. Max & Ruby!
The TV show on NickJr I think...Becky loved it when she was younger and Ellie still loves it now......Ruby, the older sister of Max is a bossy, controlling and a whiny little bunny. She is apparently the primary caregiver to Max since the parents are yet to be seen. How many times in one episode can we hear the phrase “No Max!! Horrible show...Max and Ruby has no educational value and if anything teaches bad habits to children...

I’m not going to tag anyone as I think I’m pretty much the last blogger on the Internet to have done this

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Personalised ClaireaBella Bag - Review!!

Confidence, Courage and Charisma - ClaireaBella is a way of life. Created with love, ClaireaBella was born from hopes and dreams. An eternal reflection of beauty, glamour and style - she is the twinkle in the eye of every girl and the strut in every step. She is beautiful, she is inspiring, she is... you!

I love the ClaireaBella products and when I was given the chance to receive a Personalised ClaireaBella Bag from ToxicFox to review I knew straight away who's name I was going to get put on it!! Becky's!! She adores things like this and loves a bit of sparkle!

We chose the Butterfly Polo Jute Bag.....

You can personalise your jute bag with a name and you select from 3 gorgeous butterfly colours....Pink, Blue or Yellow!!

Of course Becky chose pink!!

This cute Butterfly polo bag is the perfect size to carry all your handbag essentials. Becky is a bit young to have a proper handbag but does like something to carry all her bits and bobs about now and again.....

Each jute Bag features a “hand made with love” charm and a cute rosette bow which I think is a nice touch.....There are Swarovski elements and plenty of glitter and sparkle! Fabulous!!

The ClaireaBella polo jute bag measures 21cm wide by 15cm high with a 10cm gusset and jute handles!!

Every ClaireaBella jute bag is made to order by a trained ClaireaBella artist, and can take up to 15 working days to be dispatched......

It was worth the wait!! When it arrived we were impressed!! It has sparkle and it looked very glam!! The bag is thicker and stronger than I imagined to be....It is well made and the detail is amazing!! Becky has fallen in love with it and is now asking for a larger one for her to use for school!!

I was sent a Personalised ClaireaBella Bag for the purpose of this review....This is my honest review....All thoughts and opinions are my own!!

Monday, 24 February 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

The kids are back at school today!! Hooray!!

Well we decorated last week.....The hallway, stairs and the living/dining room....We still have the wallpaper to hang but it's coming together nicely....There will be a blog post about the bargains I've got and the changes we've made when we're finally finished!

Our meal plan sort of went to plan last week! On Wednesday we lost track of time while painting and ended up with a takeaway...Good thing was if we spent over £30 we got it for half price!! I wished I'd got an extra pizza to have warmed up the next day....hehehe

Friday it was McDonalds as Becky had gone on a sleepover and we wanted to treat Ellie and on Saturday Becky came back from the sleepover and went back out with her friend for the day so Ellie & I did a bit of baking!! We cooked pizza, scones, fairy cakes, chocolate cake and a carrot cake which we had for tea so the curry I had planned is still in the freezer!!

We haven't got much on this week so on the menu we have...

Monday - Roast Chicken & Veg....
Tuesday - Chicken and Mushroom Fried Rice....
Wednesday - Tuna Bruschetta....
Thursday - Corned beef pie, chips and beans....
Friday - Fish and sweetcorn pie....
Saturday - Sloppy Joes....
Sunday - A Fry up! Sausages, bacon, mushrooms, eggs, tomatoes, beans and toast....

 As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky....

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Ellie's Day Of Fun!!

On Friday night Becky went to a sleepover at her friends house so it was just Stu, Ellie and myself.....

Throughout the day Ellie was rather upset that Becky was going to the sleepover and just couldn't/wouldn't understand why she wasn't going too.....We'd explained that it was Becky's friend and her friends mum would have her hand full with the other people at the sleepover too.....Ellie was rather grumpy about the whole thing.....We decided she needed a treat to cheer her up....

