Tuesday 30 April 2013

It's been a month....

It's been four weeks today since I received my Electronic Cigarette from Smoke Relief and I think it's the best thing I've ever reviewed!! It has changed my life!!
Read my review of the kit HERE

 In the time I've had it....4 full weeks I have had about 7 normal cigarettes....5 when I was on a night out....Alcohol is to blame...lol and two when there was a fire next door and we had to evacuate the house at 3am in the morning...I think in the situation it was justified!! lol....I don't think that is too bad!! In fact I think it's pretty darn good!!!

I've saved so much money.....I was spending up to £30 a week on cigarettes.....Now I'm spending about £7 a week!!!

I think I feel better for it too....Just after I got the kit I came down with a cold and I have to say I have got over it quickly!! I used to always be left with a cough....This time I haven't!!

I think if you are thinking about quitting smoking but can't find the willpower like me....This is a great alternative!! Saves money and is a lot better for you!!

Monday 29 April 2013

Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday


Monday again!!
Last weeks meals went down a treat!!

The kids absolutely loved the Hot dogs with Spaghetti through and all the stuff that I won from the Ainsley Harriot hamper was lovely!! Well almost all of it....I tried the Couscous for lunch and I didn't like it at all....Nope not for me.....I ended up giving the couscous to a good friend of mine...She loves the stuff!

On Friday we had a man out to repair our fridge....It was too cold and the fridge part was freezing he messed about with it and over the weekend we've noticed the fridge isn't as cold as it should be and some of the freezer food is just to say frozen and will need eating up very soon...Got them coming back out on Tuesday to sort it hopefully!! So this week will be mainly eating stuff out of the freezer!! Not what I wanted at all...So glad I didn't do a big shop and don't have a fridge full of fresh food!!

 So on the menu this week we have....
Monday - Leftovers out of the freezer...Sausage casserole, spaghetti bolognese or curry! lol
Tuesday - Chicken burgers, chips & beans....
Wednesday - Cod Steaks In Butter Sauce with new potatoes.... 
Thursday - Cottage pie....
Friday - Pizza....
Saturday - Chinese takeaway....
Sunday - Chicken & chips.....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful At Home With Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky. 

Saturday 27 April 2013

Candy Crush Saga...

Have you been suckered in like me to play the game Candy Crush Saga?

 I noticed the game the day it was actually released on Facebook so I've been playing right from the start...

I love it and hate it at the same time....

I have done well....As of writing this I'm stuck on level 325!! From what I can see it goes all the way up to level 350!! There is actually a couple of my friends already up there....I'm guessing either stuck or waiting for more levels to open up!!

All the levels are do-able without resorting to buying the extras!! I have found looking on Youtube to see how the level is done sometimes helps!!  

This is the worst thing to see when playing the game...lol


Friday 26 April 2013

The Most Annoying Parenting Habits....

 Are we all guilty of being annoying over-sharing mothers? According to a new survey we are!!

The new research of 1,254 British parents revealed that despite perhaps being guilty of some of these ourselves, us mums still get annoyed by the habits of other proud parents..

Take a look at the top ten most annoying habits and how many are you guilty of?!

1. Using a ‘cutesy’ voice - Done! I still do it now and mine are 5 & 10!

2. Baby-related status updates on Facebook - Yep!! I always post about my girls...Don't think I'd have much to say without them...

3. Putting babies on the phone - I don't think I ever did when mine were babies...

4. Not disciplining children when unruly in public - My girls get disciplined where ever we are....If I didn't they would think they could get away with anything all the time...

5. Swearing in front of children - I have but really try not to...This annoys me if people swear in front of my children!

6. Blaming their children for not going out any more - I don't blame them...I chose to have them!! It's part of being a parent...

7. Parents who constantly say how ‘perfect’ their child is - This annoys me...Nobody is perfect!!

8. Criticising other parents’ children - I try not to....I criticise other people's parenting for making the children the way they are....

9. Matching outfit between father/son or mum/daughter - No! NO! No! It's just wrong....I think it is anyway!!

10. Using their children as an excuse to be unsociable - No I never have used my girls as an excuse to get out of an social event....

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Baking Day!!

On Saturday the girls and I had a baking day!!

I'm not much of a baker but I had a great time....Yes it was all ready mixes but for the fact I've never really baked before apart from little cupcakes with the girls I think we did well!

The girls even made their own pizza for their tea....Everything from the dough to chopping up their own toppings!!

