I seem to have gone a full circle with Halloween. Going from not celebrating it at all, to going crazy about it when my girls were younger to now where I am not really bothered about it.
When I was child Halloween was not a big thing. I lived on a farm in the middle of nowhere and there wasn't much chance to go trick or treating as our nearest neighbour was just under a mile away. Thankfully the school I went to always had a Halloween disco so there was the chance to dress up and join in the spooky fun. My first memory of dressing up was when I was about 10 years old. Costumes and pumpkins weren't easy to come by so we used black bin bags for our costumes and my dad carved us turnips! Have you ever tried to cut a turnip/swede? It's hard work, my dad was a hero and I didn't even realise it at the time!
It wasn't until I had kids myself that I got into Halloween. The first year we really did anything was when Ellie was just over a year old, I had bought the girls witchy costumes and not long after Ellie was dressed as a witch she took her first steps and started to walk. We joked that it was the magic of the witch costume. hehehe
The girls used to love carving pumpkins even though they hated scraping the insides out. There was always a lot of screeching and shouts of "mam, can you do it". We have carried on the tradition of carving pumpkins, this has been the first year that we haven't done some in about 18 years.
When the girls were at school we would meet up with friends and go trick or treating and then my friend would put a party tea on for the kids. It was always a lot of fun and the amount of sweets that the kids got were crazy. People were so generous! The kids would be eating the sweets that they got for weeks.
Most of the time Halloween would fall during the half term break from school and we would always do some Halloween crafts, we used to review a lot of the Baker Ross sets which the girls used to love and I am sure that we still have those scratch art haunted houses in one of our memory boxes.
I was going to say I don't miss celebrating Halloween but actually I do, we had a lot of fun times.
What have you got planned for Halloween?