4pm came and Becky was picked up and we started to discuss what we were having for tea.....We asked Ellie what she wanted and of course she said McDonalds....So McDonalds it was....That was of course after a trip to Asda where she got a doll, Fireman Sam DVD and some sweets....Spoilt rotten she is!!

She had a long play in the bath and stayed up late playing with her new doll and eating her sweets....When she finally went to bed she had her own sleepover in Becky's bed.....but Shh! Nobody tell Becky....hehehe 

Saturday Becky came home.....For all of 10 minutes....She was off out again with her friend and her friends mam to a Zoo where she had a great time!! Ellie and I spent the day in the kitchen baking!! 

We baked fairy cakes, carrot cake, scones, chocolate cake, cream egg brownies and pizza!! We had a lovely day and for tea we ate far too much of the pizza and cakes.....Totally enjoyed them though!!

I love both my girls to bits and equally but it is lovely spending some one on one time with them....

Silent Sunday!!

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Look Bright Eyed And Bushy Tailed!

HealGel Eye is an anti-ageing formula that can help to diminish the appearance of dark circles, puffiness and fine lines. Fantastic! I didn't have to be asked twice to give this a try....I never have enough sleep and always have dark circles under my eyes...

HealGel Eye contains Arnica and Madecassoside which are suspended in liposomes with powerful peptides and biodynes to initiate a uniquely soothing and collagen boosting process. HealGel Eye contains a duel action hyaluronic acid complex that locks moisture deeper into the skin and firms the eye contours.  The effect is to soften the appearance of fine lines, even skin tone and improve the elasticity of the skin through intense hydration.  Light diffusers in the gel further improves sallow areas for a brightening and smoothing effect. 

I love the simple packaging.....There's nothing too fancy about it.....It almost looks medical but that's not a negative... The bottle is a handy little pump bottle which works well!!

I use one small pump for both eyes....A small amount of the product really does go a very long way....I love the way HealGel feels on application.....I find a lot of gels designed for your eyes can be really greasy and require lots of application....This is different....When you first apply it...It this feels so soothing and cooling...A great pick me up in the morning!! My eyes instantly feel refreshed....

I have been using HealGel Eye for a few weeks now and I can see and feel the difference!! The dark circles around my eyes have faded and the skin feels so soft and just wonderful!!....

This product does cost £32 for 15ml which I thought was expensive at first but as you need to use so little it will last a long time time and it works so I would say it's worth every penny!!

 If you suffer with puffy or sore eyes, dark circles or just want something to brighten and smooth your eye area then this is an amazing product for you.
Family Fever
I was sent HealGel Eye free of charge for the purpose of this review....This is my honest review....All thoughts and opinions are my own!! 

Friday, 21 February 2014

Half Term Outdoor Fun.....

The weather has been so rubbish lately and we have not been outside much at all....The school run and that's about it.....Half term was this last week and we knew we had to get out and about...We couldn't have the kids cooped up indoors for a full week...

I'm glad to say every day this week they have been outside....

Scooting up and down the front street......It's the only time I will let them play out the front....We live on a terraced street with a road at each end so there is no fear of them being hit by cars.....It's just the other kids around here.....Horrible children!! If I don't see my two going past the front window every few minutes I'm at the front door hunting them down and making sure they are not getting into trouble!! 

They've played outside in the back yard with all the plant pots and tubs which were full of water.....They had loads of fun but came in soaking!! 

Stu took the girls up the street to buy some Turps (We've been decorating) and of course they bumped into Peppa Pig and George again....This time with the added bonus of Bob The Builder.... It must be the sixth or seventh photo we have of them but the kids get so excited every time they see the pigs....hehehe

We've been to the park a couple of times.....It's starting to look more like spring out there.....Well during the day it is....The days are getting longer and the is shining more....Although I am sat here Friday evening typing this with the rain beating against the window and the wind blowing a gale out

The girls took their scooters with them when we went shopping on Thursday.....I wanted some Fabric Dye from Wilkinsons to dye our curtains.....This trip our nearly resulted in Stu get in trouble with the police....