 We made so much.....

Fairy Cakes, Scones, Crispie Cakes, Chocolate Sponge Cakes, Little cupcakes which the girls had a great time decorating and Carrot Cake!

Everything tasted delicious and we're really enjoying eating everything....We will be baking again!!

Monday 22 April 2013

Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Monday again!! Last weeks meal plan didn't really go to plan...I was full of cold so didn't feel like eating never mind cooking! We did manage a couple of the meals and the Pirate’s Treasure Trove Chest with Fish Nuggets & Potatoes went down really well....

This weeks meal plan will be sponsored by Ainsley Harriot!! lol 

I won a hamper in a Twitter giveaway so we're giving some of the stuff in there a try!! There's Couscous in there which I've never tried so that will be an experience...I'll have it for lunch before I inflict it on the kids.....lol

I'm also giving these a try for the kids.....Hot dogs with spaghetti through....Probably with a bit of pasta sauce....So simple yet fun!!

So this week we have....

Monday - Hungarian Goulash & Pasta....Sauce mixes out the hamper!
TuesdaySome sort of soup with the yummy sounding croutons out the hamper...
Wednesday - Hot dogs with spaghetti....
Thursday - Smoked Bacon & Wild Mushroom Tangy Tomato Risotto - I'll double the ingredients so there's enough for the four of us...The sauce mix out of the hamper! 
Friday - Pizza....
Saturday - Lasagne & garlic bread... 
Sunday - Chicken casserole, mash & veg...

As always I've joined in with the wonderful At Home With Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky. 

Saturday 20 April 2013

Movie Guide For Parents....

 How often has your family sat down to what was promised to be a nice PG family movie, to just end up having to cover the kids eyes constantly?

Well it turns out there are resources out there to help parents find family suitable movies, so that the evening stays fun and light-hearted instead of full of embarrassment....

Kids In Mind
This website gives descriptions of each movie listed, as well as user reviews for cross reference. It also provides a colour coded and numerical rating on profanity, nudity and violence in each film.

Parent Previews
This in depth site allows parents to even view variables such as how much alcohol is consumed in the movie. It will also provide parents with notes on movie length, as well as cast members in all the latest releases. Along with all this, the site will also provide alternative movie ideas for the more unsuitable movies.

Screenit provides an even more in depth analysis of movies than Parent Previews, using a bar graph of more than 10 different variables in a movie, as well as ranking them from “light” to “extreme”.

Now you can happily leave the kids to watch that movie they wanted, or have a fun family night without being on edge the whole time wondering if you’ll have to do damage control at any minute. So check up on the sites, then pop the popcorn and sit back and enjoy the show!

Friday 19 April 2013

Parcel Delivery People!!

Most weeks I have one or two parcels delivered....

Most of them come via Royal Mail and manage to get here ok! They don't seem to have a problem finding my front door and knocking on it...

My problem and reason of my rant lies with the the delivery people who come with a van the likes of Parcelforce, Dpd, CityLink, etc....

They are useless and Lazy!!!

I was supposed to have a parcel delivered a prize I'd won....Waited in 2 days for it and ended up getting in touch with the company running the giveaway they gave me a number to get in touch with the delivery company....Turns out the delivery guy had gone to the back garden gate saw it was locked and left a note wedged in the handle of the gate.....Which probably blew away in the wind we've had....All he had to do was come to the front door but Ohh no that would of meant getting wetter as it was raining most of Friday if I remember rightly!!

You see I live in a row of terraced houses with just a front garden and path between us and the people opposite....It would mean the delivery driver would have to park on the road at the side and walk about thirty steps to my front door....Easier for them to try the back gate see it's locked and say no one's in!

It's not the first time it's happened!! I've had parcels threw over the back gate because they didn't want to come to the front and actually kick the back gate until the lock had broke.....He got a mouthful off me! Think I actually scared him as I was waving my arms around like a loon and shouting!....lol

And while I'm on with the rant....On the odd occasion they do make it to the front door I've seen them coming and got up to answer the door opened it to see them getting a 'sorry we missed you card' ready to post through the door without even bothering to knock!! 

Can they not just do the job they are paid to do!! 

Wednesday 17 April 2013

E45 Body Lotion - Review!!

The great website BzzAgent has come up trumps again and sent me some fantastic products to try....This time some body lotions from E45!!