Our high street is closed to traffic during the day unless it's a delivery van....It's a pedestian..We were walking down the street and happened to be level with one of those community police officers when 3 lads on the back of a horse and cart came trotting along the main street.....They went off the road and onto the pavement and I had to shout to my girls to move....The police officer didn't bat an eyelid and had no intention of doing anything until Stu kicked up a fuss....Stu's point was that if a car had came down the street and drove onto the pavement there would be hell on.....Three chavs on a horse and cart and it's fine....Stu asked the police officer what he was going to do and he said nothing!! There's nothing they can do as it would cause more danger to pull them over...He asked the police officer if he was having a laugh and called him an imbecile which he wasn't too happy about...We just walked off...I just think the police officer must of been scared of horses!! 

Afterwards the girls did have fun scooting outside of Wilkinsons.....The perfect place to blow off some energy....Very flat with not to many people about!!

 Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

First Memories....

A new study claims that childhood amnesia (when early memories are forgotten) happens at around the age of seven.

From seven onwards our memories of early childhood fade. Most children by the age of eight or nine can only recall 35% of their experiences from under the age of three, according to the new findings. 

 The psychologists behind the research say this is because at around this age the way we form memories begins to change. 

 The earliest memory I have is sitting on the settee when I was four years old eating dry cereal and being told not to move by my grandad....

I'd fallen down the stairs and I've been told since that my mam and dad were out collecting money for the milk round they had....There was no mobile phones back then so they couldn't be contacted so I was waiting for my Aunt Jean to come and take me to hospital....

I don't remember going to the hospital or having a caste put onto my arm or staying the night in hospital but I do remember kicking up a fuss when I was woken up early and  there was no hot chocolate and then finding out I was on a ward full of boys! lol

Come to think of it all the memories I have from my childhood involve pain.....Falling off horses, out of trees, running into scaffolding and breaking my 

Thursday, 20 February 2014

My Desert Island Discs

The lovely Morgan over at Shaking Away the Cobwebs tagged me in the the Desert Island Discs thingy what seems like ages ago...It took me ages to decide on 8 songs and then I changed a couple.....Imagine only listening to 8 songs for the rest of your life....

So what we do is pick 8 pieces of music that you would like to have on a desert island, a book and a luxury item....Here's mine!

1 - Bon Jovi - Always! 

It's mine and my fella's song....I love all of Bon Jovi's songs but this one is definitely my favourite! 

2 - My Chemical Romance - Welcome to the black parade!

Another song which holds a lot of memories for me....When I first moved to Ashington this was out in the charts and as we didn't have the internet or Sky TV in I had to resort to listening to the Radio...This was always being played....I even went out and bought the single on My fella and I always said when we get married we're having this as our first dance..I'm sure my friends will appreciate it....My family not so much....

3. Black Eyed Peas - I gotta feeling!

This is my going out song.....It has to be played before a night out.....It always puts me in a great mood!

4. Kenny Rogers - The Gambler 

I love this song...The first time I actually heard it was way back in the early 2000's on the Wrestling....The Rock sung it to Stone Cold (which was so funny by the way) and it sounded so catchy...I downloaded it and listened to it properly....So many lessons in life to learn from it....

5. Hanson - Mmmbop

Ahh the summer of 1997.....This song reminds me of then! My best friend and I annoying her brother to drive us about in his car with this song blasting....We were so not cool! lol So cheesy it's good!

6. Bare Naked Ladies - One Week

I love this song....I feel so clever when I sing it as I know all the words....hehehe My friend and I learnt them all years ago....The most random lyrics!! 

Chickity China the Chinese chicken
You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin'
Watchin' X-Files with no lights on
We're dans la maison
I hope the Smoking Man's in this one
Like Harrison Ford I'm getting frantic
Like Sting I'm tantric
Like Snickers, guaranteed to satisfy

7. One Direction - Little Things

Just because I love this song....It doesn't mean I love those silly boys from One Direction...My girls do though! This song makes me think of them....

8. Glee - Don't stop Believin 

I do like the Journey version of this but I am a massive Glee fan....This always makes me smile!!

For the book I would take The SAS Survival Handbook: The ultimate guide to surviving...hehehe 

My luxury item would be a big comfy bed!! I do like my sleep!!

I tag you all to take part in this!! 

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Unbirthday presents!

A new survey has revealed that millions of children get a bonus birthday present on their siblings birthday - receiving an 'Unbirthday present' to open so they don't feel left out on their brother or sister's special day.

The study of 2,000 parents found that 45% of buy their children birthday presents on their siblings' birthdays, as well as their actual birthday.

 When I was a child if it was my brothers birthday I would get a few presents and he would on mine.....As we got older in the teenage years when it was my brothers birthday he would get £50 and I would get £25! I think we were spoilt rotten!!

My girl's birthdays are 12 days apart so we have always explained to them that there birthday will be soon or they've just had it....

I think even if there birthdays were six months apart the still wouldn't be getting presents....They get more enough throughout the year...

I don't think there is anything wrong with one child being center of attention for one day a year....It's their birthday!! I'd hate to take that special feeling away from one of my girls just because one of them may be jealous!!

Do you buy 'unbirthday present's on your child's siblings birthday?

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Aloe Vera Drinks - Review!!

Aloe Vera is one of the most famous plants in the world, and is has been used frequently in history for its medicinal properties....I knew it was good for soothing sunburn and skin irritation but I didn't know you could get Aloe Vera drinks....

Drinking aloe vera replenishes your body naturally with a huge range of nutrients....It contains approximately 200 active components including - vitamins A, B1,B2,B6, B12, C, E, folic acid and Niacin....It is often used to help with the symptoms of Irritable bowel syndrome and has also been shown to be helpful for conditions such as acid reflux....As well as all that it also helps with digestion, is good for immunity and good skin health.....

The wonderful people from Taj Foods sent me a couple of bottles of their Aloe Vera drinks to try.....

They come in six wonderful flavours....Pomegranate and Cranberry, Lychee, Strawberry, Passion, Original and Mango...

 I was sent the Strawberry and Original flavour to try....As soon as they arrived I opened them....The bottle is so bright and eye catching....These could really get noticed on the shelves in supermarkets!!

I took a swig out of the Strawberry one first....I was in for a shock....There was little pulpy bits in it which I was not expecting....There was nothing bad about them apart from the fact I nearly spat them out over my I missed the bit written on the bottle which said it was 16% pulp....

 The strawberry Aloe Vera juice's taste reminded me of jelly which hasn't quite set....It was delicious!! Even though there is low sugar in it...It did taste sweet..I would gladly drink this again....

The original flavour wasn't so good for me....I just didn't like the taste.....My fella and the girls liked it so it really is just down to personal preferance!

I could see myself drinking the Strawberry one again....It is very refreshing....I can't wait to try the other flavours especially the Mango or Pomegranate and Cranberry which sounds delicious!!

These drinks are sold at a number of high street stores such as ASDA, Tesco and Sainsbury's....

**Please note - Aloe Vera drinks are not suitable if pregnant, breast feeding or for children under 3**

I was sent these products free of charge for my honest review....All thoughts and opinions are my own...

Monday, 17 February 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Hooray! It's the half term holidays...The kids are off school and we have decided to decorate the living room....Simply for the reason it's the only week my fella could get off work.....It's going to get a bit crazy round here and the meals I've planned will all be simple....Not the healthiest of food but so what!....No faffing about here this week....