Drawing from their knowledge of more acute skin ailments, E45 has developed a daily body lotion range that will rejuvenate and enliven your skin to give it a healthy glow day in and day out. It will leave your skin feeling and looking luminous no matter if you’re headed to store or out for an extravagant dinner.

I was sent a bottle of E45 Nourish & Restore which is a lightly fragranced everyday lotion to help prevent dry skin and retain moisture and a bottle of E45 Moisturising Lotion which is a fragrance free everyday lotion that soothes, softens and relieves dry and sensitive skin..

 They say "After just one try you will see the difference to your skin. The new range of daily body lotions are so light they let you enjoy the indulgence and nourishment of E45 every single day" and they are right...
I had particularly dry skin on my upper arms, face and my legs too....Too much wearing thick jumpers throughout the winter and in the cold weather I think!!

I have been using these body lotions for nearly two weeks now and I love them!! When applied they sink straight in and have a fresh and clean scent to them not like other moisturisers....After only using them for a couple of days my skin felt soft to the touch and was not flaky and dry like it had been....My skin does have a healthy glow to it and looks more luminous!! I will be buying these in the future!!

The range of E45 products can be bought from all the usual places including Tesco's & Boots...

I was sent this free of charge for being a BzzAgent...This is my honest review....All thoughts and opinions are my own!!

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Bra's are useless?!

New research has claimed that bras are useless and might do more harm than good. The French study suggest women would do better to go without their bras. 

Professor Jean-Denis Rouillon of Besançon University, who ran the study said: “Medically, physiologically, anatomically – breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity.” The study found that breast stayed firmer and sagged less for women who did not wear a bra.

Once women start wearing a bra breasts become 'dependent' on them and the supporting muscle is then underused and degrades more quickly....The professor did, however, say that women who have worn bras for years should not suddenly cast them aside.

Obviously a man came to this conclusion....lol

As soon as I put on my pj's at night off comes my bra and it is a relief but I couldn't imagine going without it during the day....

I'm not bragging but I have rather large breasts which without a bra would be all over the place...I need a bra to keep them where they should be... 

Monday 15 April 2013

Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Monday again!! The weeks are flying over...
 The kids have gone back to school so we're back to some sort of normality....I love my little darlings but when they're at school there is more of a routine....I like routine!! 

Monday - Quick tomato soup with cheesy garlic dippers 
Tuesday - Hot dogs in buns.... 
Wednesday - Tuna pasta bake.... 
Thursday - Chicken Korma, rice & naan bread... 
Friday - Pirate’s Treasure Trove Chest with Fish Nuggets & Potatoes 
Saturday - Picky picnic tea....Sandwiches, sausage rolls, crisps, cakes... 
Sunday - Roast chicken dinner with veg, stuffing, Yorkshire puddings & gravy....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful At Home With Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky. 

Saturday 13 April 2013

It's back...

It's back....Tonight 7pm ITV!

We all love it here!!...Unlike X-Factor you never know what you're going to get....dancing dogs, comedians, contortionists, dancers or drag acts...Who knows?!

Then there's the judges....I love Simon Cowell & David Walliams....Amanda Holden I can take or leave.....Alesha Dixon is the only one I've never really warmed too...

The only thing I don't like about the show is the singers...
Most of them could audition for The Voice or The X-Factor!! The majority of them have no place on Britains Got Talent...Well apart from the likes of Susan Boyle and that little lass Connie Talbot!!

So tonight come 7pm we're going to be settled in front of the tv with lots of snacks and nibbles enjoying one of the best shows on tv!!

Will you be watching??  

Friday 12 April 2013

When I'm an Old Lady....

When I'm an old lady, I'll live with each kid,
and bring so much happiness, just as they did.
I want to pay back all the joy they've provided.
Returning each deed! Oh, they'll be so excited!
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids)

I'll write on the wall with reds, whites and blues,
and I'll bounce on the furniture wearing my shoes.
I'll drink from the carton and then leave it out.
I'll stuff all the toilets and oh, how they'll shout!
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids)

When they're on the phone and just out of reach,
I'll get into things like sugar and bleach.
Oh, they'll snap their fingers and then shake their head,
and when that is done, I'll hide under the bed!
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids)

When they cook dinner and call me to eat,
I'll not eat my green beans or salad or meat,
I'll gag on my okra, spill milk on the table,
And when they get angry. I'll run. if I'm able!
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids)

I'll sit close to the TV, through the channels I'll click,
I'll cross both eyes just to see if they stick.
I'll take off my socks and throw one away,
and play in the mud till the end of the day!
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids)

And later in bed, I'll lay back and sigh,
I'll thank God in prayer and then close my eyes.
My kids will look down with a smile slowly creeping,
and say with a groan, "She's so sweet when she's sleeping!"