Last weeks meal plan went to plan sort of.....We didn't do anything for Valentines day we had the burgers in buns we planned for Saturday and on Saturday we had a takeaway....A new one has opened near us and it would of been rude not to try it....We won't be using it again....Took an hour and 10 minutes to arrive and was cold when it did....We had to warm it up in the microwave! Grrr!! It did taste nice....Just a shame about the wait!

This week on the menu we have.... 

Monday - Bacon butties...
Tuesday - Out for my friends daughters birthday....Will get something on the way home (takeaway)...
Wednesday - Scrambled egg and waffles....
Thursday - Chicken Pastry Bakes in a Creamy Mushroom Sauce with new potatoes and peas....
Friday - Sausages chips and beans....
Saturday - Curry and rice....I'm sure I have some left in the freezer....
Sunday - Pie & peas....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky....

Saturday, 15 February 2014

North Vs South.....

'It's grim up North' goes the song of the same name. Rubbish! It's brilliant up here!!

We are hardened to the cold....

 ‘-10°? Might have to pop a jumper on.’ You develop a skin thicker than thick when you brave the Northern winter...It might actually be against the law to wear a coat or jacket for a night out in Newcastle....hehehe

Chips and Gravy!!

 Anything and gravy in fact....

Everyone is friendlier up North!

Northerners are always happy to help, you need never fear asking for directions in the North. If you get a flat tyre, not only will someone help you put the spare wheel on, they’ll also change your oil, top up your wiper fluid...hehehe
Newcastle Brown Ale.

‘Newkie Brown’ - the brown ale that originated in Newcastle...It's the best-selling imported beer in America

The Countryside...

There’s a reason Wuthering Heights wasn’t set down south...The dales, the moors, the Lake District, so full of drama and power. It’s simply staggering....

The Baked Goods...

You will never find a better pie anywhere outside the North, that’s a stone cold fact. Then you’ve got all the local delicacies like Eccles cakes, congress tarts and stottie cakes. You can get them outside the North, but they’re just not as good, so what's the point?

It's Cheap!

The rent is cheap, the drinks are cheap, going out is cheap, travel is cheap, takeaways are cheap. Moving to the North could be the best financial decision you ever make.


You haven’t had a brew until you’ve had a Northern brew.... There must be just something in the water which makes tea taste better!!

Friday, 14 February 2014

Time to decorate......

We have lived in this house for three years in August....We decorated right through when we moved in but haven't since.....Everywhere is looking a bit worn so we're planning on decorating...

My favourite colour is purple and of course I wanted purple wallpaper around the fireplace......Stu said no but it didn't take me long to convince him I knew best....hehehe

I found this one in Wilkinsons.....Arthouse Opera Blown Vinyl Anouska Berry Wallpaper....Fancy sounding but it looks lovely!! It's a bit on the pricey side at £9.97 a roll but we'll only need a couple of rolls as it's just going around the fireplace....

Stu will be putting it up....He says he knows how to wallpaper....How hard can it be he

At the moment we have cream curtains.....I'm planning on saving a bit of money and dying them purple....Well intense Violet to be exact.....I have previously used the DYLON Fabric Dyes before so I know what I'm doing and even if it doesn't work or goes too dark I've only wasted £10...Two packs to do two sets of curtains.....On the other hand if it does work I have saved at least £60 for new curtains....

We have 10 cushions five cream which can stay and five brown which won't go with the purple.....So on eBay I've found some cushion covers for £2 each with free postage....A lot cheaper than buying brand new cushions as there is nothing wrong with the one's we have....They're just the wrong colour....

Thankfully we have a cream leather sofa which will go with anything.....

Then the last thing I want to buy is some things for the walls.....I want to stick with the purple theme......

I am fancying this canvas from Poundstretcher. 60cm x 60cm and only £6.99 which I think is so cheap....What a bargain....

I also want to put some more pictures of the girls and our family up on the walls....I'm fancying a frame like this...I just have to hunt one down at a reasonable price....
  So what do you think? A couple of my friends have reds and I wanted something different....Even Stu is liking my plans now.....The bathroom will be next....hehehe