Thursday 11 April 2013

The Worst Facebook Friends....

We all have annoying friends on Facebook or Twitter....

According to new research, diet and fitness freaks who continuously brag about their weight loss are the official most annoying Facebook or Twitter friend that we all have...But proud parents who over-share every second of their newborn’s little life and that one friend who is always sending you requests to play games like Candy Crush or Farmville weren’t that far behind.....

The study of almost 1,800 people by online sports retailer Sweatband.com found that sharing photos of every meal you eat or posting attention-seeking statuses and then refusing to talk about it are other ways to quickly lose friends on Facebook....

I have deleted a few attention seekers in the past....A drama every day and totally unbelievable!!

Here’s the list of the most annoying things you can do on social media....
Dieters and fitness fanatics - (posting photos and updates from the gym at every moment). I don't have many of them....The ones I do have don't bother me....I am certainly not one of these...lol

Meal photographers – I can be guilty of this if it's something great I've cooked which does not happen very often....lol My fella is the worst for doing this...He likes to play at Man V's Food...Huge portions then shows them off on Facebook..

Attention seekers - Asking for help and then telling any concerned commenters that they ‘don’t want to talk about it’ This annoys me!! If you don't want to talk about it don't post about it!!!! I have told people this in the past...They are not my friend now....lol I'm not a bitch....Just don't be an attention seeker....

Gamers – I am so guilty of this....hehehe I'm always asking for extra lives on Candy Crush Saga....But I'm on level 300 and it is so addictive!! By the way every level is do-able without buying any of the extra stuff :)

Overly proud parents – OK, I might be a bit guilty of this one....My kids do something good and I'm so going to share, my kids do something funny I'll share...Ohh if they're naughty I'll share that too!!

Checker in - The one who checks in to every single place they visit....I think I've checked into a couple of places but that was only my friend tagging me in it....I wouldn't even know how to check into somewhere.....

Useless invitations –  Invitations to parties or events that are on the other side of the country....I get loads of these....Not just the other side of the country.....Different countries too...lol

The stalker – The friend who comments and likes every single status or picture you post....I used to have a couple of these....They've calmed down lately....Maybe I've become boring....lol 

The friendly business – The business who friend-requests every one so you might buy something from them.....This doesn't bother me....They are only trying to make a living....

Do you have any of these friends or are you guilty of being one?!

Wednesday 10 April 2013


Once upon a time in 1993 there was a comedy show about six twenty-something friends who lived in New York City and drank coffee at local beanerie. The show was called 'Insomnia Café,' the name of the hangout.

When the show debuted on September 22, 1994, the coffee shop was called Central Perk, the writers had shortened the second title of the show from 'Friends Like Us' to 'Friends' and despite mixed reviews, the world fell in love with Joey, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, Phoebe and Ross.

I can watch Friends over and over again....I have...lol I always seem to catch at least a couple of episodes a week....

Comedy Central are showing there top 50 Episodes of Friends at the moment and it got me thinking....

I don't think I could pick one single episode which is my favorite...I have a lot of episodes which I love my top three are...

The One Where No One's Ready
Ross frantically tries to get everyone ready for his museum function - but Joey and Chandler fight over chairs and clothes. Monica hears an old message from Richard and thinks it might be new so she leaves him a message, but ends up making things progressively worse. Phoebe's dress gets dirty and Rachel can't decide what to wear so Ross loses his temper with her. The best bit for me is where Joey goes and wears all of
Chandler's clothes....It cracked me up!!

The One with the Thanksgiving Flashbacks
Thanksgiving episodes were always good on 'Friends,' but this was the best. All the flashbacks were great, but none funnier than the Ross and Chandler going to the Gellers for Thanksgiving twice. In the first, Monica's heart is broken. In the second, Chandler loses a toe. So funny!! And the reason Monica lost weight & became a chef!!

The One with the Embryos
This should have been called "The One with the Contest." Monica and Rachel bet that they know Chandler and Joey better than Chandler and Joey know them. At stake was the fate of Monica and Rachel's apartment. I can't actually remember what happens with

Do you watch Friends? Do you love it too?